gatric balloon fitted 5 days ago - chatters wanted UK

Long time no log-on!

Hi everyone!

Just been catching up on everyone's progress and getting aquainted with the new posters. Everyone seems to be doing fantastically!

Far be it from me to bring the party down - but I don't really feel any different than pre-balloon, although I have just started to experience the most amazing wind (both ends I'm afraid :blush5:) including the rather unpleasant "garlic egg" burps. I was almost relieved to have a balloon symptom!

I have had my balloon in for 5 weeks now and have lost 16 lbs (which I know is not to be sniffed at) but I lost most of that in the 1st 2 weeks with meal replacements. I am now trying to follow weightwatchers and have managed to start exercising - although I am crazy unfit. I feel pretty upbeat compared to how I felt when I went for surgery but I was really hoping not to feel hunger pangs. Although perhaps I'm not quite as food obsessed as I was. Does anyone else suffer from a dull feeling in their stomach every now and again that feels rather like a hunger pang? ( I think it might be excess stomach acid? seems to happen more at night than any other time)

I knew it was going to be up to me but I think I must have been relying a little too much on feeling pretty sick but I've had nothing like that at all. The upside is that everytime I reach for something bad I think about the money I spent and it does usually help to curb my appetite!

Anyway - congratulations to everyone! Keep up the good work - I'll be logging on more regularly again as I find this strand really inspiring!

Best wishes to you all

Harriet xxx
Hi Madharri123,

Yes, I was wondering what had happened to you! Mind you, haven't been on myself that much recently! Anyway, congratulations on your weight loss - sounds like you are doing really well. :Angel_anim:

It's funny, cos in some ways you seem to be having the opposite experience from me - I went into it thinking it would just "take the edge off my appetite"; not really expecting the unpleasant symptoms to last more than a few days - so it was a shock to end up feeling so rough for so long! :eek: But I can also understand what you're saying - you expected to feel more of a difference after spending all that money. And the sickness definitely stops you eating very much, so it's effective in helping the weight loss! Anyway, do continue to keep us updated - as & when you can!

As for myself, I'm really delighted to have got under 12 stone now, as it's years since I was that weight. I'd still like to lose about another stone before it comes out, but I think that's unlikely, as I only have about 6 weeks left, and I only lost one pound this week - still, I'll do the best I can! :p

Well, keep up the good work - bye for now!:waving:
Hi guys!

I now have my date for the removal - it's the 27th March, so only 3 & a half weeks away! Really looking forward to no longer having the unpleasant side effects (which never completely went away) but also rather worried about how I'll cope after it comes out.:newangel: Does anyone know if there are any threads on the forum for ex-ballooners?? (probs not!) Will most likely still have over a stone to lose after it comes out, so I need to stay focused. If anyone in a similar position wants to discuss it, or offer any advice, feel free! :)

Hope everyone else is getting on OK xx

Hi everyone,

Zoe, hope all goes well with your balloon insertion on Wednesday - I'll be thinking of you! When you are feeling rough, keep reminding yourself that it DOES get better, & the 6 months actually pass surprisingly quickly! ;)

Well, I've just had my balloon removed (yesterday!) :party: I actually posted a more detailed account of the removal on another thread ("Gastric Balloon" by Weallea) as not many people have been posting on this thread lately. But anyway, I feel fine, and my total weight loss for the 6 months was 3 stone 6lbs, which I'm more than happy with, although I'm going to try & lose a bit more.

Good luck to everyone else, may you all get the results you are hoping for! x :waving:
Wow well done thats great!! bet u r pleased with that weight loss. Well i had the balloon fitted this morning at 10am and actually am feeling not too bad, no sickness as yet, just tummy cramps which i can cope with!
Lovely to be home though on the sofa with a blanket over me lol x
Hi Zoe,

Hope you are coping OK with the balloon in. I felt pretty rough for the first few weeks, but some people seem to adjust quite quickly to it. :)

Have you been managing to eat/drink much yet? Where did you have your balloon fitted by the way (ie which company?).

Well, approx 10 days after my removal, my appetite seems to be returning with a vengeance!!:eek: We've had visitors over Easter, and are going away to visit other relatives this weekend, so all that isn't helping! But I'm determined to get back on the straight & narrow next week - summer's coming (we hope!) and I can't let all that hard work (& money!!) go to waste!

Anyway, I have to dash now, but I'll be keeping an eye on the forum to see how everyone's doing, and hopefully to give me inspiration, & remind myself what the last 6 months were all about! :seeya:
Hiya, yes I am managing well to eat and drink on small portions on solids now as day 8, only problem I seem to have is bad indigestion even with the medication and terrible breath and keep burping so I really hope that settles down!!
I had mine done at the Nuffield hospital local to me only a 15 min car journey so perfect :) they were fantastic i have a dietician follow up wk after next too.
Hope u have a good wk and stay positive xx
This balloon procedure seems to be pretty effective. Do you find yourselves just not being very hungry with it? Are there any bad side effects?
Hi there,

I had my balloon put in on the 30th April, the first night was horrid because I couldn't sleep but the next night I took a muscle relaxent to help with the cramps (don't know if that's allowed) anywayz was only sick for about 3days and everythings been ok since. I havn't lost much weight so am a bit dissapointed but hoping it will increase. I had my balloon put in in South Africa and wasn't given a diet to follow so any suggestions would be most welcome.

Thanks and cheers
Hi there,

I too had mine done recently, sadly haven't lost much but hoping it will get better. No hectic side effects luckly but wasnt given a diet to follow so any help would be great.

thanks and good luck
Hi Bonnybee,

Glad to hear that your sickness has settled down now. Hopefully your weight loss will pick up - mine took a while to get going.

It must be difficult for you without a diet sheet to follow. :confused: I was advised to eat mainly protein foods to begin with (fish, scrambled eggs, ham & other meats), then after a couple of months dairy stuff was introduced (yoghurt, low-fat soft cheese etc) but I was supposed to avoid carbs for the first 4 months. Mind you, I think that was more to do with achieving a good weight loss than anything else - I don't think I'd have come to any harm if I'd eaten carbs sooner, but to begin with I stuck rigidly to the diet out of fear! I was also allowed a variety of fruit & veg from day one, and rice cakes or ryvitas. Certain cerels and porridge were also allowed after the first few weeks. But other people seem to have been given totally different diet sheets, depending where their balloon was put in.

I don't know if you've seen my old posts, but I did end up cheating from time to time, and still achieved a good weight loss in the end (not been so good since the balloon came out though - well, I've pretty much maintained my weight - but I really want to lose more!)

By the way, I tried to accept your friend request, but I didn't seem able to do so :( I've had the same problem before. If you ever want to send me a pm, feel free.

Good luck for the rest of your diet, will keep an eye out for further posts from you - it would be nice to hear how you're getting on! x:seeya:
Hi Cuddlymum,

Thanx for the reply was gr8 to hear from you. Surprisingly the only guide lines I was given was to avoid spicy foods coz I just love chillies and to eat yoghurt and soup. They didnt say for how long or what to do after. I have tried omelette and boild egg and they don't stay down so I don't thing eggs are a good thing for me. Can you please tell me how often you ate and what sort of size portion and if you drank alcahol and if so what type and how often, and could you also tell me what veg you were allowed to eat?. I had gem squash and carrots last night (very well cooked) and it was so divine but I don't know if they are allowed, oh and sadly I don't eat fish but I do love chicken if thats ok. Sorry for all the questions but don't want to muck this up, I really need to lose as much as I can, I'm a hermit and stay at home coz I can't bear being seen.

xx Thanx for your assistance and take care :eek:)
Hi Bonnybee,

Nice to hear from you again - you sound really determined to make this work, which is great! You obviously have the right attittude, and desrve to succeed! :Angel_anim:

To answer some of your questions - yes, I was allowed chicken straight away (so that's good news for you, as you like it!). As regards veg, I was actually not encouraged to eat carrots/root veg to begin with, but could have them later on. Not quite sure why, something to do with them being sweet or something - but I honestly don't think it would do you any harm to have them occasionally. Lettuce was always allowed, and most green veg. Plus tomatoes, mushrooms etc.

I ate 3 meals a day all the time I was on the diet - to begin with, these were quite small, but I was able to eat slightly bigger portions later on. I was told to use a "tea plate"/side plate, rather than a full-size dinner plate. Although sometimes I'd eat from a soup bowl or cereal bowl, if I was having something like a stir-fry for instance. I didn't often feel the need to snack in between meals, especially in the early days.

Yes, I drank alcohol sometimes - I'm usually a wine drinker, but whilst the balloon was in, I often found that this produced "yucky burps", as did cider. I found that vodka & diet coke went down a bit better with me - but I guess everyone is different. I only drank at weekends or special occasions, and never really had more than a couple of glasses, but then that's all I normally do anyway!

Have you weighed yourself again lately?? If so, I hope the results were a bit better for you. You'll probably soon suss out what works for you, and what doesn't! But I do think it's bad that you weren't given a few more ideas about what to eat - they can't expect you to live on yoghurt & soup for 6 months!! :(

Anyway, keep up the good work! Bye for now! :waving:
Hi there Cuddlymun,

Thanx so much for the encouragement it's really kind of you. I've been hitting the treadmill (although afterwards I feels yuck for an hour or 2 but don't care) so along with that and not eating much to date I've lost about 7lbs. When I read about people losing 15-20lbs in 2weeks I do get despondent but I suppose I should be grateful for losing what I have in 2 and a half weeks, like you said hopefully it will get better. I think you're right about the carrots though coz the food did come up and I had some last night again and it did the same, but I've got this stupid thing that I'd rather eat it and enjoy it and don't care if it comes up coz I think it's pretty healthy to eat veg. What was your intake of pasta and rice, I've read on some posts that overcooked pasta and boild rice are not good to eat. I haven't tried any yet but I do love pasta so would like to be able to have it now and again. Oh and oh my gosh how do you drink 6-8 glasses of water a day, I just can't I would be permanently uncomfortable, I drink about 4 maybe at a strech 5 and feel poofie as it is.

Anyways I troubled you for long enough, thanks again for your kindness.

Take care
gl to you i am still in the process of saving up to have this done an still unsure as to where to have this done been reading all different websites by the looks an sounds the after care is more important too but if u want to chat feel free i am a good listener x tc all the best
Hi Cuddlymum,

Love reading your posts, so positive.

Would love to know more about post balloon life; have your eating patterns changed in any way? Has anything else has changed (aside from the obvious!)?

5th day after by balloon insertion!!!

Had my gastric ballon fitted 5 days ago - over the first 3 days of sicky / feeling rough etc and feel like my life is returning to normal - managed to goto (office) work 2 days after, but not felt fantastic. However, now on day 5 feeling hungry already - sticking to liquids but concerned i am hungry already - is this normal? Guess the test is once i have gone onto proper food and see how quickly i get full

any chatters wont to keep in regular touch please contact me - people at various stages of gastric balloon process would be good to hear from

Hi just wonder how you are now getting on as I am still feeling really lethargic, not been sick at all only feeling really sick, nauseauous all the time. managed a bit of thin soup tonight, but whether that will bother me later we will see. be good to know how people are getting on and whether the tiredness and lack of concentration has been experienced by others
I am on day 13 and get tired easily - but no problems with lack of concentration. I just make sure that I am feeling hungry before I eat meals and this seems to help with nausea issues. Nausea only comes on if I overeat.