Gastric Balloon

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What hospital

Grace what hospital did u get your ballon insert and how much was it.
has anyone used healtier weight in London? i am considering the baloon or lap band.
Can anyone tell me where I can get the Spatz adjustable gastric balloon and how much it costs.
Newbie looking for helio balloon info

Hi, I'm new here. I'm thinking of doing the air filled balloon. I've read all the posts and have decided to do this. However, it's not offered in the US so I'm wondering if any of you had it done in Canada. If you did I'd appreciate a few suggestions of who to contact. OR, if you had the procedure done in Mexico and liked it well enough to recommend someplace, I'd appreciate it. I'm eating pretty healthy but obviously too much. I'm limited in what exercise I can do so...hopefully the balloon will set me off in the right direction. Thanks in advance for you help!
I had a saline filled balloon - lost 30kgs in the 6 months and have lost another 7 since having it removed. Whatever you decide, remember that the balloon is only a tool and you still have to do the hard work (eat well and exercise). I found the balloon helped me stay focused for the whole 6 months and helped me to build new healthy habits. I was lucky though and had limited side effects.
Give yourself a chance Babyboo. 5kg in two weeks is still awesome! Remember that it is not just about eating less but also about eating the right foods as well. If you fill up on chocolate you will still be eating too much chocolate!

My doctor put me on a very low calorie shake diet for the two weeks before having it in and I lost 6kg in those first two weeks. Then it was 1 to 2 kgs a week until about 18gs (3 months in) and then slowed again and I lost 12 more in the next 4 months.

If I had not been careful about what I was eating I never would have lost all of that. I highly recommend getting onto something like weight watchers once your tummy has settled down and get into a good eating routine while you have the balloon in place. This will be your saving grace - I swear! I joined about 3 to 4 months in and wish I had done it about 2 months in and I never would have plateaued at 3 months for a month - it was a wasted 4 weeks!!!!!!
Congratulations on all the weight you lost. I am planning to have the balloon on Thursday and reaaly got encouraged because of you. I am 79 kilos, 156 cm. The doctor says that this is the only thing he can do for me. My question is did you have burps and gases as people mentiond? can type briefly if you don't mind your daily food program when you had the balloon? I heard that anytime you eat meat, bread, pasta and sweets you have have pain even if you will eat in small quantities. Is this true? How many days of discomfort you had once you had it? Did you have any vitamin during the balloon? Is there any sleeping position you couldn't sleep? Sorry for taking so long from your time but i am really worried.

Update time.
I got mine removed after almost 6.5 mnths this saturday.

Few notes:
this thing works for some, doesnt work for some.
Before getting the balloon inserted, i was very confident that my apetite would shrink and trigger my weight loss. It did happen for initial couple of weeks, mainly because i was vomiting and survivng on liquid diets. I lost 6kgs in 3weeks.

But after that, my apetite became normal and instead of feelnig less hungry, i started gettng hungrier. This is because, my stoamch was releasing more digestive enzymes to digest teh balloon in my stomach and thus, shot up my metabolism. Nothing bad about it, but its totally opposite of what the ball is supposed to od (i.e. reduce apetite).

All in all, i lost 14kgs in 6months, but that i could have done even without the balloon because i was doing my heavy exercise and health, regular eating. dont realyy think that the pain and money was worth it. 14kgs in 6months is quite easy, if you excercise and eat well.

If you still insist on getting iths done, go to an experienced doctor, who has got a good case history.

But honeslty, even after losing 14kgs, i will call this thing a waste, because at the end, i had to do all the efforts and balloon did nothing to help me.

also, the heavier you are, the more weight you lose.
so, if you weigh around 80kgs, u might just lose 7-8 kgs and this is so not worth that.

Can i know what was your weight when you started, as i am 79 and 156 cm. I asked the doctor about how many kilos i can expect to loose, he said that it differs from one person to another. And depends on the diet and excersie i will be doing. Please asdvise?
Hi just found this site I had my balloon fitted 5 weeks ago and have lost 11kg. Unlike most of your accounts I have been going back to hospital for regular checks with the dietician and she has written out a weekly food agenda for me taking 5 eating times per day!! I don´t think I can eat that much as I do still get vomitting ocasionally but it should re educate the metabolism to work efficiently with regular small amounts of food. I am going to try this out in a couple of days properly as I have only just moved on to keeping 3 meals a day down. It is fantastic to have found this site and I look forward to sounding off with you on the good and bad days! This is not a get out of jail free card option to losing weight it is really hard work hopefully if we all stick with it and help each other through we can succeed ..... positive thoughts!!!!
Hello Everyone! I have spent hours reading this thread and feel like i've been on this journey with most of you. I had to take a break at page 40! I am in Quebec and I am ready to get this procedure done. Has anyone had this done in around around this area?

I've seen the question asked over and over again but it appears that when some of you were posting in 2009 the procedure was much different than it is now in 2011, so my question is; is it worth it? I can take some time off work, I have a wonderful family that would stay with me for a week after I get it fitted, and I have the money (I'm seeing cost to be around $3500??) to do this. Should I get this done? Is it worth it?

2 Weeks with Balloon

Well hello people im scott from aberdeen scotland. Like most people on this forum had balloon insert 2 weeks ago. Its been a rough 2 weeks to quote many a forum member if i could have ripped it out, it would have been gone. However not all bad news had my first weight in today and have lost 12kg in two weeks i ken i was shocked as well. I'd be happy to talk to others in this position to compare, support each other. My family ken what im going through and are supportive, but i thinkyou need to have it done to understand.

Has anybody felt different since the balloon was put in, i had very little prior notice less than 24 notice, so its been a total shock to the system
anyway take care people talk soon

diet before the surgery

I had a saline filled balloon - lost 30kgs in the 6 months and have lost another 7 since having it removed. Whatever you decide, remember that the balloon is only a tool and you still have to do the hard work (eat well and exercise). I found the balloon helped me stay focused for the whole 6 months and helped me to build new healthy habits. I was lucky though and had limited side effects.

Hi there,
I'm going to have mine fitted on the 15th JUNE. I’m so much excited and worried at the same time. I hope it will work well with me .I would like to lose 30KG.My doctor told me not to eat 10 hrs before the surgery .Is that normal?
Well hello people im scott from aberdeen scotland. Like most people on this forum had balloon insert 2 weeks ago. Its been a rough 2 weeks to quote many a forum member if i could have ripped it out, it would have been gone. However not all bad news had my first weight in today and have lost 12kg in two weeks i ken i was shocked as well. I'd be happy to talk to others in this position to compare, support each other. My family ken what im going through and are supportive, but i thinkyou need to have it done to understand.

Has anybody felt different since the balloon was put in, i had very little prior notice less than 24 notice, so its been a total shock to the system
anyway take care people talk soon


Hello SCOTT,
I'm going to have mine fitted on the 15th JUNE.I would like to know what diet have you followed the first 2 weeks after the procedure?and were you workingout?

Hello SCOTT,
I'm going to have mine fitted on the 15th JUNE.I would like to know what diet have you followed the first 2 weeks after the procedure?and were you workingout?

Hi Zizi

Thank you for the reply to, answer couple of you questions yeah i had nothing to eat 12 hours before op, but that was because i was due to have a general. I wont lie first couple of weeks are not nice. The menu for the first couple of weeks was clear soup, jelly icecream and shakes, i did not feel hungry for first week at all.On a plus i was not sick,but i did feel uncomfatable. Beginning of the second week i was advised to try mushed foods but i could not eat in,because of how it looked, believe it or not i tried more solid foods and found i could, went for omelette, cornbeef hash, quichie etc.

Im on to my third week and trying other foods so far so good, and the weight loss has been good too. If you need someone to talk it througn with give me shout. Im couple weeks ahead of you and support could help as both, as i said people can be supportive,but i belief you need to go througn it to understand, what its like.
anyway catch you later
Hi Zizi

Thank you for the reply to, answer couple of you questions yeah i had nothing to eat 12 hours before op, but that was because i was due to have a general. I wont lie first couple of weeks are not nice. The menu for the first couple of weeks was clear soup, jelly icecream and shakes, i did not feel hungry for first week at all.On a plus i was not sick,but i did feel uncomfatable. Beginning of the second week i was advised to try mushed foods but i could not eat in,because of how it looked, believe it or not i tried more solid foods and found i could, went for omelette, cornbeef hash, quichie etc.

Im on to my third week and trying other foods so far so good, and the weight loss has been good too. If you need someone to talk it througn with give me shout. Im couple weeks ahead of you and support could help as both, as i said people can be supportive,but i belief you need to go througn it to understand, what its like.
anyway catch you later
McKay007 - sounds like things are going pretty good for you. You say the first couple of weeks are rough, is it reasonable to expect to be back at work by the third week? I am able to take two weeks off work but cannot take a third. I'm going to be using vacation time that I have saved up. So far, do you feel that the pain was worth the gain? I know you're only a couple weeks in but from what I understand that's usually the worst. I'm glad to see someone on here who is going through this now, I am waiting to hear back from the Dr to see when my fitting will be scheduled for.

Zizi - I wish you the best of luck on your fitting and your experience. I am ever interested to hear your experience so if you are willing to share I would be very appreciative.

Hi Zizi

Thank you for the reply to, answer couple of you questions yeah i had nothing to eat 12 hours before op, but that was because i was due to have a general. I wont lie first couple of weeks are not nice. The menu for the first couple of weeks was clear soup, jelly icecream and shakes, i did not feel hungry for first week at all.On a plus i was not sick,but i did feel uncomfatable. Beginning of the second week i was advised to try mushed foods but i could not eat in,because of how it looked, believe it or not i tried more solid foods and found i could, went for omelette, cornbeef hash, quichie etc.

Im on to my third week and trying other foods so far so good, and the weight loss has been good too. If you need someone to talk it througn with give me shout. Im couple weeks ahead of you and support could help as both, as i said people can be supportive,but i belief you need to go througn it to understand, what its like.
anyway catch you later

Hi SCott,
Thanks for the reply. I’m so glad to have you around to update me with your experience and to answer my questions. I would also like to know if you used homemade shakes or the readymade protein shakes? Where you using any vitamins or any kind of supplements? Have you exercised on the first 2 weeks ?.Tomorrow is the day and I hope it will be the end of my weight misery.
Been following this thread for a while. I think it is fantastic what some of you have acheived.

Question...does anyone have regrets...would you do it again if you had too?
I did not have a good balloon experience. I have had mine in since April. I had it in Sarnia and would not recommend that clinic. They are rude and unorganized. They had so many people there the day I went in that you felt like you were on a conveyor belt. I felt sick for a few days after insertion, then I felt nothing. It seems like a giant wast of money. I hope things change, but overall, not a good experience.
hii i am new in this form.. i had my balloon inserted 4-6 !! its 18-6 today i have lost 3kg onlyyyyy!!! although i dnt each much and i am on a strict diet!
i was 84 on the sergory day now i am 81 !! i wished i could be able to loose wait faster! the 1st week after the sugeory i lost 0.5kg!! and i was shocked i wasnt able to eat i was just drinking the second week lost 2.5kg
share ur progress that would be suportive :) c yaaa
Well, after having my insertion date postponed, it's now official as the hospital phoned with a time today. JUNE 20, 05:30 pm. I can’t believe it will actually happen. Excited, nervous, scared, relieved, but soon I'll be joining all you guys in this journey!.
hiii zizi
thats really amazing!! hope u r fine after the instertation!!
update me ur news !! we`ll complete this journey together :))
its ma 3rd week having the balloon :) and its amazing ;)
look its deserves the little suffer you have in the 1st week!!
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