Update time.
I got mine removed after almost 6.5 mnths this saturday.
Few notes:
this thing works for some, doesnt work for some.
Before getting the balloon inserted, i was very confident that my apetite would shrink and trigger my weight loss. It did happen for initial couple of weeks, mainly because i was vomiting and survivng on liquid diets. I lost 6kgs in 3weeks.
But after that, my apetite became normal and instead of feelnig less hungry, i started gettng hungrier. This is because, my stoamch was releasing more digestive enzymes to digest teh balloon in my stomach and thus, shot up my metabolism. Nothing bad about it, but its totally opposite of what the ball is supposed to od (i.e. reduce apetite).
All in all, i lost 14kgs in 6months, but that i could have done even without the balloon because i was doing my heavy exercise and health, regular eating. dont realyy think that the pain and money was worth it. 14kgs in 6months is quite easy, if you excercise and eat well.
If you still insist on getting iths done, go to an experienced doctor, who has got a good case history.
But honeslty, even after losing 14kgs, i will call this thing a waste, because at the end, i had to do all the efforts and balloon did nothing to help me.
also, the heavier you are, the more weight you lose.
so, if you weigh around 80kgs, u might just lose 7-8 kgs and this is so not worth that.