HI Sue-Paula from South Africa!I would like to do it but my husband is not sure it's a good idea!I know that if I have to go through all the vomiting (and I HATE vomiting) -he will be furious - I certainly don't want to lose weight that way - just to eat a LOT less without all the side effects is what I need!I also have 3 children-so I need to be strong to still look after them,my home,hubby and business!Is it really such a DRASTIC measure to take?Ta Paula
Hi Paula,
i have turned a corner this morning!!
i had the procedure done on friday afternoon, (28th),
vomited all night, all day saturday, twice saturday night, and 3 times sunday.
it is now monday morning, had a great nights sleep, didn't wake to vomit or with acid reflux.
i have attempted my first semi solid food this morning, i had 100g of Ready Brek, so will have to see if it stays down...
i am starting to feel it has been worth it, as i jumped on the scales this morning...(i know...too soon!!) and i am 10lb down already!!!
i was 14st 3lb 1'm now 13st 8lb!!
i am attempting to go in to work for a few hours today...get some normality back, so if i manage it, i would have only been really ill for 3 days...just like getting a bad tummy bug, i wouldn't be influenced by too many other experiences because everyone is different.
Good luck with your decision