From alpha testing to the QUERCUS 200

I felt this justified its own post. For the first time since i started using a heart monitor I am able to keep a sustained jog without going over the aerobic zone. Tonight was hardly any walking at all with just a slow paced jog. Most of the walking was when I let myself speed up and a bit more often towards the end.

39 minutes 12 seconds
avg HR 145

I was quite pleased with this and I hope it isn't a fluke. I can really start making progress now that I am healthy enough to keep at a slow run. Hopefully the walking will be completly eliminated and then it will be a matter of geting faster each time. Then i won't have to say run/walk anymore and I'll truly be on the road to that 30 minute 5K.

Like Humans Do
I feel this is a fiiting frame in which to see my acomplishment. "Like Humans Do" not to belittle what I've achieved, but rather to emphasis my move towards physical normalcy.
328.8 this morning. from 333.2 last Friday (1/3/2014). -5.4 pounds this week despite a couple serious missteps with the food. I think this is why 1,800 calories a day is good for me. It has a built in buffer for missteps. That being said I am really going to try for a solid week of exercise and super good eating.

My back and hip are very sore today. I'm going to start out walking in my woods and if that loosens me up I will do more, but if not I'll still have a bit of activity. I need to start some weight training again that doesn't compromise my back.

The challenge with Jen:
We are in a race to our respective century marks. Her's to the 100s and mine to the 200s.

Begining 1/5/2014
Jen 214
Quercus 330

End of week 1 1/11/2014
Jen 210 -4 of 14.1 to goal 28% complete
Quercus 328.8 -1.2 pounds of 30.1 to goal 4% complete
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Congrats on quitting drinking. I’m proud of you for dropping it. I really hope that it works well for you this year. It’ll go a long way for getting your mind and body in better shape. :)

I envy you and running abilities. I just can’t get into running, but I know it’s healthy for you. It must be so exciting for you to be able to sustain that aerobic zone while running. I hope you’re proud of your accomplishment.

Congrats on your weight loss! I’m anxious to see what a good solid week of eating well and exercise will do for you. So if you feel like you’re about to make a poor choice of food or drink, think of me and how much I’m looking forward to see your weigh in for next week! That ought to be enough to stop you! ;)
Good job, Quercus!!! 5.4 lbs is awesome! You still have time to catch me... Seriously though...great job! :)
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Thank you very much Mandy and Jen!

I ended up with the walk in the woods and a bit of stretching yesterday because we decided to be spontaneous and go for an overnight in Dallas. We found a nice vegan restaurant so we stayed on our diet and no drinking of course. We stocked up on healthy vegan foods at Trader Joe's and a friend called to tell me to bring a cooler for some duck and goose tomorrow.

I went for a run as soon as I could getting back an dI am very pleased to say that I went for my first run. Not a run/walk but 30 minutes and 55 seconds of running. I also dropped below the aerobic zone after 1 min of walking which is the quickest recovery to date.

30 min 55 seconds
avg HR 144

My aerobic zone is 132-149 so I wasn't even pushing the limit. I ran very slow for the first 20 minutes worried that I would be forced to walk if I did too much early and I ran for 11 minutes and 33 seconds before it alarmed the first time, slowed down and immediately went back in the aerobic zone. After 20 minutes without any noticable difference in recovery I started to up my pace until the alarm and slow back down much like I used to with the run/walk.

I've decided to reward myself with a gps watch with HR monitor once I get down to 295. That way I will have earned it and I will be solidly commited to running by then.

I also got a lot of good science books at Half-Price Books and we found a neat science museum to hit up next time.
Awesome job with the running. It is like once you push past that wall where it is fly! So glad you are seeing progress, that makes it easier to try again next time too!
Quercus, congrats on the jogging! I hope to pick it up eventually. I'm waiting until I'm at a lower weight. Years of horseback riding has made my knees pretty sensitive for someone my age, so I want to minimize the stress on them.

Also, I think the gps watch is a great idea. A lot of people tend to reward themselves with food, even for weight loss accomplishments. It's a healthy habit to look for other things to reward progress with. :]
Congratulations with the running! You do seem to be very determined and focused this time. :)

Keep up the good work! you are making a lot of improvements and I'm sure that will have a great impact not only on health but on a lot of different areas as well. :)

Have a great day and take care!

31 minutes 7 seconds avg HR 144
I ran faster and further tonight with the same HR average. I barely went the minimum jogging speed at all. This was after a pretty challenging day in the field and before a lot of housework getting done.

I also sliced about 10 pounds of venison and put it in marinated so I can make jerky tomorrow. A super productive day and I came in under calories and did not stray from vegan foods despite the field work and very late lunch (3:30).
327.6 this morning down 5.6 from 333.2 on the 3rd. That's a smidge over a half pound a day. I had some major goof ups with food last week and had only stopped drinking at the end of December. I'm going to try to maximize the time I can keep that half pound a day by keeping my eating squeaky clean and really pressing the daily exercise. My hope is that I can exceed the half pound a day this week as it is my first week with a squeaky clean diet and my exercise and activity has really taken off.

I kept moving yesterday and got a lot done. Yesterday consisted of field work, running, cleaning out the fridge (down to removing and scrubbing the shelves), laundry, slicing 10 pounds of venison for jerky, and dishes/cleanup that followed. I went to bed early, fell asleep immediately, and never stirred until this morning.

I'm feeling a little sluggish this morning, but I accredit that to allergies/allergy medicine as well as sitting in the office.
Sounds like you've gotten into a good groove with everything. Great job on the running, and the productive day! :)
A little thought I had that I thought worth sharing:

It doesn't happen in a day it happens every day. Make this one count.
Man, you were busy yesterday. I think it's great that you're trying to be prepared for your fieldwork. Preparation is half the battle.
Look at you and your running skills! ;) You’re kicking some butt there. You would definitely out run me without a doubt. I’m glad that you’re getting closer and closer to your goal weight and that the scale is cooperating as well. Keep it up!
Thanks Cory and Mandy!

Tonight's run was difficult because of some digestive issues. I felt terrible the whole time, but I finished. I'm out in the field tomorrow and it's 6 hours just for the driving, so it will be a very long day and likely a break in the running so I wanted to get this done.

30 min 2 sec avg hr 145
Good job fighting through it. I've been through that before. It's not fun, but I'm glad you did it. I hope you're proud of your accomplishments. You're doing fantastic!
Good work on the run. There's really nothing like it to get the ol' heart rate up. Keep mindful of your joints and you'll burn a lot of calories that way.

My gait isn't perfect and so if I don't concentrate on my form, my left hip gets a little sore when a jog.
Thanks Mandy and Vee! Vee I suppose i must be moving okay, because no joint issues yet. I think my movements could be categorized as "surprisingly agile considering".

Yesterday was field work out of town and stretching (no gym at the motel we got stuck with).
Today was field work and a run

31 min 44 seconds avg HR 146 1.9 miles

I've been counting "laps" were I am running. I measured distance from and aerial map and I have gone from 1.7 miles on Sunday to 1.9 tonight in similar times and avg. HRs. My goal is 3.1 miles in 30 minutes so I have a long way to go, but I am steadily improving so far.
I think my movements could be categorized as "90 year old woman"...haha! Great job on the running improvement!