From alpha testing to the QUERCUS 200

Awe thank you Cate! I hope your weekend is going great too!

You have a good idea of how to go about it Chef. If you go all out evey time, you won't have much of a streak. You have to go for a while to understand how your body copes with the daily runs. What you can get away with having days of rest in between may not fly when you have to run every day. At least not at first. You won't regret taking it easy at first.

264.4 for 9.6 pounds lost since Monday. 1 mile each for 688 and 689 of the streak. I couldn't be happier with the massive first week drop. Unfortunately my back feels terrible and the slow mile was a torment, but hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.
Great work keeping that thing going for so long; hope your back will see a little bit of reason soon. Great job losing almost 10 pounds!
Thank you Cate!

Thank you LaMa!

263.2 this morning so I squeak past the 10 pound mark at -10.2.

I made a poplar spoon yesterday. It turned out fine, but I don't care for the look of the wood. That was the first piece of purchased wood and I'm happy to like the material from my woods better.
263.0 this morning so -10.2 for the full Monday to Monday stat.

I ran 1 mile last night, cooked veggies in a dutch oven on a wood fire outside, and carved a necklace knife sheath from holly with the knife that goes in it.

7 days on the proper eating habit streak.

Happy Monday folks!
Could you post a picture of what you made? I'm not sure I understand what you mean, but it sounds cool! How long do you dry the wood before carving?
Hi Q,

You are a talented guy. Nice job on the carving. Great job on the weight loss and on the healthy eating streak.
I kinda figured out the photo function. I don't know why one attached instead of thumbnailing, but whatevs.

So I had a goal of a new low (245) by year's end, but with the fabulous first week I'm revising my goal to leaving obesity according to BMI. So 239 by December 31, 2016. That's on the outside edge of being reasonable. Just like me!
Thanks Jen! You can always join us.
Awesome Cate! Streakers!
Thanks and thanks LaMa!

261 this morning for a 2 pound drop. The rapid drop can keep going as long as it wants.
:) Yay for speed drops, hope you´re feeling better accordingly.