Floater's diary

OK so the doctor visit went really well. The assistance person couldn't be there because he had another gig to get to, but he hung out with me for a while in the waiting room so my stress levels were nice and low. The doctor was an old guy, very straight forward but friendly, he asked me about the spasm and felt around my back, told me to "keep going to the gym as this is the best remedy in the long run" (which gave me INSANE GENDER EUPHORIA <3 because I never even mentioned I go to the gym, which means he could FEEL it :D :D ), and gave me a prescription of oral painkillers and oral muscle relaxants. I figured that he knows what he's doing, so I was very happy with that, and I don't know if I'm just imagining things but somehow the whole situation felt so much easier to me than probably any doc visit ever...? I just got good vibes from the doctor. Maybe the good vibes emanate from me and everything just looks so much better, kinder, safer, healthier. More hopeful.

I called my dad to beg for a bit of money for the meds, and got the meds, and had still money left to get tofu and vegetables and a bottle of rosee. I'm obviously not going to drink it while under the influence of muscle relaxants - I took one 30 minutes ago and feel like I'm covered in moss, it makes me so tired - but it will sti in my fridge until I'm healed and then I'll make a nice meal and celebrate my recent achievements.

Oh and of course, I will hit the gym in a week, the doc told me to take a week off. ;)
I like that doctor! Sounds like you're well on the way to healing. I will admit that try as I might I find it easier to treat patients who seem positive so maybe you're right.
Today's meals have been, well, not meals at all. The meds are both killing my appetite and making my gut stall, so I have a huge pot belly situation going on. I have been able to eat grapes, and I will force myself to eat the last of the spaghetti squash and spinach curry tonight. BUT: the back feels fine and like the spasm has cleared up for now! I know I'm very very much on pills, and most likely the issue will come back when they wear off, but I do enjoy the break from the pain and the mobility.
Given the circumstances I'd call that exceptional. Glad to hear you're able to move more and are in less pain!

Thank you @LaMaria ! I finished the squash just now, I will try to eat the curry too later, but that will still be good to eat tomorrow in case I can't. The pain is still there, but faintly - as I have been able to move around a lot more, I can feel the circulation returning, and I like to think it's washing out the inflammation hour by hour. My poor body was just trying to prevent further injury via the spasm, and now it can rest and recover.

I'm also still giddy about the trans clinic call. It feels like I'm standing on the precipice of a new world. What wonders may be in store for me still!
Just had my first meal of the day, spinach curry and rice. :) Today is all about rest and recovery, back feels much better! I'll try to walk a lot to help with the healing :)
Lunch is in the oven: sweet potato and tofu with truffle oil and white pepper. I'll serve it on pea sprouts with a slice of rye bread and some walnuts!
Snack: rye bread with peanut butter, pea sprouts, and smoked tofu.

I just woke up from a nap. We are expecting a storm, so I better take the dog out before it hits with full force. I'll probably go to sleep early, the meds make me really tired, and tomorrow I'll pay all my bills and rent, go to the Asian grocery, and maybe open that rosé if I don't need to take the relaxants anymore!
@Cate the storm never arrived :/ But that's good news for Nera, as she's scared of thunder. Oh and I had three soy wieners and dried bread before bed yesterday.
Oh no, f*ck, I took a shower and dressed, and grabbed my perfume, and it slipped from my hand... I tried to grab it as it fell and managed to fuck up my back worse than ever.
Ouch! Not untypical of course, but super unpleasant. I hope the meds help: at first the best posture to relax in is often to lie on you back with your legs up.
Thanks @LaMaria and @Cate ! Assistance came over and drove me to the pharmacy so I could get Nera's eye meds and my ADHD pills, and I had leftover tofu, sweet potato and pea sprouts for breakfast. I'll try to take Nera for a little walk soon. Walking a bit helps, walking for too long or with a backpack makes the pain worse, and lying on my back without a pillow and legs elevated does indeed seem to help - thanks LaMa!
Walking a bit helps, walking for too long or with a backpack makes the pain worse,
Several short walks (unloaded) would be ideal. You'll have to be careful for a while but it sounds like you'll be fine.