Floater's diary

Oof, needing a drink just to be able to fuel yourself sounds rough. Glad you're on the way up though
Yeah it was pretty rough, but today turned into a really good day. I cleaned up, played with Heikki (my darling chinchilla, for newcomers), took a nice nap, and had a long walk. I just drank a cup of miso broth and I'll eat some chicken later. Can't really eat carbs or veg/fruit yet but will do so tomorrow.
I am so glad that your day turned out well & you are reemerging back into your healthy self. Please give Heikki a little scritch from me & here's a :grouphug: for you.
I pre-ordered takeout sushi for tomorrow. Right now my goal is "calories in". Ate some rye bread w cheese and a microwave chicken curry meal.
Today has been decently good, didn't enjoy the sushi but I ate it, went on a walk, have been doing chores, now I gotta figure out my dinner. Life feels doable again <3
I'll take some of that courage with us this morning. We're going to visit a friend who hasn't long to live. His wife messaged me last night.
Keep taking care of yourself, my friend. You are special :beating: Life is precious.
I'll take some of that courage with us this morning. We're going to visit a friend who hasn't long to live. His wife messaged me last night.
Keep taking care of yourself, my friend. You are special :beating: Life is precious.
I'm sorry. Take care, friend 💐
Sandwiches and beef jerky for my first meal today, could be healthier but right now CALORIES IN matters the most.
Could also be wayyy less healthy. Sandwiches and jerky are good days!
True! :)