Perhaps also as Tony mentioned, we could also state whether we want to be paird up with: male/female/other/doesn't matter
Do you have an idea who you want to be paired with?
We have to get a good grasp on what the goals are between the participants.
I think they should be "simular" and not too different from each other. For example: Two with goals on losing fat tissue (one set group for the lottery), Two on bulking (one set group for the lottery), two on general fitness growth (if they have no loss/gain goals), etc.
In other words:
1. Fat loss one group
2. Bulking one group.
3. General fitness one group
Or something like this.
Then the lottery selections are made within that one group that share common goals.
After the lottery, Journals are made with BOTH particpants in the title line.
In the opening posts, it lists the stats and personal particulars of each and the statement of goals, with a start and end limit.
These two posts should be revolving, with updates being made to THESE TWO POSTS, in weight lossed (or what ever the important part of the personal goal is)---instead of all over the journal.
One of the troublesome things about journals is one has to practically read the entire thing to get a GRASP of the persons situation. If the start, updates, and end are WITHIN one post (as in the opening posts, if designed correctly), this can leave the rest of the journal for advice, motivation, and other important information. Understand what I mean? (TM?).
If I want to know how Focus is doing.......I can go to ONE PLACE in the journal to find out (wgt wise, where he lists his loss as compared to the start, as he would keep this portion of the post updated regularly, along with other information we decide to add in). Its all in one place nice and neat.
Best regards,