
I guess the answer to the question I asked you is 'no'. You are not going to answer a simple question, or provide what you were asked for. Therefore, from this point forward, please refrain from referring to your study, unless you can provide us with a link to an accredited site (i.e. pubmed or similar) where we can check the legitimacy of said study.

And if I allow you to spout your nonsense on here, I have to allow others to spout theirs. Same rights for everybody.
Here are a few random examples of pilot studies on pubmed:

and about pilot studies we find:

Pubmed is a perfectly suitable repository for pilot studies and thus enables them to be open for peer review.

I cannot imagine why a professional person would not welcome peer review of their work.
A pilot study, as any study, has to be done under certain conditions if it is supposed to be taken seriously. Reviews by independent professionals are only one of those conditions. As a medical professional, you should know that.

You are expecting people to believe you just on your word alone, without anything credible to support your claim, and you stubbornly refuse to give us any data to back your claims up with. Nothing whatsoever. Unless you count 'I know I am right' as a credible argument, which I don't, and which the majority of people don't seem to do either.
I'm betting people would have been more likely to try your plan if you had come on stating "I stopped eating breakfast X months ago. I was X age, X height, X weight and now I am X weight. I would not eat anything until 11AM, and nothing after 7PM but in between I ate whatever I felt like." If you used your PERSONAL experience rather than a "study" that has no backup or proof, it may have gone differently for you.

With that said you have brought up a book you wrote and study you have done, but no proof the study was done, or had any sort or real results. You posting here about a supposed participant and their supposed success means nothing because as far as we know you are delusional and pulling things from the air. Proof is what we need, and as was said if you cannot provide that or are unwilling to, then stop talking about it.