Epic fail
you obviously dont know what your talking about.
Epic fail
you obviously dont know what your talking about.
Yeah i know where your getting at, theres a reason why we can and do, because our brain via its vastly compicated interconnections allow us to.
Maybe save it for later when things get bland chillin![]()
I'm not sure if it was made clear in my avoidance of the topic, so I want to explicitly state that creationism and intelligent design are by no means the same thing. And I'm confused as to why anyone would think that creationism and faith in God are mutually inclusive.
I subscribe to something different, myself, but really, anything you choose to believe is taken on faith. It's not a question of 'objective merit', it's a question of classification. It has been my experience that most of those who scoff at religious beliefs do so because they either fail to understand the difference, or refuse to.
A hint of sarcasm, possibly?
I just base my belief system through continued study. I contend, that with all the different, and in some cases similuar religions (and other beliefs), is it possible for all of them to be right, some of them to be right, or is just one right? (or does this matter?) Intertwined in these, are beliefs in evolution, creationism, and other scientific based perceptions. In addition, add in the variances of history (earth, etc) within these beliefs, scientific research, and religion. I also look at socialogy and its related content. In other words, I dont make my choice, based out of nothing. I try to absorb the total picture with the data that is available, knowing I wont get all of it, but I am going to absorb most that I can, to come to personal terms with this subject.
It is possible the final result of anyone's belief could be decided upon death. So, is this a big decision?
Most of you probably can't do it, cause you're trying to cut and thinking takes a lot of calories.
Which is why I think powerlifters are the smartest people evar.
Firstly, ID is just a euphemism for creation. Dont be confused, it is because only a person who believes in a god could believe in creationism, unless they are insane? do you fall in this category?
Thats not using the word faith appropriately, lets make it clear for everyone that faith is based on no evidence. There is so much evidence out there for evolution. It not only works but makes sense - unlike the contrary.
Actually its called faith karky, and doesnt have to be religiously comprimised. I know many christian people who believe in creation, while others evolution.
And Leiyun - Considering i typed in hope, it is hope not expectation that i forview. Although one call still expect and hope at the same time.
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faith /feɪθ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[feyth] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability.
2. belief that is not based on proof: He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.