Do you think it's unhealthy...

you can ding dong.... just not now. There is a whole other side to the story.... another time. Actually you please your lady right, and she will go hunting for how to take real good care of ya..out of gratitude. and there we have another chapter to write.

the point was trying to help calcium use her horniness productively verses staying up all night jonesing for a man.

Thanks for actually considering the question FF.

This thread has actually taken an interesting turn.
Hum, interesting points Spicy.
you can ding dong.... just not now. There is a whole other side to the story.... another time. Actually you please your lady right, and she will go hunting for how to take real good care of ya..out of gratitude. and there we have another chapter to write.

the point was trying to help calcium use her horniness productively verses staying up all night jonesing for a man.

Ok, It was beginning to sound like you do that every time:eek:LMAO

I actually do that occasionally but not purposely. Sometimes I become "marathon man" for some reason
the point is being missed here. The "PURPOSE" of denial is the other persons pleasure. The benefit to self is not the point. Personal benefit will cum (hehe) in direct proportion to the depth of comitment to the "OTHER."

Until SELF is eliminated (ar at least minimized), these concepts can not be comprehended in essence.

It is a paradox.

so- to answer your question Calcium- when it is your turn to serve, the personal experience does not apply.

so- the answer is "what does it matter? I am all about her." and as a result "she will be all about me"

That is "a giving up of oneself for the other" whether we are taking turns, or simultaneous.

It is true "marriage" with or without the certificate.

Like the essence of Christian marriage vows- with this total abandonment, why not throw in the rest of your living days, in sickness or in health, etc.

OKee dokee then..... I have successfully applied a 6,000 year old practice, to a 2000 year old christian truth!


or maybe it is just a cover for having a short fuse like Phateboy! hgehehgeg

Sweat Daily!
I understand your point FF, but edging can also used for delay, not necessarily complete avoidance....sometimes you can edge too well and completely lose the urge though...then marathon man appears LOL

More power to you, but I prefer a shared experience
I just wana know why Calcium has such a strong drive?? Can I get some of what your having?? ;)

Meh, don't be too jealous. This happens to me every once in a while. I also get spells where the last thing in the world I want is sex. During both times it's very extreme and I'm either thinking "All I want to do is have sex all day" or "I don't think I'll ever need to have sex again" :)
Meh, don't be too jealous. This happens to me every once in a while. I also get spells where the last thing in the world I want is sex. During both times it's very extreme and I'm either thinking "All I want to do is have sex all day" or "I don't think I'll ever need to have sex again" :)

Ok, I feel better now! LOL :D
spicypumpkin, i am assuming you agree that each person has a spirit since you are talking about spiritual cleansing and that masturbation is beautiful and good for the spirit.
each person does have a spirit.
however, masturbation is very often assosiated with sexual fantasies and lust for another man/woman(or several).
Calcium, your sexual hunger should not be fullfilled by lust.
lust: 1. intense sexual desire or appetite.
2. uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite; lecherousness.

If your mind wanders during masturbation and lust starts to come( you start fantisizing about other people you wish you had), it is unhealthy.
Indulging physical lust is not healthy for a spirit...

It is in a way like envy. 1. a feeling of covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions, etc.

I think many would agree envy is not healthy.
Well, the same way envy is not healthy for a spirit, lust is also not healthy.
It is not healthy to be very jelous of other's accomplishments, ranks, possessions and it is even more unhealthy to indulge the envy and allow it to occupy a room in your mind. It will corrupt your motives and desires, which will in turn affect your actions.

Same thing with lust. To indulge the lust is to give place to perverted thinking, fantasies that will never happen, and allow your mind to imagine adulterous thoughts.
It is very detrimental. It is a sin that will only give power to evil(satan).
I am not sure if you think that adultery is wrong, but i know that it is definetly wrong.
Jesus said that if a person operates in hate towards another person in their heart, then that person is as guilty as a murderer.
He also said that it is the same thing with lusting. If a person will lust in his heart with another, then it is just as bad as committing adultery.

If you give in to perverted, adulterous, sick thoughts, and ACT on those lusts by fulfilling the desires of your flesh, it is feeding your spirit garbage.
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

I have personally had a struggle accepting this myself because i was decieved by the lie that kept on saying "its not feels so good. How can it be wrong?"
However, since i have found the truth and have acted upon it, there are huge benefits from controlling your thoughts and body, instead of them controlling you.

i hope you take this to heart
It is very detrimental. It is a sin that will only give power to evil(satan).
I am not sure if you think that adultery is wrong, but i know that it is definetly wrong.
Jesus said that if a person operates in hate towards another person in their heart, then that person is as guilty as a murderer.
He also said that it is the same thing with lusting. If a person will lust in his heart with another, then it is just as bad as committing adultery.

Why do you have to bring your religion into this?
well the thread says
do you think its unhealthy
and thats my take on it so why complain?
:] dont be so closed minded. the thread is open to everyone
spicypumpkin, i am assuming you agree that each person has a spirit since you are talking about spiritual cleansing and that masturbation is beautiful and good for the spirit.
each person does have a spirit.

however, masturbation is very often assosiated with sexual fantasies and lust for another man/woman(or several).

So ?

What's the matter with " sexual fantasies " and " lust " ?

Masturbation is a natural & normal aspect of human sexuality ( i.e self-exploration and sexual expression )

If your mind wanders during masturbation and lust starts to come( you start fantisizing about other people you wish you had), it is unhealthy.

Really ? Too funny ! :yelrotflmao:

According to who exactly ?

Same thing with lust. To indulge the lust is to give place to perverted thinking, fantasies that will never happen, and allow your mind to imagine adulterous thoughts.

C' HAVE to be kidding. Give me a break.:rolleyes:

They're only " thoughts " and " fantasies " for crying out loud ! So long as they stay that way and don't manifest themselves into actions, they are of no harm to anyone.

So, within that context, you can have any sexual " thoughts " and " fantasies " you want.

It is very detrimental. It is a sin that will only give power to evil(satan). I am not sure if you think that adultery is wrong, but i know that it is definetly wrong. Jesus said that if a person operates in hate towards another person in their heart, then that person is as guilty as a murderer. He also said that it is the same thing with lusting. If a person will lust in his heart with another, then it is just as bad as committing adultery.

Now I get get're a bible thumper.:rolleyes:

Where does the Bible expressly say somewhere that masturbating is a sin ?

If you give in to perverted, adulterous, sick thoughts, and ACT on those lusts by fulfilling the desires of your flesh, it is feeding your spirit garbage.

Masturbation is not perverted, adulterous, or sick.

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

Catholic priests out there who lust after young boys - you listening ?

I have personally had a struggle accepting this myself because i was decieved by the lie that kept on saying "its not feels so good. How can it be wrong?"

Earth to to Proteinboy.

It isn't wrong.

Masturbation is a natural & normal aspect of human sexuality

However, since i have found the truth and have acted upon it, there are huge benefits from controlling your thoughts and body, instead of them controlling you.

I find it amazing the continuing arrogance of some Christians who claim to have some monopoly on " the truth ".


O.K...tell me Proteinboy........the curiosity is killing me.

As a devout Christian....... at what age did you stop masturbating ?
I'm not really that horny right now, but...I am going to will myself to go shoot one off, just to show who's boss ;)