Darcy's Diary

Making better choices eating out is SO hard. We probably just need to learn how to say no to eating out all of the time in the first place and that would help a lot... you can do this!
The week hasn't been too bad, but I could have done alittle better. Didn't get much walking in so I need to concentrate on that. Next week I'm gone on vacation. Since I tend to not worry about what I eat on vacation, I think I'm going to just relax and have a good time and come back refreshed and ready to try again. I haven't had a vacation in 1-1/2 years, and I'm really looking forward to getting away. I'm going to try not to stuff myself, but I'm also going to enjoy the restaurants that we go to. Exercise will be non-existent unless you count shopping. :D See everyone in a week!
Have fun!

Have fun on your vacation! I read one of your posts where you said you have problems getting motivated to move, so when you get back you are going to walk at least 30 minutes a day 4 days a week or I am going to poke you with a long stick! :cool:
Thanks, twinmom and M2M! You've got a deal! I don't want to be poked with a long stick, so I promise to start walking every night. ;)

Oooo, Oooo, Oooo ... just had to post! I lost 2.5 pounds last week!!!! What positive motivation to begin my vacation. I don't want it to be wasted, so I'm going to try double-hard to be careful eating while I'm gone. And I FINALLY got to update my ticker!!! :D
Wooo Hooo!!

Darcy, that is GREAT!! What a wonderful reminder at the start of your vacation!

And vacations are great for bringing home memories, we don't need to bring extra poundage to remember our trip with ;)

Have a fun trip - where are you going?? And remember, you CAN DO THIS!!
Congrats on the weight loss Darcy. When we deviate slightly from our plan, I think we tend to assume that we will put on 20 lbs in a week, but the truth is if you are committed and the slip up is the exception and not the rule, you will be rewarded when you step on those scales.

Have a great holiday (sorry ... vacation ;) ) and I look forward to your welcome home post!!
Hi gilly! Thanks alot for the positive comments in my diary. Also congrats on your weightloss. Have fun on your vacation and when you eat at all those great restaurants make sure to think of all us rooting for you to keep up the good work! Don't give up, jump back on here as soon as you get back. I'll be checking in.
Thanks for the words of motivation. I'm bound and determined that I'm going for a bike ride this evening after work!!!!! :)
Enjoy your trip. Have fun. Keep up the walking. Hey you could always do more walking on your trip to make up for the extra cals you may take in. I'm curious if you don't mind me asking where are you going? When I hear someone is going on a trip I get a little jealous inside. I haven't been anywhere in about 2 years. You will have to let us know how your trip was. Have fun.
Hope you are having a marvelous vacation. What a treat to have a loss right before you leave. Great job!!!!
Well, it's back from a fun vacation and time to get with it again. I'm sure I wasn't as good as I could have been, but after not having a vacation for a year and a half, I just had to enjoy myself and not worry too much about what I ate. Spent a few days around St. Louis and did quite a bit of walking ... shopping, siteseeing, shopping, ballgame, shopping ... did I mention shopping? :D I had been wanting to eat at JBuck's Restaurant, so got to do that and even had a chef salad there!! However ... spent a day at historic St. Charles, Missouri, and just had to sample the wonderful ice cream parlor there and the candy shop too. And although I drank water, I still drank more regular Pepsi than I should have had. Since I'm the type of person who would never step on a scale if I didn't have to, I think I'm going to give myself this week of eating better and exercising before I weight again. I'm just scared enough that I regained that 2.5 pounds that I lost the week before, and I don't want to start feeling negative right after such a fun week. I'm not planning much for tomorrow (the 4th of July in the U.S.), so I'll be able to stay on track then too.

Positive things on vacation:
Did NOT eat nachos at the ballpark! :D
Did some swimming and water exercises at the motel pool.
Did lots of walking and some stair climbing while siteseeing and shopping.

Not-so-positive things on vacation:
Enjoyed some ice cream and candy.
Drank too much regular Pepsi.

It's amazing how positive I still feel about losing weight, even after vacation. I used to get very depressed after coming back from a trip because I knew that I wasn't good and gained weight. But knowing that I could come back on the forum for support and encouragement made all the difference in my attitude. Thanks everyone! You're all the BEST!
Sounds like you had a great time, and I doubt that some ice cream and candy over the course of a weekend is going to set you back all that much. And good for you that upon your return you are right back in a positive mode. Congratulations!!!
welcome back!

Glad you had fun on your trip! Welcome back. <Gets out poking stick.> Now, about that walking routine... ;)
My mood is not the greatest today. Don't know why except that I ate some ice cream last night. Don't know why I did it except that it was there. And I didn't stop with just a little either. Why oh why do I have such a problem with portion control????? :mad: I absolutely hate being a slave to food! Just when I think I'm getting control, it comes back to bite me in the butt. Urggggggggggg!

One good thing about yesterday: I got my walking in (so twinmom won't poke me with that stick! :D )
It isn't your fault Darcy, sugar is addictive. The ice cream and Pepsi you had on holiday will have set you up to crave it when you got home. Then when you started eating that ice cream, your blood sugar shot up, then crashed down, making you want to eat more and more of it. It is science (and a problem that I suffer with myself). Don't worry too much about it, just get back on the no sugar band wagon, and every day it will get easier to resist the temptations. ;)
Thanks, Mrs Bear! You are absolutely right, and your encouragement has stopped me from going to the vending machines here at work this afternoon. Thank you SOOOO much! :)