You and me both! I have a hard time pacing myself so I don't get burnt out. I do the brisk walk/warmup at 4.0 and run at 6.0. What speed are you going at? Bad thing is, I get down on myself if I dont stick to that running speed.
I have read a lot of people's posts saying the same thing, that they're concerned with their speed and all that, but lemme tell ya... I don't give a FLIP right now about what my speed is!
I know I'm jogging...

and that's all I know, and I'm pleased as punch about it. Maybe when I complete the program and can call myself an actual runner I will think about all that stuff.... (however many minute mile and all that) but until then... jogging is jogging is jogging, and as long as I'm doin' it, I'm happy!
I know in the shape I'm currently in I can't jog for, say, even 5 minutes straight. (Walking, hiking, biking, rollerblading I can go much longer, dunno why running has always eluded me.) When I CAN jog for 5 minutes straight (I have faith that that will happen some time in the next several weeks) I'll be in better shape than I'm in now, and to me that's what matters. (Well, hopefully getting smaller will be a by-product of that, too, who am I kidding?)
And, actually, I'm doing it old school: outside, not on a treadmill and I don't have one of those pedometer thingies that everyone's talking about yet, so I couldn't even tell you my speed.
In any case, you definitely should not get down on yourself for any reason other than if you were to, say, quit getting on the treadmill altogether and park yer butt back on the couch!