Cory's Quest for a Healthier Life

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The only problem is that these things are often decided way in advance, leaving very little wiggle room by the time development actually starts and regular people become aware of it. It hope that's not the case for you!
Hey Cory, I am new to this and have just been reading other's posts. I had to comment on your mention of the Reynolds number, did not expect to see that and I have never heard the "May your Reynolds number be high" quote, I like it. My experience with Reynolds numbers is also from grad school, about 40 years ago.

Good for you, for the prospective involvement in town council meetings! That's so valuable, to have real community input.

It definitely is. It's why I like small towns. The individual is a lot harder to get lost in the shuffle. I'm relatively new to this small town (1 year resident), but lived in the same small town for most of my life before that. I would hate for this place to essentially become a bedroom community extension of the DC suburbs. If I wanted to live in the DC suburbs, I'd be there.

The only problem is that these things are often decided way in advance, leaving very little wiggle room by the time development actually starts and regular people become aware of it. It hope that's not the case for you!

I'm hoping this is the case as well. It's still VERY early in the planning stages. Most of the town doesn't actually know about it yet. The only reason my little neighborhood does it because the developer offered to buy my neighbor's house, he told them no, and then went and told the rest of the neighborhood what happened. This particular town/county is very opposed to change and development, so it's entirely possible that the negotiations about this entire development could take years before any kind of building actually starts. I'll put it this way: McDonald's started negotiating with them back in the 90s to have a location opened in town. There still isn't a McDonald's. This fight might be pointless, but things will definitely go a way I don't like if I don't try at all.

Hey Cory, I am new to this and have just been reading other's posts. I had to comment on your mention of the Reynolds number, did not expect to see that and I have never heard the "May your Reynolds number be high" quote, I like it. My experience with Reynolds numbers is also from grad school, about 40 years ago.


Hi Rob! Thanks for reading! I'm an aerospace engineer by trade and I enjoy nerdy humor. :p

Ok, today was terrible. Not in terms of the day that I had, but definitely in terms of food. I treated myself to my favorite breakfast and had worked it into my calories, not expected the rest of the day to go the way it did. Then I went out to lunch with some people because it was a coworker's last day. Then I got roped into happy hour. I have had a lot of food. I'm not sure how many calories, but it's safe to say way too many.
This fight might be pointless, but things will definitely go a way I don't like if I don't try at all.
Very true! And delaying something long enough is sometimes all it needs. McD seems to be past its prime and who knows when the same might be true for covering the countryside in concrete and houses.
Lama: Apparently the McD's just got approved and construction will start in a couple months. :rotflmao: Maybe it'll take them just as long for the new housing development.

Got some good news today. My contractor came and took a look at my crawlspace. He thinks there isn't actually a leak. Apparenlty the insulation is installed wrong and there's some condensation collecting on the plastic they wrapped stuff with. I was actually planning on ripping all of that insulation out and replacing it anyways (it sucks), but I just might be doing it a little sooner now. Did some gardening and planted some flowers. Then I decided to take on the task of cleaning out my smoker. This thing was gifted to me about six months ago by a friend who inherited it from someone else several years ago and she never used it. There's been soot and fat just sitting in it for way too long for me to be ok using it without cleaning it out first.

This was an undertaking.

It took a decent chunk of the day and got me approximately as dirty as I imagine oil rig workers get. I litterally had to take a shower, wait for the hot water heat to fill back up, and then take another shower. I'm still slightly dirty, but it's the kind of dirt that doesn't seem to actually come off. But now I have a clean smoker and the ability to barbeque my own meat! :D This is exciting for me because it will allow me to have stuff like shredded pork or ribs without drenching them in a sugar filled sauce.

I was supposed to go to the gym today, but that probably won't happen. I'm really tired and don't want to have to shower for a third time today. I'll probably just get up an hour earlier and go in the morning before I do the other stuff I had planned. I had also wanted to take a walk today, but it kept thundering and looking like it was going to rain.

Food today was good:

Breakfast: oatmeal with strawberries and sunflower butter - 387 calories
Lunch: salmon with brussels sprouts and corn - 609 calories
Dinner: steak with salad and grilled veggies - 627 calories
Total: 1623 calories
Fingers crossed it really IS just the insulation. That would be great! Also: cleaning years of grease and ash off a smoker as an investment in future enjoyment of awesome food sounds like an excellent use of time and energy. Will you be firing it up soon?
Hi Lama, I will actually be firing it up tomorrow as part of my meal prep. Going to smoke some pork loin and serve with grilled corn and salad.

Today was good. I went to the gym this morning and did deadlifts and bench, plus my assistance work. I then walked to the farmer market and bought a little more than I intended. I got lettuce, strawberries, broccolini, spring onions, pickled asparagus, duck eggs, honey, radishes, and an apple cider doughnut. It'll actually work out pretty well. I had originally intended to make a salmon salad, smoke pork loin, and a veggie pasta this week. I'll sub in a veggie noodle stir fry with a fried duck egg on top for the salmon salad and it will be awesome. After the farmer's market I walked back home and did a few chores. Then my brother called and said he also wanted strawberries and lettuce so I walked back to the farmer's market to get that for him. He lives closer into the city. They have a farmer's market there, but everything is horrifically expensive. Walked back home and then went and bought mulch and got stuff from the grocery store to fill out my menu for the week. After I came home, I sprayed my hiking clothes with permethrim since Lyme disease is really prevalent here and I'm supposed to be going hiking tomorrow. I wanted to spread my mulch, but we got a thunderstorm warning and I headed inside. That's pretty much been the day.

Food was ok:
Apple cider doughnut - 300 calories
Indian buffet - estimated 1500 calories
Total: ~1800 calories
Sounds like a lovely day and a great meal prep! I've never tried duck eggs; are they very different from chicken's?
Hey Lama, they're similar except that they are about twice the size and the fat content is higher so the yolk is very rich.

Sunday was pretty good. I went on a hike with my brother and his girlfriend. It was about 6 miles in total with 1500 feets of elevation gain and took about 4 hours for us to complete including breaks. It was a lot of fun, but it kicked my butt. I am definitely feeling the last 4 months of relative inactivity and htis might have been a bit much to do my first week back to my regular activity. Didn't think about that ahead of time. I ate about 2500 calories worth of food, including a falafel pita, french fries, fried squash, a scoop of ice cream, a smoothie, and some trail mix. That pretty high for me, but the hike more than made up for it.

Today also wasn't bad. Ate 1506 calories in total and walked 13,000 steps.

Breakfast: cottage cheese, granola, strawberries - 288 calories
Lunch: salmon, brussels sprouts, corn - 609 calories
Dinner: smoked pork loin, salad, corn - 609 calories

Gym tomorrow!

EDIT: Tried to upload pics from the hike, but the files are too large and I need to go to bed right now.
Eating a couple hundred more calories after/around is sensible if you you want to avoid binging. Not bad after several months of forced inactivity!
Today was kind of frustrating. I had this plan for how the evening would go and none of it worked out. I wanted to drop by and get my duck eggs on the way home from work (I pass by her house), do a little work refinishing some chairs, go to the gym, cook dinner, then relax for an hour or two before bed. Traffic was horrible so the duck egg lady wasn't home when I passed by and I had to make a special trip back out to get the eggs, it was too windy to work on my chairs, and I somehow managed to put literally every piece of gym appropriate clothing I own into the washing maching this morning. I did go take a walk at least and that got me to 13,600 steps today. I just really wanted to get that stuff done today so that I could mow tomorrow, clean Thursday, and then enjoy my mom being here for the rest of the weekend when she comes to visit. Oh well. I'll pay my handyman to mow for me this week and go to the gym tomorrow. That'll get me back on track and it's worth the $40 to get over an hour of my time back.

Breakfast: oatmeal with sunflower butter and strawberries - 387 calories
Lunch: pasta salad - 709 calories
Dinner: noodle stir fry - 464 calories
Total: 1560.

My stir fry was really good! I was really happy because I don't always have the best luck with stir fries. I'm a decent cook, but it's like I have a block with them. My vegetables will wind up overcooked, or I don't have enough sauce and it's dry, or I don't like the way the sauce I made tastes. I think I've unlocked how to make a decent stir fry now though. Doesn't hurt that it had a fried duck egg on top.
Congratulations on the loss! I like that you´re able to prioritize your health and let someone else mow the lawn this week: life is short.
Thanks guys!

Today was much less frustrating. Got home, went to the gym, and now I'm home and and just ate dinner. Got 14,200 steps. Not too much else to say about today.

Squats - 115 lbs for 5x5
Overhead Press - 45 lbs for 5, 55 lbs for 5, 60 lb for 5
Leg curls - 70 lbs 3x10
Abductor Machine - 8 lbs 3x10
Ab Pull Downs - 50 lbs 3x10

Breakfast: cottage cheese with granola and strawberries - 288 calories
Lunch: pasta salad - 709 calories
Dinner: smoke pork loin with corn and salad - 609 calories
Total: 1606 calories
I am back. Again. I really need to learn that I should prioritize this place, even when I get busy and things get hard. It helps me.

In the time since I posted, I have regained about 15 lbs. I've been busy at work, was struggling with a moderately serious injury, and actually had boy stress for the first time in a while. These are excuses, but they did contribute to me putting my weight loss on the back burner.

Well, just wanted to say hi and I look forward to catching up with everyone.
Hey Cory, nice to have you back!
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