Complete B.S Thread

London = faggots.



There are limits to the homophobic stuff you know. Maybe you could try calling us a bit fruity instead :)
yeah, I'm pretty sure we usually refrain from using that word on this site, as it's derogatory towards homosexuals.

besides, it's "Londoners =..." not "London =..." since the second on is hardly a correct sentence, you can't really say that one town is something of plural :p And I'm assuming you're referring to the population of London, not the town itself. :D :p:cool::cool::rofl:
That made no sence, I'm just bored and wanted to make a post saying nothing.
besides, it's "Londoners =..." not "London =..." since the second on is hardly a correct sentence, you can't really say that one town is something of plural :p And I'm assuming you're referring to the population of London, not the town itself. :D :p:cool::cool::rofl:

Your English is far superior to most English people I know :beerchug:
Forum's just dont like me. I got banned from the last forum i was at. But they were literally strict, they hardly let you do anything.
Was a good forum tho, but what compares to the forum :D
Yea, well my job is Structural engineer, i work with architects etc, so im actually insterested! Yea thats my geeky side i suppose.

It wasnt just about that tho, there was a lounge area where i would use foul n abusive language. But most people thought it was funny apart from the odd mod.
Id love to insult you both, harshly. But ima be on good behaivour for a while.

Anyway time for................gym Time!!!!! :):):):):):):):)

BTW - when does that 'infractions' go away? >>>>>