Complete B.S Thread

File your taxes? You get your taxes back?!!!!??!!?!?!?!?!!?!

WTF - i cant do that sh!t

They're self employed so they have to declare their earnings and expenses and stuff. My father-in-law is a carpenter and his accountant makes it so he never pays any tax, every bit of food, stationary and petrol gets put down as a business expense

A good accountant is always the best investment you can ever make
It's shamless plug time; my brother-in-law is a school kid and is interested in being a writer in the future

He's just had a couple of short stories/articles put up on a website and if enough people click 'I like it' then he gets paid for it so can you all go on and say you like it even if you don't :)
Whether you're self employed or not you file taxes. If you overpay then you get money back, and if you underpay then you pay the amount.

Employers take a certain amount out, then at the end of the year you add in all your expenses like education, business, mortgage, etc. You guys dont do that?
Whether you're self employed or not you file taxes. If you overpay then you get money back, and if you underpay then you pay the amount.
Ah, we don't do that over here, most employees are regestered as PAYE (pay as you earn) and the government takes the money straight out of your pay every month. If you're due money back they contact you and send a cheque

I've never had to file my taxes :D
I think its around 22% we get taxed out of our wages. Most of wont be even going to our benefit. Some goes to the people who dont even work and do f*ck all!

Now that gets to me
Lol, Mad? I think it's too small and quiet, that's why I want to move to NY one day.


C'mon now C mate, i think you exaggerating now. NYC only has about 1m more ppl than london, plus its skyline. Theyre the only things that make it bigger.