Complete B.S Thread

Takkkkeee onnnn meeee, Take on me!

Jupp, A-ha is Norwegian. Morten Harket is the most profound person in Norwegian history, you should hear him talk on interviews! No one understands what the hell he is talking about, but it's very profound and involves words as: the universe, profound, existance, being, life, world, meaning, existence.... the list goes on.
Psshhh who hasnt. I think Karky and his young jolly roger are a little ill prepared for the early twenties huh der? Its the early twenties where people get the problems haha.
Sorry about that, Der.. It was 50/50 and I put my money on the wrong one :p

and it's OK going a month without sex, but it's a whole other thing going a month without sex with a naked sexy person lying next to you every night ;)
(Yes, that person would be me) :D
Sorry about that, Der.. It was 50/50 and I put my money on the wrong one :p

and it's OK going a month without sex, but it's a whole other thing going a month without sex with a naked sexy person lying next to you every night ;)
(Yes, that person would be me) :D you always gotta talk about sex. Some people......
Me and you, Tom. You and I ;)
Since us two talk about sex all the time, we should really just get together and get it done with :D
Were you Tom's virgin who had had sex with 4 people before on that very same night? :D

Kark she didnt have sex with any1 that night!

I said she'd only had it with 4 people in her life :)

And yea kark, lets get it on if your really wanting a piece of me. You couldnt handle BIG T :D