I'm watching Brokeback mountain right now
Wohoo i got an 83 in my Physics class for the semester.....
I felt intensely gay after watching the sex scene/them making out..but meh, alright movie i guess.I bet you are.
College or HS? Im taking Physics now.
Wohoo i got an 83 in my Physics class for the semester.....
does anyone else find it demeaning to be called young man and young lady all the time?
does anyone else find it demeaning to be called young man and young lady all the time?
does anyone else find it demeaning to be called young man and young lady all the time?
does anyone else find it demeaning to be called young man and young lady all the time?
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said:We always have time enough, if we will but use it aright.
Gottfried Leibniz said:And as every state of a simple substance is a natural consequence of its preceding state, so that the present state of it is big with the future.
At times, it does come across as being somewhat patronizing in my view.
Young man, there's no need to feel down
I said young man, pick yourself off the ground
Who would of thunk it?
Young men and young ladies on the forum stand PROUD of their acccomplishments.
They have much to be proud of! THEY FLAT ROCK!
Seeing some of you have muscular avatars ....