Complete B.S Thread

Wohoo i got an 83 in my Physics class for the semester.....
Peace and love to all the brotha and sista's! May you earn all you wish and desire and much more! :)

Much happiness to ALL!


So ever since we got FiOs and the DVR my wife is recording everything. She usually records the CSI re-runs and we watch them at night. However she has been recording One Tree Hill, the beginning, I dont know if it is actually still on or not. So she sits there on the couch, I sitting next to her with my computer, and I find myself watching this damn high school teeny bopper drama.

I will say that Sophia Bush is smoking hot. Especially when she was making out with the other girl in John Tucker Must Die.

So is this wrong?
I found this video rather funny.

For those that play first person shooter video games, you will understand the video. Some may have already seen it. For those that have not, you may find it funny.

Its possible the video may not be for everyone. Therefore, I will warn there is some blood and violence in the cartoon video. If this bothers you, do not view it.


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does anyone else find it demeaning to be called young man and young lady all the time?


Yes! ME! I am an old man, not a young man! HEHEHHEE, ha, ha, hehehehehehe :) Proud of it! :)

I Feel the THUNDER down UNDER and its no WONDER my personal motivation is no BLUNDER! :) My old body ROCKS!..........WE ALL CAN DO IT!


Happiness and joy to ALL!



Yes, ALL young men and young ladies too! HEHEHEHE :) THEY ALL ROCK!

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Being TIRED is fricken FIRED and energy is HIRED!

I have plenty to spare! :) Let it flow baby! :)

Hope everyone has a good Saturday!

He, he, :)

does anyone else find it demeaning to be called young man and young lady all the time?


I like to think that it's more his way of gently reminding one of something like...

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said:
We always have time enough, if we will but use it aright.


Gottfried Leibniz said:
And as every state of a simple substance is a natural consequence of its preceding state, so that the present state of it is big with the future.

depending on how nerdy you are. I happen to <3 Leibniz.

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At times, it does come across as being somewhat patronizing in my view.


Who would of thunk it? :)

Young men and young ladies on the forum stand PROUD of their acccomplishments.

They have much to be proud of! THEY FLAT ROCK!


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Who would of thunk it? :)

Young men and young ladies on the forum stand PROUD of their acccomplishments.

They have much to be proud of! THEY FLAT ROCK!


No one is disputing that.

The fact is, that ALL people " on the forum [ should ] stand PROUD of their accomplishments "...regardless of their age.

The primary focus should be on someone's goals & accomplishments - and not someone's age IMO . ;)

It's the highlighting and putting the spotlight on certain members' age for some reason by referring to them ( unnecessarily, in my view ) as ' young man ' and ' young lady ' that was the point Derwyddon touched on.

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Seeing some of you have muscular avatars ....

Karky did you miss this post? I thought you would recommend your fish oil supps . :)