Complete B.S Thread

You got your numbers all jumbled.


dang!! and can u belive i have a BS degree in maths.
Just had a nice sh1t, my ring hole is sore as f*ck tho. It wasnt veen wide in diameter so im wondering why its sore. It might of been sharp in texture or something.

I just cant wait to finish work n get to the gym.

The mention of Will Smith earlier made me wonder something;

What are the dumbest lyrics you've ever heard in a song?

My nomination -

2-0-0-0, the Will 2 K
The new millennium, yo excuse me Willennium (yeah)
It can't get thicker than this (Big Will)
Slick like Rick I can't miss
(And we gonna party like it's 19)
Hold up it is

A true classic there that automatically drops your IQ 10 points every time you hear it until eventually you want to buy the album :eek:
Do you have something called Medised in the states? It's a mild sedative so has to be bought in a pharmacy but it's pretty effective stuff with coughs and colds
Oh. My bad, haha. Thanks. And for the welcome.

Seriously, though, I blame CCR. It's his fault I was too lazy to read the actual count. Definitely. He's a royal douche, that one.

man, this thread's progress really slowed down. We could always talk about video games some more... that got a lot of replies in... heh. :)

Anyone play any good ones lately?
I'm still workin on God of War II, I know you'll appreciate that RWS. Damn, how is that game so good? :D
