If Russia had invaded another country in an unprovoked attack then of course should declare war on Russia, we all should. It was because people sat back in 1939 than Hitler became so powerful. Had America and Russia joined the fight against him earlier then Millions of innocent lives could have been saved.
However, the fighting over South Ossetia (sorry about spelling) isn't so open and shut
IMO, there are a lot of things wrong with that idea.
First, going to war against Russia is suicide. They are already too strong and have been since at least 1945. Best thing you could achieve was a draw on a nuclear winter.
Russia didn't invade a country in an unprovoked attack. Even Sky televised the initial Georgian attack on Ossetia capital. The only thing you can blame Russia for is excessive force. Mind that most people in Ossetia are russian citizens and 2/3 of the region budget comes from Russia.
And the Hitler thing... well, like Tolstoi said, a leader doesn't rise to power by himself. He fits a will and need of the people. The overly proud French and the Versailles treaty in the end of WWI had a lot to do with giving Hitler and it's likes the opportunity to rise to power. Trying to choke a country always turns bad because we leave them no choice but to fight back. Good thing the allies trashed him, but at what cost, letting things escalate to total war.
That's the problem with trying to deny Russia's place in the world. They are a still a superpower and, just like the US has a strategic and economical interest in the middle-east, Russia has it too in the regions that connects their country to the rest of Europe and Asia. Besides, it's their borders.
Look, the only way we can live in peace and prosperity is cooperating with Russia, military and economically. It's a sad illusion the notion that you can accomplish anything good with a war with them, or being diplomatically hostile.
The problem is the big-shots in the West trying to gather more money and power. It has nothing to do with rescuing Georgia as a legitimate country. It's easy to see that if you think that Africa has lots of situations like this and no one cares a rat's arse about them. Look at Sudan, Angola or Rwanda. We didn't even acknowledge the genocide going on on Rwanda a few years ago.
Even after they killed Belgian troops, a NATO country and, more importantly UN peacekeapers, our response was to withdraw completely from the country and leave all the civilians to be slaughtered. We gathered the nicely before leaving, so it was not to difficult to do that.
"In May 1994, U.N. Secretary-General Boutros-Ghali admitted that the international community had failed the people of Rwanda in not halting the genocide. From that time through 1998, when U.S. President Bill Clinton apologized for not having responded to Rwandan cries for help and Secretary-General Kofi Annan expressed regret in vaguer terms, various world leaders have acknowledged responsibility for their failure to intervene in the slaughter. The archbishop of Canterbury has apologized on behalf of the Anglican church and the pope has called for clergy who are guilty to have the courage to face the consequences of their crimes."
Sorry Typhon, but we the west aren't morally better than anyone else. If you look at our military interventions arround the world, it has always something to do with oil or money. And it seams we want to keep playing the same game. Nothing good will come out of it.
We really need to start talking with people and arranging things so that war is a bad solution to everyone. Making a campaign saying things like Palin says is, at least, irresponsible and short-sighted.
I know you are British and I don't know if you have been in Iraq or not. If not, I'm sure you have friends who have been there. To make it clear, I'm not bashing on the troops, just on the politics who fill their pockets helping stupidly rich people filling their oversized pockets even more (like the king of Saudi Arabia and **** Cheney). And in the process they make the world worst for the common people like us.
It's just my opinion but I feel really strong about this... Well, cheers m8!