Well, we should all care. The notion of countries is a bit misleading, specially when it come to big powerful countries like the US. The guy on the White House and his decisions affects everyone around the world.
It's probably best if I say right away where I stand... to me, Bush and his administrations were the worst thing that happened to the world for a long, long time. Servia and kosovo, NATO policies, environment, Iraq, terrorism, economy and oil prices, all went terribly wrong. It's frightening to see Condi traveling Europe to gadder support to "punish" Russia... You don't mess with those guys... They are not some rag-tag middle east country and it's a double stand in any case. The US is the last country right now to have the face to condemn Russia on anything regarding Georgia.
And to me, McCain is more of the same. It's astonishing for someone not American to hear him and listening to his selling argument: he knows wars... Well, I sure don't need one when one is not needed.
So I'm crossing my fingers for Obama in the strong believe that he is better for all of us, Americans in the first place. Or else, be prepared to live in a bubble. US vs Everyone else... not a good thing for anyone.
Crossing my fingers also hoping that Obama is not another front for hyper-rich business groups like pharmaceuticals, oil barons or weapons industry.
Well, you did want drama and controversy on this thread, so you can go ahead and call me a liberal ****y and a commie.
I can throw further ammo if you like. I don't believe in any religion and I don't believe that it should be part of any government. It's a personal believe that can't be proven or disproven, so you can't impose that on other peopls lives. Works for the taliban but also for Christians.
Oh, and Bill O'Reilly is one of the worst and most primitive persons alive today.