Complete B.S Thread

holy crap, a earthquake hit southern cali just a couple minutes ago

I was sitting under the chandelier watching tv when everything started shaking..i looked up and saw the chandelier shaking like crazy and I was like " ooooh **** " thinking it was going to fall on me...then went under the table LOL

Yeah, they were talkin about that on the radio here. Ahhh, I like the midwest. :D
I heard about the quake on the national news. The way they were talking the big one is coming and everyone should leave the west coast.

alarmist ****tards!
F**k me, we had a little tremmer a while back in the UK and it was a HUGE thing.

It happens VERY rarely here :)

the one time in my life we had one here I was in an elevator on the 26th floor of an office building. the whole damn elevator was shaking I didn't know what was going on until I watched the news
I heard about the quake on the national news. The way they were talking the big one is coming and everyone should leave the west coast.

alarmist ****tards!

Yea. Southern California is supposed to have a really big earthquake every 100 years and ours is over due. They say the longer its kept off it, the bigger its going to be.

Scientists said that in the next 30 years, theres 46% chance of a earthquake 8.0 or bigger

A 99% chance of a earthquake 7.0 or bigger

It's going to happen sooner or later and a lot of people will die, and plenty of buildings will come down. And guess what, I live at GROUND ZERO.

So yea, trying to convince my family to get earthquake insurance.
It is I reckon it is pretty calorie dense as well. The ammount those turkish fellas manage to wrap up in a piece of slightly burnt bread is simply amazing.
Like you and I my friend.