Complete B.S Thread

Why dont you also sheep yourself :D
You're gonna get a degree in all of those?

Well, I already have undergraduate degrees in three of them, but I'm going for papers that matter, yeah. A lot of the requirements are shared, so it's not as much work as it sounds like. For PhD's I'm going math, bio, computer science. That's not an MD though for the bio, so not like a doctor. Not interested in wasting time at medical school. Maybe philosophy as well for the PhD, just as a hobby sort of thing. Currently studying for my LSAT, but very casually. No rush at all. The whole "school" thing is a hobby for me at this point. I feel the only way to get a real education is to read old books, and then discuss them. With people who aren't dumb.

But yeah, the plan is to pioneer nanotechnology and use it to rule the world. Just like Iron Man. :D
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What a baller. How long have you been going to school? If you say 5 years or something I'm going to **** myself in my own inadequacy

Uhm... I don't know what to tell you. XD It's not my fault. I was an autistic child. And then I got started late, because I was having too much fun.

You can be my assistant if you want. We will create a new life form, and then spend the rest of our lives regretting what we unknowingly unleashed. It'll be fun. :)
You must teach me how you are able to type with a Baconator in each fist, DW. Do you use your chin?

Anyway, PhD doesn't stand for playa hatin' degree, so don't get your hopes up.
I think I got the baconator once. I remember it was expensive, I don't remember the taste. Tomorrow I'll get one. Cause at 160 lbs of pure awesome, I make the rules.
Damnit, I was afraid of that. Now I look like a jackass.

I...I hit you tonight?