Complete B.S Thread

Nah yo. The govt is buying up assloads of land for the exclusive purpose of growing corn. This displaces all other crops and drives the price up. THe price of meat goes up because there is less available corn to feed to animals. When prices go up, people go hungry. Ethanol fuel as a convenience is a pipe dream anyway.

Ding Ding ding. Winner.
That man is a talented rope jumper indeed.

Scientists used to imagine ethanol sources as crops grown in "parking lots"...yeah. Great how that turned out. The process of making ethanol from corn dumps more greenhouse gasses into the air than it saves. I hate how the government is ****ting themselves in glee over ethanol. We already have hydrogen cars. I say take all the ethanol funding and dump it in hydrogen fuel development, so we can readily begin driving them.
government has to do what the uneducated people want, because if they don't, they won't get reelected. Democracy is the scariest thing I have ever seen..
read the announcements.. is this the last page? it says 208.. but I can click to 218.. probably more. maybe that is why it doesn't work, the foum thinks the thread has more pages than it has..
A toaster in my head? you do have quite the imagination.. I mean, you could have picked anything.. but you picked a toaster :p
He likes toast