Complete B.S Thread

Last December Santa Claus told me I was a 1.5. So I replaced all the icing sugar at the North pole with Anthrax. Sorry kids, there won't be any Christmas this year.

New episode of smallville in 22 minutes wohoo.

I'm also going to try out a new recipe

4 eggs in a bowl
tea spoon of cinnamon
2 tble spoon of melted peanut butter
whisk it up, put in fillet...people says its good..hope so.
Ok I needed to share with someone. So I chose Focus, because I knew he would appreciate it. :)

No, !

Wait, what. The TV strike thing is over?


P.S. Weird how it'll chop your link if the display text doesn't contain a minimum of characters. I had always figured it was the length of the url (hence the tinyization), but no.
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WTF is this bull****..smallville is not on..and no new episodes till March 13th..what the gay.

Yeah. That strike is doing to TV what Baseball's did for it. I hate reality TV so much. Fortunately the three other shows I occasionally watch weren't affected.

No, !

Wait, what. The TV strike thing is over?


P.S. Weird how it'll chop your link if the display text doesn't contain a minimum of characters. I had always figured it was the length of the url (hence the tinyization), but no.

The best part was the music in the background. It's the kind of music you'd hear while watching a volcano destroy a village.
Yup, exactly. It makes me think of FFVIII, the sorceress's parade, with the dancing and whatnot. It's all imminent destructiony. :D

Has anyone been watching the Sara Conner Chronicles? The first episode aired last night over here and I thought it was pretty average. Does it get any better?
Im sick of this dude at work, he sits opposite me and he's a long distance runner. He think's he knows everything about fitness..

Everytime he see's me eat a bowl of rice or something he has something to say. He keeps telling me 'you need to stop eating those carbs you'l put on too much weight'

I tell him, 'i no, i want to put on weight!'

He tells me i should be eating more protein than carbs, and i tell him..'no i shouldnt' but he doesnt listen and think's he's right!

I tell him i eat plenty of protein but still he goes on!

Sorry had to get this out.
If your mother only knew...
