I am a recent graduate of the wonderful Cohen program
Hi all you gorgeous people on the Cohens Lifestyle Clinic weight loss program,
My name is Zelda and I am a recent graduate of the wonderful Cohen Lifestyle Clinic weight loss program. I am so happy with this program - I've lost 23 kilos in just 20 weeks. I started at 83kilos busting out of size 16 and hit my goal weight of 60 kilos and now wearing size 8 to 10. (Woohoo!! And I thought it would be great to get to size 12!)
It's 85 days since I finished my refeed stage and am back to eating whatever I want. But one thing is for sure - I don't want high starchy carbs cos they just stack on the weight like you wouldn't believe. Anyway, another great thing about the Cohen program (besides being the most wonderful rapid weight loss program ever invented) is that with this weight loss method you are totally taken off the starchy carbs and also your learn so much about what is good for weight control.
I now eat in a totally new way - for example I eat Asian food witout the rice, I eat steak without the potato, I eat pasta without the pasta (only joking!!) I now rarely eat pasta or rice or potatoes or risotto or noodles or bread or other 'filler' foods.
And you know what??? I never thought I would be able to live without these foods cos I loved them so much. Anyway, these starchy carbs are pretty empty nutritionally compared to lean proteins, green vegetables and low sugar fruits. So I'm not really missing much - I just had to 'get over' my mental and emotional addiction to these high addiction foods.
Anyway, I'd love you invite you all to contribute to my website called Healthy Weight Loss now.
My web site is there as a resource to help others who are struggling with their weight. My personal journey is there - from start to finish - with cool photos (yes and the before photos are totally embarrassing but I don't care!!) plus recipes (Hey Jody you're recipe book sounds amazing!! - I'd love you to submit this for sure), plus strategies, coaching tips and lots more.
If you have a story or you are journalling or have some updates and photos or recipes or tips I'd love to hear from you. Your story could be so relevant and powerful for another and you could help turn their life around for the better.
Good luck everyone and I hope to hear your feedback.
Email me at zelda@healthyweightlossnow dot com dot au
Warm Regards
Zelda Sheldon