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Welcome Elini, Cherub and BB (Hope I haven't missed any recent newbies - my apologies)

Congratulations on starting the program. I am only on my third week but I know I have made the right decison and I am looking forward to enjoying a Brisbane summer skinny and more importantly HAPPY and HEALTHY. You are not alone here, we all share with your struggles and pain. I very nearly gave up after my first challenging weekend, but I can honestly tell you that everyone here pulled me up and got me back on track. Good for you and good luck - YOU CAN & WILL DO THIS! And not only will losing the weight make you feel a hundred bucks but knowing that you stuck to something and saw it through til the end will give you (all of us) an amazing feeling of success and accomplishment. Yee-Ha!!!

I have to say a huge THANKS to everyone who passed on recipies and lunch suggestions. It really helped me and I spent yesterday cooking up some chicken and beef so I am prepared! Thank you again.

Good Luck Netski with the re-feed. I know you can do it! Thanks for keeping us posted.

Hi Bam! How's things? I find the diet very anti-social at times as well. But imagine how vibrant and out of control we'll be in a couple of months! Look out BrizVegas! I had a very very tempting weekend (again!). My husband surprised me with a boat cruise up the Brissie River to watch Riverfire on Sat night. It was so lovely but of course was all catered for plus free grog! Talk about restraint! But I was very proud of myself and stuck to the diet coke and lemonade and chewed gum most of the night! And plus the fireworks were a great distraction. But I can honestly say that for the first time in my life I was able to sit right in front of a table of chips, dips, olives etc and not FEEL like having any. It was sooooo liberating! I know there will be tough days , but they don't last forever...not like skinniness! Hang in there - you are doing really well.

Have a good day everyone.
What do you think when you are face to face with tempation?

Does anyone have any tips for what to say to yourself when you are face to face with temptation eg. boat trips with free drinks with the table stacked with snacks/dips whatever just at arms length?

Here are some of my thoughts
  • Disgust with the Past I have the mental image of my pre-diet photo. For me specifically I have an image of my big "tits"...which for a man are really horrible/disgusting things to have.
  • Right Now I image my body eating up the "fat cells". This would just stop if I ate or drank whatever is in front on me (beer, pizza, yum-cha Chinese dumplings).
  • Say to myself "nothing tastes as good as thin feels", or "everything you eat helps or hurts"
  • Future Good Feeling I imagine going to the beach and looking healthy and going surfing in Hawaii (Plan for December)

Does anyone have other thoughts that help them when they are tempted?
HI All

Just wanted to say how nice it was to see that you have DONE!!!:D written next to your first goal. There won't be TOO many more months of having to be anti-social, and once you're finished, you'll be able to go out and party hearty.

Congrats on getting your blood sugar down to a level where you can now start the official cohen's program, the rest of you're weight will just fall off you, I'm sure.

Good luck with your refeed and congrats on getting there in the first place. I remember seeing my boyfriend's refeed, and how complicated it was. I know I had the calculator out, working out how much he could eat. :) Enjoy your rockmelon too.

you have such great willpower not caving in and deviating, it certainly is a good feeling knowing that you don't have to take orders from olives and cheese and biscuits anymore. "I don't have to eat you, you stupid biscuit" is what I usually tell them. you must've had a great view of the fireworks and the Dump&Burn F11 jets.

quick update on me (slinkee)
I was quite productive this weekend, and made up a few meals for the coming days, so when I get home, all it is going to take is reheating and eating. Usually on a weekend i find my mind wandering to food, mainly out of boredom, but this weekend, i went great, I didn't deviate from the program one tiny bit. I didn't drink enough water on Saturday, but made up for it on Sunday. I also ate most of my meals with you guys on the weekend, reading old posts on this thread.

Over the weekend, i was a bit naughty and had a few daily weigh-ins, even though I don't like to do it, I couldn't help myself. so from Sat to Sun I was down 200g, which showed I hadn't drunk enough water, and then on Sun to Mon I'd lost 1.1kg. I'm looking forward to the end of the month so I can then update my ticker.

I also read an article about hunger on the weekend, it was related to athletes specifically, and how fanatical they can be about they're diets, but it can realate to everyone I think. It bascially said when you get hungry ask yourself would you like to eat an apple? If the answer is yes, you must be really hungry. But if you say no, and would rather be eating apple pie, you're probably just bored.

I also found this very old, but very Cohen's appropriate quote.
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" - Hypocrates

can't get going for more than a couple of days

I am finding this just too hard. (I just want to post this for those that I feeling the same way).

I start and get going for 2-3 days then something comes up and I just give in and say enough of dieting!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As many have stated stay with your plan it is not worth the mental pain.
G'day everyone

G'day everyone
Have been lurking and smirking :) and getting so much support from you all I thought I'd take the plunge and share my journey ... I've just ticked over week 7 on the program had my highs and lows like so many of you... but Im really happy with my improved energy levels !!!... Im on the journey like many of you for health reasons ... I have PCOS and Hypothyroidism (so don't know how long and slow the journey will be) but staying where I am is the burning deck for me ... I need to get off ... I need to be healthy ... I need to move !!!!!

Congrats to Netski and sooo close lizzi wow you guys are real stars !!!!::D

Must sign off and play with some more buttons and try and work this thing out !!!!!!
Karol!!! Stay strong - it's in you! You can do this. Why are you sabotaging your chance to feel so good? Only you know the answer to that and my guess is it is probably not worth the pain of gaining more weight and beating yourself up more and more. Please hang in there. It is not easy - it is very very hard at times. But it wont be long - really. We all need you to make progress as well - you help us with your experiences. You're only human. Let's get back on the wagon - we're here to help you along the way. GO! GO! GO!

All my love and support...
karol said:
I am finding this just too hard. (I just want to post this for those that I feeling the same way).

I start and get going for 2-3 days then something comes up and I just give in and say enough of dieting!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As many have stated stay with your plan it is not worth the mental pain.

How do you feel now rather than the time when you were motivated to start the diet? This is my 7th week on the diet now, so your 33kg loss is just amazing for me!

Are you feeling more happy about how you look and feel now, you must look and feel so much better, and just feeling less motivated to lose the remain 9KG?
Update and Question

Hi Everyone

Wow, I haven't logged on for a little while and it was great reading all the posts. Lots and lots of food for thought (not food for my tum LOL). So many inspiring posts - I have lots to think about.

Jude - How are you going, are you past the horrible first few days again? I love your advice - it is just what I need

Jewls- What a treasure you are - I don't think I would have lasted this long without your support and encouragement - I'm staying strong!!!

Byebyeblubber - You keep at it girl, I know you will feel on top of things soon - you already look amazing and by the time you go back to Qld you will look sensational

I've been thinking about some of the things Lessfatty has posted and I have found them very motivating. One of my chants is "It's only food - it will always be there - its only food"
I've been battling a cold and very sore throat for a few days now. Does anyone know what affect painkillers will have. I've been taking nurofen - which I know has sucrose in it? What other cold medicine can we take.

Stay strong everyone

I am also feeling hungry for bad things!!:eek:
I think the problem is that once you taste other foods it is even harder.
I started Cohen's 12th May and had my first *break* on 7th Aug, then last week we went on a car trip. I was good for the way there, then had a stuffed potatoe for lunch.. then Chicken Treat!! The next day I put on a whole Kg! I've almost lost it now - I started losing the next day. But it still isn't the same losing weight you already lost. But before these breaks I never felt as bad.
Stick to it 100%! Trust me its easier! I think too that I'm looking at my friends who are on refeed and hoping I was there too. Oh well summer is around the corner, And I will be skinny and sexy!
All the best to everyone! Just keep Losing! (weight!)
wow i'm so overwhelmed :)
you all rock, you have all done a fantastic job, i'm so proud of everyone!!! now i need to know, does cohen's exist elsewhere in the world? when i google it, it only comes up with the australian website??

had my blood test today, i'm so excited - 5 days til i get my plan!!!
Ok hi everyone, before I get my ticker up (and post too much!) i want to do a little get to know you thing :)
my name is Eleni - but you can call me Leni (pronounced lenny)
i'm 20, live in adelaide, have done all my life. am from a Greek ancestry.
noone in my immediate family is skinny. my cousins are, and they flaunt it and think they're top dogs (and they're beautiful, not so nice people). well give me some time!! ;)
yay i'm so excited!! anyway i better stop posting before i get told off for spamming!!!
i can only check the forum in the mornings or evenings so my replies will be so skewed!!!
before pics this weekend :|
Congratulations on everyone that has been updating their tickers..

Mine has only moved a kilo in 3 weeks, i am not doing anything remotely wrong.. and im getting really annoyed..!!!
eleni_chrys said:
wow i'm so overwhelmed :)
does cohen's exist elsewhere in the world? when i google it, it only comes up with the australian website??

In other places UK, USA it is know as the 1st personal diet

BTW Has anyone looked at , it seems very very similar and a bigger business that Cohens, is it a copy of Cohens or is Cohens a copy of them? Both talk about triggering of Human Growth Hormone and Serotonin in vague non scientific terms.
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What do you do................

when you know you HAVE to deviate???:confused:

I'm doing this whole thing (restarting) for my wedding this year, I really wish I had restarted earlier :( , and i'm trying my very stinkin' hardest to not deviate, and so far, i haven't.

BUT I have a few social events coming up soon, and I don't want to sit there not eating. Would you just try as hard as you can to stick to your plan? or just knowingly deviate for that one meal?

My biggest day I need to deviate is going to be my wedding day, so i'm sure I can be forgiven (or rather, forgive myself) for eating what I want on that one day.

And I don't want to give myself permission to pig-out on my honeymoon, or it's going to be even harder to re-restart.

anywho, apart from these thoughts sending me crazy, everything else is really good. No deviations, and I'm dying to get to change my ticker, I have had a sneak weigh in, cos the curiosity was about to kill me, but I will stick to my plan to only weigh monthly.

Going Out Of My Mind!!!

Has anyone else experienced having only a 1kg loss in almost 3 weeks??

Im losing it big time here... HELP ME, HELP ME, HELP ME!!!! :(
I survived a team lunch I sat there had my black coffee and kept thinking this will all be over next month. 8-2 much your words were going around in my mind the entire time. It strange that once you get through a tough situation you feel so much better when you don't give in.

In terms of SureSlim (yes it is similar to Cohens) except you can not eat anything between meals, your fruit has to be eaten with your meals. It is alot harder and you basically get the same results. You are allowed Lebanese bread or crackers, you also have to take different types of seeds.

I was told that the person that started SureSlim did Cohens and then went and copied and desigend SureSlim. SureSlim rely on marketing, Cohens rely on word of mouth for promotion.
~BAM said:
Has anyone else experienced having only a 1kg loss in almost 3 weeks??

Im losing it big time here... HELP ME, HELP ME, HELP ME!!!! :(

From my perspective I think 1KG after 3 weeks is very much on the low side. That been said, I know ladies weight cycles through the month.

My honest opinion if you are eating the foods in the quanties that Cohen program calls for it is almost certain that you will lose weight, there is just isnt enough energy in the food for you body not to need to metabolise fat reserves. How are your measurements ? are they dropping? So stick with it another week and see the result a 1KG drop is much much beter than 1KG gain!!!

My only cavet is that the fruit on the diet could be a huge source of sugars (sucrose, fructose) and hence energy, depending on the choice of fruits. For example apples, peaches and mangos can contain upto 1/3 sugar so for example a large 300gm mango (yum), has around 150 Kcal of energy, this is same as a small full sugar can of coke (139Kcal). Of course the Mango is full of fibre, vitamins, minerals and a whole host of good stuff, and Coke has zero except sugar. However whilst my example is extreme; if someone didnt have fruit, yet drank a can of coke 3 times a day we would be saying they have no chance to lose weight.
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Lessfatty- Thanks for that!

Well the measurements are slowing coming down..
I agree a 1kg loss is better then a gain.. But im putting in so much hard work just like everyone else and im just not going anywhere..???

Im going to see my consultant tomorrow night, hopefully she has something positive to say in relation to the sudden stop of weightloss..

Gee i hope it still comes off, and that this isnt all.....????????
BAM - sometimes if I up my water intake, that helps things along nicely. and are you getting enough sleep? Sleep is quite important also. Hope things move along soon for you
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