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Netski and others facing "after cohens"

I think the biggest gifts This program gave me was seeing
1) I CAN lose weight
2) If I can stick to a diet for 3 months and lose 18kg - getting rid of a "few kilos" is dead easy - couple of days back on the nice healthy food cohens gave us.
3) I have some control in my life

It's not all or nothing, if I do the wrong thing and overeat it's not the end of the world. I can just correct it.

One eye opening thing - is seeing how other people play out their own insecurities on us. Not everyone wants us to succeed - often because they need a "whipping boy/girl" to affirm themselves. Pathetic and pretty contemptible really.

I don't give a stuff if I put on a couple of kilos having a good time. You should enjoy life. But I will and CAN do something about it afterwards using this programs tools.

I'm 6weeks after refeed and still within 1.5kg of where I stopped without major drama..

Enjoy your shopping - I am!!!
Jr_Mint said:
Someone earlier wrote about using substituting one type of food for another on the programme, e.g tempeh for tofu. Is this for real? Where did this list come from?

I was given the list from the clinic at Parramatta when I first started. They said they had collated all the foods which either they had been given the OK for by email, or I guess things that had been mentioned in newsletters etc. So, I think they are definitely OK to eat! My consultant is quite strict, so I don't think she would say to eat anything that she wasn't 100% sure of!
BAM – I think that is a fantastic achievement. 36cm is awesome. I will let you know tomorrow what my official kg and cm loss is. Can’t wait to see how far I have come. I ordered my new work uniform today – size 14 and it looks pretty good on me, even if I do say so myself!

Less of me- You deserve a good whine after those ridiculous comments. (no offence but) you must be the heaviest anorexic ever!!! I am sure these people are only acquaintances of yours, as no friend would ever be this negative.
I have had a few people at work telling me today that “they know people who have been on the diet and put all their weight back on quicker than they lost it” Yeah well bad luck for them. It wouldn’t make any difference what diet you go on, unless you have a lifestyle change for good and learn from all your old ‘bad’ habits then of course you will pile the weight back on. Hello, how do you think I got fat to start with?? It wasn’t from eating fresh fruit and vege’s everyday!!! It’s important to note that of the three people who said this to me today, all three are overweight and joined Curves last month – alas they are still overweight and NOT attending Curves, which makes them the failures and NOT me.

Thanks for the Paprika advice – I am ssssoooooo happy to hear that news.

Less Fatty – I thought I was sarcastic, you take the cake (sorry, prize) I love your advice!!

KarenK – WOW 26kg in 10 weeks that’s 2.6 kilos a week. That is fantastic. Godd for you girl. I have no doubt you will be at your goal by November.

I just had the nicest dinner. It was apricot chicken curry with vege’s. It was so nice I think I’ll have it again tomorrow night. Mmmmmmmm, I can still taste it.

My four week weigh in is tomorrow and I am so excited. The last four weeks have certainly gone a lot faster than I thought they would have. I hope the next four weeks go this fast.
lessfatty said:
I think this highlights the most frustrating side of the program, if I am at home or just one meal (5 hours) from the house then I am fine I can 100% comply with the program by taking a meal with me. But when I am out of the house 15 hours then I need to have 2 meals or if I stay overnight then I need to eat out. For example my family and I was out of the house the full day, we visited a steak restaurant, I ate a "diet" steak (it had no fat) which I estimated was a bit more than my allowance so I left some, and some of a salad (I picked out just the vegitables on the program) again I ate my best estimate of 100gms of vegitables (my allowance). I didnt have scales but I did my best to choose foods that matched the program as best I could. Now the Cohens consultants say "NO NO NO" just drink tea or water if you go to a restaurant...I have no idea about what to do!!! The choice for me is no meal (breaking the program) or my best estimate of a 100% cohen program kosher meal (eg right ingredients but no way to ensure exact weights) . I.

I probably have 2-3 business functions a well, and go away on business trips at least once a month, so there is no way to avoid eating meals out, and its impossible to weigh the food. I think a sensible approach is necessary. My steps for success, which sometimes work and sometimes don't are.......

Be active in choosing the restaurant....... otherwise you can end up at a chinese restaurant, or pasta restaurant where there is nothing on the menu you can eat

If necessary, ring ahead to organise a special menu.. be specific about portion sizes and types of veges you can eat.

Ask for specific things.... although this doesn't always work. Its amazing how people don't listen to instructions!

if you are going to deviate, make sure you are eating something thats worth deviating for. Make sure it really tastes as good as it looks.

If you really feel that you "need" to eat something wrong, then just see if a tiny taste is enough to satisfy you. Sometimes just a tiny bite of a chip or an ice cream is enough to make you feel that you are not being deprived.... if not, ask yourself does it really taste as good as it looks!

sparkling water makes me feel like I'm drinking something "special". i don't like diet soft drinks.

tell the people you are with that you are on a special diet.... then they support you and there is the "peer pressure" not to eat.

I definitely think its possible to stick to the principles of the diet while still eating out on occassions. The hard thing is when you are eating out for every meal.

I've had a very good week after my business trip last week. I've lost 1 1/2 kilos so far this week. (I'm a daily weigher!) and I feel like its melting off. But I have also been hungry for the first time on the diet.
SO TRUE [B]Princessoz[/B]!!!!
People love to say that once your finished youll stack it all back on.But they dont know what youll be doing with your new slim bod.
I know i was always on the sidelines at sports because i simply could not move without my kneecaps shattering withthe sheer weight of myself.Now i wont be sidelining my life no more. Walks wont be the strain of lugging 40 kilos of fat around. And swimming....that was my worst nightmare.
I used to be on the look out for GREENPEACE constantly incase they rolled me back in the ocean!!!!!:eek:
So they can say what they like.
BAMI love reading your posts. Especially now there is a face attached. You are doing so well and you are simply gorgeous already.

I must say that my big inspiration is NETSKI you are a SUPER:D role model And with a sense of humour! Which, lets face it, we all have .
I used to be the happy wise cracking fat girl at parties to cover how I felt about myself....if only they knew how many clothes i had to try on to get there and try to hide myself.SO A BIG THANKYOU!

TO you all its a great diet and from all of your posts it works

Hi Guys! I am new to this forum. I have previously done Cohens - started late last year and finished Feb 06. It is a fantastic program and works very well.

I am about to start the program again (not because I put all the weight back on), but just to lose the final 8 kgs that I did not lose last time.

I originally started mid October at 80 kgs and finished mid Feb at 68 kgs. I ordered in refeed earlier as I felt that I was happy at this weight. I would have finished earlier if I didn't have some deviations over the Christmas / New Year period. So here I am, I have now decided to lose the remaining weight (Dr Cohen recommended my weight should be 60 kgs).

I wish I knew about this forum my first time around - you guys are all so encouraging and have done (and are doing) SO WELL. You are all so inspiring. Congratulations to you all on your losses.

For those of you who are interested, after I finished the refeed in Feb, I have been able to maintain my weight. I have had to be very careful with the amount of bread, cake, chocolate, I was eating, but once I worked out how much was too much, all has been ok. It is easy enough to maintain your weight, and if you do happen to over indulge, just follow the recommendations in the maintenance guidelines.

I thought I would join this forum so that I can keep myself honest and prevent myself from "deviating". I do know how hard it is to get back on the wagon after deviating, so a little bit of advice "DONT DO IT - DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT" - it is so not worth it.

So here goes, I am officially starting on Sunday morning as I have dinner to go to tomorrow night and a family get together on Saturday night.

I'll keep in touch every couple of days. Have a good sleep and keep on drinking that water!!

Warmest and Best Wishes to you all! Julie xx
Ticker Update

Hi all. Just a ticker up date. A 2.6kg loss in 2wks. Not alot but own fault- minimum water and a few deviations. But i am happy i am still losing. Got 21kg left and i aim for half way thru Nov- b4 summer. Earlier if i can get back into the swing of it. This fortnight im sticking to it (bar tonight- had sm toast as felt so ill) and im drinking water also. I will get there but just gotta get head bak around the program. I will get there. Hope all ok and sticking around to keep the party going.

Well as I'm finally making my first post, I feel like an imposter.. an intruder even. I've actually been lurking secretly in the background for a while now, reading all of your dietry hints and tips and wondering whether this could possibly be the answer to my extra couple of spare tyres and numerous chins!

My gorgeous sister (who also posts here, but shall remain nameless!!!) has had super success with Cohens and looks AMAZING! She is about to order her re-feeding program and is a walking advertisement that it actually does work!

So...... to quote lessfatty ............My ankles are looking REALLY bloated these days... and I could either take em' off below the knee or take the plunge and get on Cohen's. So I'm having my blood taken tomorrow and am off to the clinic on Saturday.

So what can I expect in the first few days? Extreme hunger? Sleepless nights and hot sweats? An urge to run over old people and small children?

Would love to hear how you got used to this new way of life as I prepare to give up my double chocolate brownies and chai tea. And how do I get one of those bloody ticker things?
Hi all. Lots of progress and positive vibes on the forum, love it. 12 week weigh in yesterday. The time has gone quickly and I am happy with the results. About those negative/stupid comments, I just send their stupid comments straight back and I say things like, "if you are concerned that I am anorexic take me to my favourite restraunt and I am sure i'll be cured. As for putting it back on I say well tell me what do you? tlook really interested in their answer and then say well thats not rocket science I am sure my brain has not lost weight and I will be able to work it out. I think it is funny that they feel the need to make some comment, why not say something like thats amazing,fantastic, well done cant wait to see you at goal. I have also noticed comments like so are doing that meal replacement thing -dismissing it as a gimmick and I respond no I use reall food and the bodies science. For some strange reason thay say so is he a real doctor, to which I respond why is that important to you? which is usually followed by a concern for my health. I am constantly amused. It seems that their brain has to find fault so that they dont feel obliged to actually do something about their weight.

More2go right click on my green dot next to my name and find all posts then have a look at the instructions I gave someone else to get their ticker going.

Have to eat out twice this weekend. I have had a total of 4 meals out in 12 weeks ( this has been the hardest aspect of this programme for me) and at each of those meals even though I specified NO OIL I got oil. They cant seem to get that part right.

I am interested in other peoples results regarding cholestrol levels after being on the programme. Good night all. Keep those posts comming.:)
::dubschic:: said:
So what can I expect in the first few days? Extreme hunger? Sleepless nights and hot sweats? An urge to run over old people and small children?

For me the first day was OK just hungry, but the 2nd, 3rd and 4th were tough, very tough. My mind was filled with thoughs of eating pasta, potatos, rice, starchy carbs; "withdrawal" symtoms. I couldnt concentrate on anything, felt shakey and "down".

Try not to plan anything stressful, and have lots of rest.

Stay away from sharp edges, blunt weapons and 4WD cars :D

It does get better!
PRINCESSOZ- Thanks for the add on Msn, i have accepted and should be speaking with you soon :) Good luck with the weigh-in.. scary times.. i shake like the contestants on the Biggest Loser when i get weighed.. i suppose im hoping for a HUGE difference but its usually just a couple of kg's.. but ay.. they are coming off not on!!! :p

Karenk- Thankyou for your kind words, im pleased to say that my little double chin has now gone totally and ive been told im starting to look like my Size 12,25 yr old sister everyday, ive always been told that we look like twins but im the "fat one"... well news flash!!! WONT BE FOR LONG!!!!! HEHEHEHE. Which is fantastic becasue she's a dead set look-alike to Jessica Simpson :p Your weightloss to date is fantastic, when did you start!??

I have arranged with a client of ours who is a Personal Trainer that when the last of my 22.2 kg's goes im going to get him to train me up, and tone me up for Summer!!

Im almost positive i will be finished by Late Nov.. maybe mid Nov.. so about 10friends & I are going on a short Holiday to Airlie Beach (Whitsunday's- for all you playing at home :)) and i simply cannot for the life of me wait until i can strip off to my Bikini and go swimming with them all!!!!! WOOHOO! hehe sorry i get a little excitted.... :)

I got called "Bones" this morning and i loved it... and skinny... haha im far from it.. but anyways i lap it all up!!

You all are a fantastic group of people, and so committed.. and WE CAN DO ANYTHING!!!! Stay strong, Stay Cohen's, Stay Slim!!!!

Ticker Update

Hi All,

Just a ticker update... It have been 8weeks and I have only lost 8.2KG... Tommorrow would be my blood test... I hope to be getting good results in this blood test so that I could be healthy again.. and also getting on the actual Cohen's program.... :) Its getting a bit slow in the weight loss... I hope to be doing better in the up and coming month.... Wish me luck all!!


It have been 8weeks and I have only lost 8.2KG...

Never say "ONLY" I have just come to realise that myself as my weightloss has been staying at 7.5kg's for almost 2 weeks now.. and i got really upset by it!!

It will come off, your body just needs its time to adjust..

Good luck with everything, you are doing so well :D
Morning ladies (and gents if you are still here!)

Well - I've been a good girl and have stuck to my die for a couple of days YAY MINXY!

I'm not going to weigh myself for a while though. Oh man I hope I look good by Christmas!!

ByeByeBlubber - Awesome name by the way! I'd love to hear how you are enjoying the binge eating book! I think I should give something like that a read. I get in to this bizarre almost 'zen like state' with food and I go at it Hammer and tongs until I have to undo my pants and beach myself on the couch!! All the women in my family are like that except they are all really skinny. Biaaaartches!

Off to drink some water now :)

Ticker update - Less than 10 to go!!

Hello all!!

YAY! Less than 10 to go before I order re-feed. :D :D Thankgoodness. I will say, Cohen's recommends my goal weight to be 64-68. WEll, I'm aiming to order refeed at 72. I have a sneaky suspicion that 68 is much to small for me. But we'll see, maybe I'll feel different when i get there. :p

I cannot wait to be under 80! I'm now 81.5 - I remember telling Sunshine (how you going Sunshine??) that i just couldnt wait to be under 90!!

Anyway - BEAUTIFUL warm day in MElbourne today - and I can fit into clothes that suit the weather!!!! Although, I really dont have many..... Can't wait to properly replenish the wardrobe!!!!
Six Month Weigh-In!

A big HELLO to all of you beautiful people on this wonderful day!
First I'm going to start off by apologising to all of you for the big whinge I had yesterday...I guess it is true what they say - everyone has to have a bad day sometimes. I am happy to announce howevr, that I am now completely over it and I am feeling on top of the world! Any comments like that I recieve in the future will slide right off me...just like my excess weight :p !

Secondly...I had my 6 month weigh-in and measure this morning. This month I have lost a huge 8.65kg! :D That brings the grand total of weight lost by me to a massive - are you ready for it? 47.4kg!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: Nothing can bring me down today (or any day in the foreseeable future...). As for cm loss - this month I shed 26.5 cm, bringing the total to 125 cm!

I am sooooooooooo happy that I have even decided to lower my goal weight to 66kg, instead of 68 kg. Dr Cohen set my goal weight at 64-66 kg, but that just seemed an impossible weight for me things change.

So, that's it...I'm going all the way and nothing is going to stop me! :D
Wishing every single one of you a fabulous day!
hi everyone
less of mecongratulations to you 47.5 kg that is aw some it won't be long and you will be doing your reefed to
Netskiwill be thinking of you on Monday when you start your reefed please keep us all informed on your new journey.
to everyone else i hope you all have a great weekend:)
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