Hello all! May I join in?
I am not much for gyms so I have been walking. I am not very systematic about it. I try to walk everyday. On days that I work I take the bus in and then walk home for 3.3 miles. On days that I do not work I walk a 4-mile route. It takes me anywhere from 1:03 to 1:10 depending how energetic I feel. If I am feeling really good I do this once in the morning and once in the evening. In addition I have to walk the dog (1-2 miles) and go the post office (0.8 miles round trip) so it all adds up after a bit. Last week I did 44.5 miles but my usual weekly total is closer to 30 miles.
There was a time when I used to do a lot of cycling but that was years ago. I have been thinking that should I be so fortunate as to get below 200 I would look into cycling again. Walking is good and I really enjoy it but I think I will need something more intense later on. For the time being though, I am loving it. It's cheap, low-tech, and all I have to do is step out the door.