Club 200-250

It and a bit was used a lot when I was young. Usually "she thinks she's it and a bit", meaning conceited.
Its Monday, day 1 of my weigh in process and its possible I will lose a little this week, but probably not a whole lot.

Cate and Amy, thanks for the lesson on "it and a bit"
Tuesday, day 2 and it looks like I'll be lucky to just hang on with no gain this week. That won't be a bad thing, as many folks here have told me (my trainer person also) gaining weight when you start weight training is not unusual, and I have been eating a little more. Once my body adjusts to the changes I am pretty sure I will see the downward trend again.
It's Monday, day 1 of my 3 day weigh in process. If this morning's weight holds I should be down this week, good to see it going down again.
It's Wednesday and I am down 4 lbs this week, and 110 lbs to date. I am feeling pretty good about it. I lost nothing last week so this is really down 4 lbs in 2 weeks, I am happy.
tell me your secrets lol, 4 pounds in a week, a dream... btw good job on that ^^

Almost in onederland, keep it up :beating:

btw never asked you, what's your gw?
tell me your secrets lol, 4 pounds in a week, a dream... btw good job on that
Thanks Nelly, one secret to losing 4 lbs in a week is to lose none the week before despite dieting. So its really 2 lbs a week for 2 weeks!
Almost in onederland, keep it up :beating:

btw never asked you, what's your gw?
Onderland will be a big deal for me, its been over 30 years since I was last there, but I try to to think too far ahead, I do better with short term goals. Like doing well today. I don't really have a firm GW, 110 lbs back I said it was 160 lbs, that's what I weighed the last time I felt I wasn't overweight, in high school. I don't know how much sense that makes now, no longer have that high school body. I guess I'll see what I feel like as I get closer. I know I have lost a lot, I can feel it and see it, but I still have some fat I would like to get rid of so we'll see. Thanks for asking.
It's Tuesday, day 2 of my weigh in. I have been down a little, both today and yesterday, so hope to be able to claim a loss this week. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
It's Monday and the weight news doesn't look good. Up a pound and a half since last weigh in. I know I have been eating well and exercising so it has to be a temporary bounce. But being down always feels better. We'll see what Wednesday brings.
Tuesday and I am down a little from Monday, but still a bit above my 208 weigh in last week. We'll see what Wednesday brings.
Thanks LaMa, and mine did show some signs of being more cooperative this morning. I was down a bit below my last official weight, but since it was just one day I am leaving it at 208 and claiming no loss this week. If this morning's loss is real it will be waiting next week. I am happy, my pants are getting a little looser.
This week I think I will weigh in early, Monday. That is the end of the 100 day challenge, so I can just use that weight for the week. I weighed this morning and think I will be down a little tomorrow. Not a whole lot but some, and down some is always good.
Well it's 206 this morning, down 2 lbs. Took me 2 weeks to get down those 2 lbs, slower than I have been, but down is good. I have this fantasy that I'll hit a BMI of 30 by May 15, my one year mark. Not sure that will happen, but I'll get close. The back door to this place is coming into view!