Club 200-250

Well done, Kyle. 4 lbs is an excellent loss :)
After the 4 lb. drop from 239 to 235, my weight went back up close to 238 and started dropping at a more natural rate. I am now down to 236.2, but it is probably more of a real weight than the 235 I somehow got to on the weekend. So I am pretty happy. It means real progress, and not at a snail's pace.

Yesterday I was super tired and drained, a time which I love to lose control and go overboard on the calories. But the recent practice of calorie counting helped me keep balanced and stay with the good habit of limiting my portions.

The force is strong with you, young jedi.
Sounds good. Weight fluctuations can be frustrating but if you stay your course the average will keep going down.
Hey Kyle, you are doing fine, as LaMa says some bouncing around is normal just so the average is downward. The 235 is as real as any of the weights. I know people who just record and track the lows, just as valid as any other approach.

Yes, may the force be with you!
I have been flictuating a bit between 235 and 238. I have lost the discipline to record my calories and fasting for the past couple days due to some lack of sleep and consequential exhaustion.

But I DID start a 10-minute workout each night for the past 2 nights. I will make a hard habit of that. Also I will go back to tracking today. I believe I will start seeing a bit more progress in the next few days.
My gym finally opened up and I already went two times. Going again today. I have failed to record my eating lately, even though I said I would restart. I will start today because I definitely know that it makes a huge difference.
My weight today is 16st 0.25 which is 224.25 pounds which puts me firmly in this club...

LOL I guess over the years I have been in just about every club of this type here... I am the typical repeat offender (i.e. yoyo) :banghead:
I'm really pleased with how my weight is progressing... I'm down to 15st 8.25 this morning :party:

That is 218.25 pounds.

Only 3 pounds more to lose to get to my first target... My weight at the start of my current diary - which was my weight in March 2017 when I returned to the forum that time...
Time to update this...
I did reach my initial target as mentioned above a few days ago of 215.25.
I am currently sitting at 15st 4.75 which is 214.75
down to 213 today
I'm certainly planning on getting out of this club as soon as I can
I don't think you will be there too much longer. I remember the place well, I spent what seemed like a long time there. A great place to get out of!