Club 160s

Good luck to us all and I hope we all see each other soon in the 150 club!
in the 160's

Hello everyone I'm very much in the 160's, im 167lbs and have been annoyingly for some time now. I'm 24 and my ultimate goal is 139lbs...seems so far away. I guess only 7lbs to go till the 150's!
Still here had a bit of a blip, however have exactly 2 months till my holiday to the states and approx 10lbs to lose!
160s club represent! I'm hovering around 167. I have been eating really badly this week so I've a bad feeling I'll creep up again, but at the moment I'm pretty psyched.. haven't been in the 160s for something like 7 years.
I am 165 right now, and my goal is 140. Really I would LOVE to get down to 130, but that would be even smaller than my high school weight so I figure as long as I get back in a size 9 I will be happy
I am trying to make a goal for September to cut out soda completely, which I think will really help considering it is all I drink. But I also know it will be extremely difficult!
Hi Lisa,

tough goal, I tried something once called a self hypnosis CD you play it to yourself everyday for a month (even in bed) and after that just once a month, it worked for me for a while but because I travel so much it got difficult but it sure helped the jet lag!

Sugar is the key - even in alcohol that is the worst plus drinking lots of water.

The CD helps you look at yourself in another way.

If you want to know the site I used I can let you know.

Good Luck

162lbs today, I am hoping to be leaving the 160s over the next couple of weeks.

Good luck everyone.
