New member
Just wanted to say hello to the 140's! I am somewhere in the mid-140's, but hope to be in the 130 club in 6 weeks are so (not that everyone here isn't wonderful!!

Originally Posted by ABY
I am also here for the last year. I gain 20 lbs from the last year. I am 147 lbs now. I should lose these extra lbs in two months because i would like to participate in a happening at the end of June and i should be slim by then. I know that i must try hard for these two months if i want to achieve my goal. My main concern is that because of my daily program i should eat my main meal late at night before going to bed. During the day i am eating fruits, toast, some bread, chocolate and the meal at night. I am going to the gym 3 times per week for one and half hour. Does any one know what food should i prefer for the dinner? I think that it is unhealthy to avoid entirely the meal at night.