Club 140s

Hey Tropicalgirl....
I've made it into the 130's group at last. Hope to see you there VERY soon. :D
Great Work Girls! And good news.... I think I lost another POUND! But I'm not sure if that has to do with the water intake....whatever. LOL. I'm on the right track.
140s group

Only 4 more pounds and I'll be joining you all, I can't wait! I'm losing motivation at the moment - I'm very busy at uni. So....I'm setting myself a goal to be here by 21st October. Wish me luck!!
Hi guys,

I don't intend to be in the 140s for much it still OK to join this club?!?!? :)
im pushing into the 140's group!!!!

im around 149ish, and im hoping to get to my 140 pound goal by christmas!!!

Hooray - I'm in at 149lbs today. I'm officially in the 140's group! :):):)
Another achievement for me today - my BMI is now 25 - I'm not overweight any more!! December is going to be awesome...goal weight here I come!
I am in the 140s

I am at 146 wanting to be between 125 and 128 by summer. I have went from 164 to 146 in the last 6 months I would like to lose weight faster than that just cant get motivated, It seemed to be easier to lose weight faster when I was working and being a full time mom. Now just being at home makes it more difficult to exercise and stick to a diet.
I'm at 146 as well, want to get to 125ish for the summer, but definately want to be about 135 in the next couple of months, hopefully I can do it, can't wait to get into the 130's :D
Wow, had to go back 8 PAGES to find this club!
I am 149.6 and hoping to be in and out of this club as quickly as possible, and into the 130 club!!
I have been SO good this last week, can't wait to weigh in on Thursday!
Just hit 149 which is a huge number to me, that makes it a total of exactly 200lbs lost for me or 57% total percentage weight loss in 14 months.
new member!

Hi all, i've just started on this website could really do with some tips and chit chat with others to keep me motivated in losing some weight.

How are you all? I'm only young at 19, and very small at 5 ft 1, basically I was always rather slim until I went on the pill and started working part time at McDonalds two years ago (where you get free food every time you work) since then i've put on 2 stone and gone from a size 8-10 to 12-14. The strange thing is that the majorety of the time I don't think I look that much worse for it (my boobs have got considerably bigger and I get a lot more attention off the guys nowerdays) but buying bigger sizes gets me down and its when I look through photographs that the flabby arms and double chins seem noticeable.. so kind of hoping that this website will keep me motivated.

What are you all planning on doing? Its a bit harder for me as i still live with my parents who like to make hearty meals and its hard to exercise around them when theyre trying to watch tv... thought i could go on long walks when this is the case... I've also got a wii fit which has helped my mum lose two stone of late.

According to the wii fit my ideal weight is 8st 5, 117 pounds which seems a long way off, at the moment Ive been differing from 140 to 146.. am going to set a goal of 135 by the end of this month...

wish me luck! :)
Just like to say Hello to the 140's group!! Weighed in at 149 this morning... I hope to be out of this group by the end of November... Feels so good to finally be in here...after 4 months of working my ass off!! :)
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Damn! I'm STILL in this club!

Okay, self. Get your butt outta here! Grrr.

I plan to be out of here by October, too, Dioraddict! If I can stick to a schedule.. ugh.

I've been eating wayyy too much and of course put some weight on last week.
I'm 144.

I was down to 138.5 only two weeks ago.
New to Forum

I wanna join to! brand new to the forum so far my weight loss has been from 160 to 148ish which is where i am currently at(seem to be stuck too)... I want to get into the 120 group but just seems so hard with work full time and part time student.