Here's how the Healthy Holidays Challenge will work:
1. You'll get +2pts if you lose more than .5lbs that week, and -2pts if you gain more than .5lbs that week. No pts gained or lost if your weight gain or loss is less than .5lbs that week.
2. You'll get 10pts each week you exercise for a total of at least 3hrs. The 3hrs can be split up however you want--1hr 3days a week, 30min 6days, etc. As long as you get in 180 total minutes each week. This is an all or nothing pt. If you only exercise for 160min, you get 0pts that week.
3. Each week there will be an additional bonus whose pt value will change weekly. It might be related to the type or quantity of food eaten or exercise related. It could also concern holiday or motivational issues.
4. At the start of the challenge you will post your current weight and your goal weight for the end of the challenge. Your goal weight can be whatever you choose, however, it must be at least a minimum of 3% of your starting weight. So if your starting weight is 200lbs, your goal weight must be at least 194lbs or less (3% of 200 is 6lbs). Those who reach their goal weight at the end of the challenge will get an additional 40pts.
5. The first 3 weeks of the challenge will be individual. At the start of the 4th week, teams will be formed randomly with those who have updated all three weeks.
6. The team with the most pts at the end of the challenge wins. And the individual with the most pts wins.
The 6-week challenge starts Nov. 10th and ends Dec. 21st. I hope to see you all there!