Thanks Jaymie - its only a 30min class I've booked into but, its advertised as 'fast spin' so, I'm expecting a lot of high intensity sprints. I'm taking the day off on Monday as by then I'll have hit the gym for about 9 days straight!! A rest day is long overdue!
Had another excellent workout today. Back and biceps with 45mins cardio at the end. Still got a lot of energy and, I was reading in Mens Fitness earlier that it may well actually be all the broccolli after all!! lol, well, they say many a true word is spoken in jest
Right, time to post the new workout. Most of these weights will increase quite rapidly but, this is the starting point. As usual, kilos I'm afraid. All excercises are in sets of 1 x 10, 1 x 8, 1 x 6 - unless specified otherwise:-
SPLIT 1 (Chest and triceps)
Bench Press (55kg)
Tricep dips (unassisted) 2 x 10
Tricep extensions (skull crushers) (10kg)
Incline Bench press on smiths machine (40kg)
Narrow grip tricep press (35kg)
Cable crossovers (7.5kg each side)
SPLIT 2 (Back and biceps)
One armed dumbell rows (20kg)
Cable bicep curls (5kg) - harder than it sounds!
wide grip pull ups (assisted)
Standing bicep curls (10kg dumbells)
Wide grip pulley row (30kg)
Hyperextensions (with 10kg disc) 3 x 15
SPLIT 3 (legs and shoulders)
Squats (55kg) plus extra set of 12 to begin with
Shoulder press with full rotation (15kg)
Leg curl (50kg)
Reverse bench flyes (7kg)
Calf raises (12.5kg per calf)
Shrugs (22.5kg)
Leaning lat raises (7.5kg)
I am also doing the following abs and core excercises after each of the above.
V crunches on bench (3 x 20)
Side bends (25kg) 3 x 20
Chair crunches (15kg) 3 x 20
Seated twists (machine, 30kg) 3 x 10 each side
oblique crunches with frame (4 x 25) 2 sets each side
3 x 1 minute plank
2 x 1 minute shoulder bridge
Always followed with 45 - 60min cardio.
So, there it is, that is my gym schedule for the next 6 weeks or so and, so far, I'm loving it