New member
Overall, I think "cheating" is a bad word for it. I think it should be called "assuring your sanity" .
I agree with this!
If I 'cheated' it would automatically make me feel guilty just because of the meaning of the word.
Overall, I think "cheating" is a bad word for it. I think it should be called "assuring your sanity" .
Ok my question is, how come my cousins eat plenty of processed carbs, pretty much every single meal. (I consider those carbs, my cheat meals as well.) But how do they eat this every day and not get huge? when I'm told processed carbs are bad for you?
They don't do any exercise that I can really see either...
I "cheated" and went for drinks with my friends tonight - had 3 glasses of wine. Not so bad really - but when I got home - I had TWO chicken brats on bunsAbout 500 extra calories on top of the wine!!!
This is the first cheat in 3 weeks - but it still makes me feel like I negated everything I've done for the last three weeks. Logically - I know that's not true - emotionally it's not that simple.
Thats the bad deal with drink the alcohol then want to eat! Damnit! haha
Oh it doesn't make me want to eat. It makes me want to SMOKE.![]()
heeeeelllp! im new i just started today.... 4/15/2009! i weight 278 lbs and i want to loose 100 lbs! anyideas? i would appreciate it!! ;(