Weight-Loss Cheat Days

i love my cheat days it usualy means a chocolate lolly pop or some m&ms (little snack bag like you get for halloween) for me but i didnt start them tell i hit my 3rd goal because for me it was just easier to not have those things at all because they are my extreme weakness .. they are my kryptonite
i love my cheat days it usualy means a chocolate lolly pop or some m&ms (little snack bag like you get for halloween) for me but i didnt start them tell i hit my 3rd goal because for me it was just easier to not have those things at all because they are my extreme weakness .. they are my kryptonite

My kryptonite is also chocolate. Just two days ago, I ate two whole rows of brownies. How crazy is that right? It got to the point of my sister hiding the serving spatula.

Thank God I only allow myself brownies once a month. Haha.
The idea of a cheat day sounds fun, but I'll have to use good judgement about what I cheat with lol. Someone said it earlier in the post that he "earned" his treat... that sounds good.
using it as a reward though - can be dangerous... food as a reward should never be used -and by using the mindset that you've "earned' it - is using food as a reward.

don't think of it as a cheat day - if you see it as a cheat that means you're depriving or denying yourself something... Have what you want -don't go crazy - two slices of pizza, not an entire pie - and just keep going forward - as long as it's not an excuse to go crazy for 3 days straight... eat what you like.. .
Going crazy for three days is what I'm worried about! xD That's why it might be best if I just cheat with an extra serving of something or something along those lines.
I find if I cheat a little, it usually turns into a lot. But on days when I'm really wanting to snack, it is helpful if I tell myself to hold out for the healthy choice fudge pop that I have at home... this usually helps me not eat the candybar that's enticing me from the machine. lol
Going crazy for three days is what I'm worried about! xD That's why it might be best if I just cheat with an extra serving of something or something along those lines.
I find if I cheat a little, it usually turns into a lot. But on days when I'm really wanting to snack, it is helpful if I tell myself to hold out for the healthy choice fudge pop that I have at home... this usually helps me not eat the candybar that's enticing me from the machine. lol

Wow, I'm just like this. If I want chocolate really, really bad, I just tell myself that Dairy Queen has a fudge pop with only 50 cals. Thinking wisely, it's either the 700+ calorie blizzard, or the fifty cal fudge pop. There's no question, you know?

I'd like to say I cheat at night, and as of two days ago, I use to. Recently though, and I mean as of last night, I've started eating my last meal at 7 so come 9, I can run comfortably. My last meal usually consists of complex carbs like two bowls of cereal. It helps my stamina stay in check. Alot of times if I cheat, it's before a run. I don't know if I consider it cheating though, because theoretically, I burn it off. I really don't know what to think about it, to be honest. I suppose I would consider cheating to be days when I treat myself and can't run it off. Yeah...that's cheating for me. Scarfing down chocolate and then feeling to lazy for cardio.
You might be surprised that when you have your treat that you don't enjoy it like you used to.

When I first started making better choices I cut out two things that have since totally lost their appeal when revisited. I seriously can't believe what I got out of eating them anymore.

It's emotional eating revealing itself, I didn't eat it 'cause I wanted it, I ate it 'cause I thought I wanted it.

this is exactly right, i used to eat a lot of taco bell but on my cheat day I had a bean burritto from there and when I was finished I was asking myself how the hell did I enjoy those so much before?

Wow, I'm just like this. If I want chocolate really, really bad, I just tell myself that Dairy Queen has a fudge pop with only 50 cals. Thinking wisely, it's either the 700+ calorie blizzard, or the fifty cal fudge pop. There's no question, you know?

I totally understand this! I have been using a similar method :) We dont have Dairy Queen (shop or brand??!!) But in the UK we do have KitKats! They are totally amazing chocolate wafer biscuit things, dont know if u can get them outside the UK. They only have 107 cals and completely satsify the chocolate cravings :D Even if you splurge and have 2, the damage isnt so bad (compared to chocolate which would be MEGA calories!)

As for cheat days....not sure. I think cheat meals would be ok but if i had one day where i could eat all the crap i used to then it would most likely turninto 2 or 3 days....i just dont trust myself! Personally, it would be my downfall but i can see the merits for others :)
Every day I have a cheat snack, it usually consists of a 75 calorie Lindt choc ball or a 100 calorie choc freddo. Or maybe a handful of lollies. I think cutting out junk completly is stupid, why would you cut it out? It tastes good!

Every Saturday is my cheat day, I wake up and have my usual breakfast (porridge) or sleep in till 12 :D
Then for lunch I eat whatever I want, then for dinner I eat whatever I want! This Saturday is my brother's 21st, so we'll be having a yummy lunch that day, then he is having a party, so I'll have a couple of drinks!

I do this for a few reasons:

1. It makes the good the rest of the week, because I have that Saturday to look forward to when I can eat all my favourite foods; Butter Chicken Curry, Chicken Burgers from McDonalds, Pizza, Lasagne and Creamy Pastas!

2. I generally only eat 3 times per day on the weekends, I don't eat as much as during the week because I am not doing as much.

3. I get exercise in on that day too, so I never feel guilty

4. It throws my metabolism out, so it doesn't slow down
this is exactly right, i used to eat a lot of taco bell but on my cheat day I had a bean burritto from there and when I was finished I was asking myself how the hell did I enjoy those so much before?

I used to love Taco Bell's chalupas so much that I found a recipe for the chalupa shell on the net.

Now I don't really eat the chalupa...but I do make the shell at home. BF eats it like Taco Bell serves it...I keep mine open face and pretty much pile a taco salad on top of it. I'm sure some of the oil calories seep into the lettuce/chicken/beans on top, cuz there is a wonderful added flavor...but I don't eat the shell.

Kinda weird...but I do cook the chalupa shell just so I can use it as a platter to serve the rest of my meal on. :)
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I have this extreme craving for cookies. It used to be a lot worse before, but the past couple of weeks I haven't been eating as many so my cravings have been reduced. I usually eat about 1 or 2 a day. Thankfully my mom buys those 'lifestyle' cookies (which are only about 40 cals each) which are a lot healthier.
I gave up my "cheats" because the things I like to cheat with are major trigger foods for me. I thought I could allow myself those treats, but one bite leads me to a binge. At this point in my life, for some reason I can't get myself to change that, and I can't forfeit my goals, because getting there is essential for me to have good health and vitality again, so I just gave those things up. I've been almost 2 weeks chocolate-free (and refined sugars are gone as well), and since I haven't let it touch my tongue, I don't really crave it. Go figure. I've been eating great these last couple weeks and feel free from cravings. It's been great. So I'm gonna stick with it for good, or until I've gotten myself to a point where I've dealt with the issues that make it a trigger and eating a bite of it no longer triggers me to binge.

I think it's great that some people are able to "cheat" and be okay, but it makes me blow my whole diet...bleh.
btw, Judy B, would you mind sharing that chalupa shell recipe with me? I'd love to cook that up once in awhile...sounds yummy, and the homemade version is probably better than Taco Hell's...hehe
btw, Judy B, would you mind sharing that chalupa shell recipe with me? I'd love to cook that up once in awhile...sounds yummy, and the homemade version is probably better than Taco Hell's...hehe
It's super easy, just a little messy.

1 cup flour
1 tbsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 Tbsp shortening (I only use about a tsp)
1/2 Cup milk

Enough oil to float the chalupa shell during cooking.

Cut the shortening into your mixed dry ingredients. Stir in milk. Turn dough out onto a floured surface and knead the ingredients together. Roll it out to about 1/4 " thickness and fry it in a heavy skillet. It only takes about 30 seconds per side. Drain well, serve immedieately.
That IS easy :) thanks! I'll make mine with whole wheat flour just to make it more nutritious. Sounds like a nice treat :)
I never actually eat the shell...I've discovered that just putting everything on it imparts flavor. I'm sure it brings along some calories too...but it can't be that many since I don't actually eat it. :)
Ok I love everyone's cheat rants.
But I have a question. Tell me if it is stupid, as I'm not that experienced in terms of nutrition.

Anyways I'm asian, so my family eats a LOT of carbs, actually when I went back to visit my rellies. a typical day is:

Noodles for brekky,
snack of buns (with meat in them)
lunch is rice with meat and vegies or noodles
afternoon - fried beef/chicken dumplings
dinner - rice fish meat vegies. whatever but a lot of rice we don't stop at one bowl!
supper, chicken skewers, beef/chicken dumplings or noodles.

Ok my question is, how come my cousins eat plenty of processed carbs, pretty much every single meal. (I consider those carbs, my cheat meals as well.) But how do they eat this every day and not get huge? when I'm told processed carbs are bad for you?
They don't do any exercise that I can really see either...

BTW if this is not the right place to be asking this, just feel free to move it or something hehe
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I just started this, so I'm scared to cheat with anything.
I just know that one nip of anything delicious that I love and that's probably full of fat and calories will control me right away.

It sucks thinking about it now :(
See I'm the type that goes all depressed and moody when craving and I turn into a really miserable person.

Like right now :(
I "cheated" and went for drinks with my friends tonight - had 3 glasses of wine. Not so bad really - but when I got home - I had TWO chicken brats on buns :( About 500 extra calories on top of the wine!!!

This is the first cheat in 3 weeks - but it still makes me feel like I negated everything I've done for the last three weeks. Logically - I know that's not true - emotionally it's not that simple.
I've found that if I allow myself a LITTLE bit of what I want every day, the cravings aren't as bad. I still think I eat candy because it's there, though, not because I want it.

I also didn't start this until about 2 or 3 weeks in because I learned self control in those weeks and now when I have to indulge, I do it responsibly.

I used to not have any cheat ANYTHING at all, because I knew if I had one bite, I'd have the whole bag (or box, or whatever) There are still a few foods I can't indulge in. Mostly birthday cake, birthday cookie, chocolate chip cookies (home made, so we just don't buy the dough anymore.),and regular soda. I've just recently switched from diet sodas to water... and I am going to wait a couple weeks until I have diet soda again.

Overall, I think "cheating" is a bad word for it. I think it should be called "assuring your sanity" .
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