Weight-Loss Cheat Days

I think a cheat meal can benefit the thyroid from becoming rather dormant from consuming the same amount of calories each day however I'd suggest to keep it at 1 meal per week. I actually ditched the "cheat" (Anything you want meal) and am now consuming clean re-feeds once every 2 weeks.
I think a cheat meal can benefit the thyroid from becoming rather dormant from consuming the same amount of calories each day however I'd suggest to keep it at 1 meal per week. I actually ditched the "cheat" (Anything you want meal) and am now consuming clean re-feeds once every 2 weeks.

Refeeds are something entirely different than a cheat. And their importance as you become leaner is unbelievable. Majority of people here do not need refeeds IMO.
I don't even know what a refeed IS!


That being said, I don't believe in "cheating" I certainly don't believe in guilt.

I do know that if I am craving something, and all the carrot sticks or chicken in the world isn't going to satisfy it, then I eat it, count it in my calories for the day and move on.

Cheating implies I'm trying to be sneaky.

If I want a cookie, I'll eat it.
Generally, I choose not to ;)
i think pasta is that whole refined carb thing - which isn't nutritionally all that good for you (but oh so darn tasty with pesto sauce and fresh grated parmesan cheese)
::Whine mode::

dont make me hit you, ya young whippersnapper... when you consume 4000 ish calories a day - whole wheat pasta is easy to fit in.. :D but at 200 calories ish for 1/2 cup - 1/2 cup isn't very satisfying :D those calories - even if it is whole grain - add up :D quickly :D

::eek:ff to whine more elsewhere :: :)
Pasta is a good carb source, combine that with a protein source (grill chicken, tuna) and you got yourself a good meal. Eat that pre/post workout and you're good.
4200 calories yesterday, and again today. Yummy. :)

STEVE what does a typical day of food look like for you, cuz if i ate that much.......well i used to and i am fat! Not as fat as i used to be but i generally eat 1200-1500cals a day.......what do you eat??

By the way, I am, with M2M, I eat a dang cookie if I want one and avoid cheat days!
I don't really like the thought of "cheat days"...but sometimes I eat Ramen Noodles! They're completely overprocessed and full of salt and offer no nutrition, but they're just so GOOD. it's also less than 400 cals for a pack so I don't feel completely full or guilty afterwards. I am vegan so I don't eat pizza or cookies/cakes/pies so this is my "junk food."

For whatever it's worth, the best runner and mountain bike racer that I know of, who also owns a bike shop and is a certified coach, swears by Ramen Noodles. He eats them and chicken every day. He'll even shout it out and tell everybody as he's crossing the finish line... while getting first in the expert category. His daily exercise is through the roof too though.
I eat whole wheat pasta almost daily. :)

We eat it often too. I don't see what the big deal is. I just stay away from the normal pasta, the white stuff, whatever you call it. I eat potatoes all the time too. If we're not eating that, then we're eating basmati rice. We eat what alot of people here would classify as ALOT of carbs, all the time, and I'm still losing weight. My daughter is skinny as a rail and doesn't exercise and she eats these things too. Actually we eat alot more stuff like this now than we used to, and we're much healthier. Back then I weighed 42 pounds more. So based on these experiences, I just can't agree with alot of the carbophobic ideas floating around.

It just seems as if the heaviest and most unsuccessful people are obsessed with steering clear of carbs, while the more fit and successful people eat them all the time. Why is that? Some may say that it's genetics and that they can get away with that naturally, but I think that this is the exception and not the rule.
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My cheat day killed me, so I eliminated it completely.

One cheat day would be so amazingly delicious that it would turn into 2 cheat days or 3 cheat days. This usually resulted in a gain of 2 to 3 pounds.

I figured out that if I just don't splurge, my diet stays very consistent and healthy.
My cheat day killed me, so I eliminated it completely.

One cheat day would be so amazingly delicious that it would turn into 2 cheat days or 3 cheat days. This usually resulted in a gain of 2 to 3 pounds.

I figured out that if I just don't splurge, my diet stays very consistent and healthy.

I'm with you 100% on this. I've found I just can't trust myself to "cheat". Maybe people who are successful with this strategy have more willpower than me. If so, my hat's off to 'em! :)

We eat it often too. I don't see what the big deal is. I just stay away from the normal pasta, the white stuff, whatever you call it. I eat potatoes all the time too....So based on these experiences, I just can't agree with alot of the carbophobic ideas floating around.

It just seems as if the heaviest and most unsuccessful people are obsessed with steering clear of carbs, while the more fit and successful people eat them all the time. Why is that? Some may say that it's genetics and that they can get away with that naturally, but I think that this is the exception and not the rule.

Good point!
I have something to say about this: there is a WORLD of difference between simple carbs and complex carbs. Simple carbohydrates are often high in calories, low in nutrients (usually, ok!), and low in fiber. This equals the high risk of over-eating them. You just don't feel full! Also, carbohydrate comsumption spawns seretonin release--that happy-go-lucky, feel-good neurotransmitter. Why? Perhaps because:


Therefore, it's only natural for our bodies to crave it, right? Otherwise our brain couldn't function properly. It's safe to say a low-carbohydrate diet will make you stupid :p For some people, especially depressed people with chemical imbalances (and depressed people OFTEN tend to get overweight, not all but many), this euphoric feeling is addicting. And simple-carb food tastes very good usually--a lot of it is loaded with sugar and salt, or has a great texture (think Franchese Bread, mmmh!). SO for some people, simple carbs are dangerous waters.

These people need to realize that they will be FINE and lose weight if they just traded in the simple for the complex. No one ever got fat off of vegetables, fruit, and whole grains (well, I doubt it! If so they're probably not being honest with themselves). Complex carbs are VERY filling. Add some protein in there (legumes, meat, fish) and you will feel satiated--and great! Most likely, your brain chemistry may start to become normal again. Because cimple carbs also create a high and crash of neurotransmitters. Put in too much sugar and the whole insulin-working-overtime and you're in a bad place.

OK, I said my piece--eat those carbs! Just make sure they're complex, and keep the simple to a minimum, and at last have them with protein or something. :D

I have almost completely eliminated regular pasta from my diet. I have traded out for Barilla's PLUS pasta (yellow box).

One cup has 200 calories, 10g protein, 2 g fat, 38 g carbs and 4 g fiber. They added lentils and chickpeas to the ingredients, which add the fiber, and it has 360 mg of Omega 3s.

I like the taste and texture more than whole wheat pasta too.
Honestly, I try to stay away from cheat days :(

When I do cheat, I cheat BIG TIME and find myself getting back or wanting to cheat MORE after I do it.