Cecilia's Resolve

You've come to the right place! Everyone who diligently posts here is super supportive! You sound as if you are off to a great start! Keep up the good work and POST, POST, POST!
Thanks soo much! I'm LOVING the community and support around here. I think it's just what I need to succeed (sounds cheesy...)

Well, for lunch it was a pita sandwich with turkey and some vinagretted tomato.

Then I ran three miles with the cross-country team. Excercise makes me feel AMAZING afterwards...I'm hoping that being part of a team will keep me on track and focused. Plus, if I know I have to run at 5 in the afternoon every day in the Miami heat, I'll probably eat better.

Now I just ate another carrot and drank lots of water. This keeps me full till dinner so I kill the urge to snack...
Feeling pretty good...


big apple (just felt like it)




half a pita with turkey and tomato


another carrot (I know they're very sugary but they tend to fill me up more than anything else before dinner)


Eggplant with tomato and mozarella
Some cherries

I actually kindan went overboard on the cherries...*sigh*

I ran a bit, did some drills, went to the weight room and did water aerobics (all this with my cross-country team :D ) so that part went well.

Make sure you get enough calories in your diet so you keep losing healthy. That menu sure doesn't sound like much. You've got to have at least 1000 to 1200 for healthy weight loss.
I agree with twinmom. You have to eat enough calories or your body will go into starvation mode and you won't lose a thing. I know it doesn't seem logical, but it's the truth. Just try to make those calories come from healthy food rather than junk food. Even alittle fat is needed by your body for healthy reasons. Don't starve yourself! It will get you nowhere (believe me, I've been there and done that loads of times). Good luck!
Thanks guys! I agree and I'm trying to fight the temptation to eat less than I should. I know it sounds really weird, but I tend to have an all-or-nothign attitude. If I mess up one day, I binge the rest of the day :( and then if I'm on an "official eating right day" I tend to eat too little.


Bfast - an apple (I wanted to eat a yogurt also, or something else, but it was all I could stomach....at least I got myself to eat breakfast:rolleyes: )

Lunch/Snack (at a weird hour) - Cottage Cheese with fruit topping

Snack - alarge helping of fruit salad

Dinner - a large helping of a delicious salad of white beans, chunks of tunas, tomato and celery, with a moderate amount of olive oil/vinegar...really good and very filling! + 4 crackers

Sometimes on paper it may seem I'm eating less than I'm actually eating because of portions, and when (like today) my meals consist of a round of snacks instead of a well-defined meal...

I ran two miles with the cross country team and went to the weight room...when I got home I did thigh/butt toning and some ab-work...

Overall a relatively good day :)
:mad: Ugh, I keep battling the urge to snack uncontrollably!!!

Bfast was a cup of plain ff yogurt with some blueberries and some cereal. Then I had a carrot as a snack and for lunch I had pita with turkey and vinagretted tomato. So far so good.

Then when I came back from running a gazillion errands I had some cherries. Then a bit of cereal. Then two slices of cantaloupe. Then I had to go grocery shopping...it kinda depressed me for no reason....except that the darn bakery had a huge sale and everything was just soooo tempting, and then they had huge signs eveyrwhere with "Sample the Publix Premium Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream....rich, creamy ice cream with dense pieces of cookie dough blah blah blah"

Ok, I really have to learn how (and when) to stop ranting. This isnb;t helping anyone.

Anyway, my mom is going to make make crunchy focaccia with lots of olive oil etc for dinner...:( pray I resist well enough!

Tomorrow we're spending the whole day out on the boat with friends...i don't want to feel like a whale :rolleyes:

You would think that would motivate me, but somehow I just keep thinking of the cookies and muffins and ice cream downstairs..

Off to brush my teeth;)
Well...until an hour later I gave in to snacking urges again...I just ate a carrot and drank a lot of water so I'm nice and full and don't have this abnormal craving to crunch on something until dinner (which is late in my family - usually around 9-ish).

Usually brushing your teeth and rinsing with mouthwash is the best thing you can do :)

Of course, staying out of the kitchen or tying yourself to a chair is effective as well ;)
Oh God...yesterday I gave in...I feel like beating myself up :(

I'm proud of the fact that it wasn't a full-out binge, I stopped myself (something that had been impossible for me to do till recently). But I did go way overboard...I have no clue why. I was doing well, I don't even have an 'emotional eating excuse' (we should call it an EEE).

Oh well, I'm right back on track! I thought we were going out on the boat today (oh, the Miami summer) with lots of food around...that would have been bad considering I felt like giving up this morning and binging. Strangely enough, feeling uncomfortable in a bathing suit wouldn;t necessarily stop me from eating out of control on the boat - how weird is that?

Anyway, I kicked myself up this morning with a random burst of motivation, ran 5 miles (most I've ever done...I did walk for a bit and stopped twice, but I'm still really happy!) and ate a good breakfast. The only annoying thing is that I feel like all the effort the 5 miles took went into burning off yesterday's half-binge (and it takes more to hurn it off completely)...and to think that if I had stayed on track, it would have been "virgin fat" being broken into :p

I hope I don't weaken again today...until then, ciao!
Your food and exercise is looking really good! :D I can sympathize with the uncontrollable snacking urge. :rolleyes: But as long as what you are snacking on is fruit, veggies or something low cal, then you are not going to ruin otherwise good eating. So don't worry too much. Are you drinking a lot of water? Sometimes that can help you feel full so you won't snack as much and you need water anyway. :D
Hey Cecilia! Don't beat yourself up so much over slipping up, it definitely happens to all of us. I find that the more time I spend worrying about what I've already binged on...the more likely I am to binge againe. :-o. Go figure. Nothing to do but get back on track, right?

We seem VERY similar though...it's crazy! Best of luck to you. :).
So next time you run 5 miles on a day that you didn't over-eat. Don't worry. Your are doing great! You could have just given in to the binging and not exercised....could have been much worse. Have a good time on your boat trip.
How goes today, Cecilia? :D Hope you are doing well and enjoying the Miami summer ;) Don't worry too much about the binge - 1) you stopped yourself from letting it get WAY out of control and thats progress! 2) That was a "yesterday" and today is all that you need to concentrate on at this moment. Worrying about yesterdays and tomorrows will only give you a mental stress load and accomplishes nothing. Okay, nagging complete;)

Have a great day! :D
Congrats on the 5 miles- I wouldn't be upset that you did it after giving into cravings, I would be proud! It is easy to fall into the routine of giving into cravings, getting lazy and not exercising- much easier than forcing yourself to get back on track. I think you're doing great.

And thanks for the encouragement in my diary- I appreciate it.
Aaaa...now I feel awful reading the replies you guys posted...

I totally gave in :( :( :(

Saturday night was bad. Sunday was just one big oversized disaster - which led to that DUMB "might as well binge for all its worth since its screwed up already anyway and I'm "starting new" tomorrow" mentality which I have no idea why I follow.

I know the rule is not to beat yourself up, but that's all I've been doing.

Why why why why WHY can't I just STAY. ON. TRACK.

I mean come ON. Is it hard? No. Is it painful? No. :confused: :confused: Then why why why, though I want it more than anything and it kills my self-esteem every time I fail, can't I just stick to it? I am SO sick and tired of this feast/famine, diet/binge cycle. I'm trying to break out of it so incredibly hard...

Ok. Relax. (you guys probably think I'm nuts)

I need to learn in small steps. Saturday I halted a binge. True, in the end I gave in, but I've never halted a binge for even a bit before. Now I know what it feels like. Now I just have to do this slowly, step by step. My number one priority is NEVER EVER EVER to binge again. Tall order, I know, but the thing is I KNOW I can do it.

I have to break out of this stupid "all or nothing" mentality.

Sorry (again) for the rant. It helps to write it all down.

My goal will be 7 binge-free days (how pathetic is that?). I'm going to take off the 10-pound ticker and add a new one.