ouch... i don't blame you. frankly, my decision is mostly based on my interaction with society. even when days were normal, i might not run into anyone or just a few people some days mostly spending them around the home or a short trip to a local store, or even just going out for a walk. if i were in a job or activity where interactions would run into the dozens or hundreds of people per day, i would probably reevaluate my choices.
We were running a pub (bar) at the time so interacted with lots of people every day. That is why I soldiered on & ended up having influenza for 11 weeks the 1st time. By the time I got to see the doctor, I was recovering from pneumonia. We simply could not afford to pay someone to do the bar while I took it easy. I really just felt worn out & very tired & only went to the doctor when I almost passed out while pouring a beer. I couldn't lift it up to the bar.
I take pretty much all vaccines. First because I interact closely with a lot of people for my job (and I don't want to be the infectious link between a sick person and an immunocompromised one) and secretly second because I hope by giving my immune system something to practise on it'll leave me alone for a bit.
I have all the vaccines available too, LaMa. I'm afraid my immune system has taken a beating over the years.
I always get a flu shot, I know its not 100% but it does lower the risk of flu. I also use a lot of hand sanitizer and wash my hands a lot, and have started wearing a mask more consistently. Again I am sure not 100 % effective, but I think it probably does lower my risk of getting the virus, or any virus. Anything that lowers risk is good for me. On the other hand I do go out pretty much when and where I want, so its a mixed bag. I am willing to do all the little things, but not some of the bigger ones. I do my best to live life safely. And will get the vaccine as soon as available (if ever).
Cate, that sounds awful!
It was awful, Rob, but I learned a valuable lesson & that's important. Looking back I'm horrified that I may have infected so many people. When you're self-employed in a small struggling business I'm afraid you do soldier on when you shouldn't.
Hi, Em. I loved your post today about tennis & your insights.
This is turning into a covid 19 post & that is not what I want to focus on. My anxiety has been through the roof the last couple of weeks & I am getting myself back on an even keel again by not dwelling on what is happening around the world.
I am staying at home as much as I can as I do think a second wave might come our way soon as is happening in Melbourne. I'm not going to golf today, but that is as much about not listening to BS & spending the day with Archie instead. We'll go into town, go for a walk around the river & just potter about. I just don't want to risk getting as cranky as I did last week. I came home angry & upset & I need to avoid that & protect myself as best I can.
Archie has settled in so well & he's a constant joy. He would be off chasing wallabies if I let him off the lead on our walks. I have him on a 5 metre long lead around here mostly & a short lead in town. I'm tempted to get an even shorter lead for town walks, especially when I go with G as he lets him walk backwards & forwards across the path & he'll end up tripping someone over. He loves to follow
all the scents.
I am going to have a look for a present to give Archie's last Mum to say how much I appreciate her giving him up to us. I want her & her kids to know how much we love & appreciate having him. I'm not sure what form the gift will take, but I'll have a look about. Actually I do know which store I will go to & that's a good start.