Cate's Diary

I’m hoping he gets some patience. I have made the mistake of looking things up for him for ages. We’ll get there.
Of course you will; you guys are awesome! Also: I love your new picture!
Haha, I have so many fights with my mum over the computer. I totally empathise! I agree with the suggestion he needs to want to know how to use it, so find something that he will be interested in looking up or learning about.
Haha, Em. There is so much he wants to look up, but he’s used to me doing it for him. He’ll learn.
... I don’t have any issues with protecting myself from the virus or maintaining personal hygiene. It’s being able to breathe whilst being bombarded with anti-bacterial hand wash wherever I go. Life will be much more difficult for people with MCS.
Hot, soapy water is best for hand-cleaning, but people are lazy & also sucked in by advertising.....

i have never used a hand sanitizer and i have never used any of those "kills 99.9%, or 99.99%, of common bacteria and fungi" products. i do wash my hands before i cook or eat anything or after i return home from being out. i don't get an annual flu shot. i had a minor cold in late Decmber. before that, i cannot recall the last time i was sick; maybe 2-3 years. if a COVID-19 vaccine gets developed, i will participate in that one.
What do you have planned for today Cate?
We really do have to give our house a good clean, Em as we might get a visit from someone who has not been here before on Thursday(after I have been to lunch with her & the golfing women) but also D & the GK's maybe staying either Friday and Sat night and/or R & K coming up too. The house is not as easy to keep clean as it was before Arch. In there I will take him for 2 walks. It's a stay at home day. It has to be done :)
Flyer- People are so gullible & chemical companies are so powerful. I do get an annual flu shot after having flu 2 years in a row, both times with Pneumonia. I'll have the vaccine for sure if & when they develop one.
.... I do get an annual flu shot after having flu 2 years in a row, both times with Pneumonia.....

ouch... i don't blame you. frankly, my decision is mostly based on my interaction with society. even when days were normal, i might not run into anyone or just a few people some days mostly spending them around the home or a short trip to a local store, or even just going out for a walk. if i were in a job or activity where interactions would run into the dozens or hundreds of people per day, i would probably reevaluate my choices.
I take pretty much all vaccines. First because I interact closely with a lot of people for my job (and I don't want to be the infectious link between a sick person and an immunocompromised one) and secretly second because I hope by giving my immune system something to practise on it'll leave me alone for a bit.
I always get a flu shot, I know its not 100% but it does lower the risk of flu. I also use a lot of hand sanitizer and wash my hands a lot, and have started wearing a mask more consistently. Again I am sure not 100 % effective, but I think it probably does lower my risk of getting the virus, or any virus. Anything that lowers risk is good for me. On the other hand I do go out pretty much when and where I want, so its a mixed bag. I am willing to do all the little things, but not some of the bigger ones. I do my best to live life safely. And will get the vaccine as soon as available (if ever).
flu 2 years in a row, both times with Pneumonia
Cate, that sounds awful!
i have never used a hand sanitizer and i have never used any of those "kills 99.9%, or 99.99%, of common bacteria and fungi" products. i do wash my hands before i cook or eat anything or after i return home from being out. i don't get an annual flu shot. i had a minor cold in late Decmber. before that, i cannot recall the last time i was sick; maybe 2-3 years. if a COVID-19 vaccine gets developed, i will participate in that one.

Hand sanitiser is enforced in pretty much every shop you enter nowadays where I live. You can ignore it in some places (and I do sometimes) but it really is frowned upon.

I am not a very sanitary person in the fact that my car and bedroom are both cesspits of filth and dirt and I have an amazing immune system and never get sick. Even though I really push it sometimes. I think I'm a lot more likely to get sick from fumes and chemicals than from the general breathing in of the air. And yes, coronavirus is there, but apparently no amount of hand washing will stop you getting it if you are in an enclosed space with poor ventilation, as the droplets are in the air.

I think all the measures are for the slowdown of the spread, that is the main thing to focus on. The method may not be what you want, but we all have to participate, within reason.
ouch... i don't blame you. frankly, my decision is mostly based on my interaction with society. even when days were normal, i might not run into anyone or just a few people some days mostly spending them around the home or a short trip to a local store, or even just going out for a walk. if i were in a job or activity where interactions would run into the dozens or hundreds of people per day, i would probably reevaluate my choices.
We were running a pub (bar) at the time so interacted with lots of people every day. That is why I soldiered on & ended up having influenza for 11 weeks the 1st time. By the time I got to see the doctor, I was recovering from pneumonia. We simply could not afford to pay someone to do the bar while I took it easy. I really just felt worn out & very tired & only went to the doctor when I almost passed out while pouring a beer. I couldn't lift it up to the bar.
I take pretty much all vaccines. First because I interact closely with a lot of people for my job (and I don't want to be the infectious link between a sick person and an immunocompromised one) and secretly second because I hope by giving my immune system something to practise on it'll leave me alone for a bit.
I have all the vaccines available too, LaMa. I'm afraid my immune system has taken a beating over the years.
I always get a flu shot, I know its not 100% but it does lower the risk of flu. I also use a lot of hand sanitizer and wash my hands a lot, and have started wearing a mask more consistently. Again I am sure not 100 % effective, but I think it probably does lower my risk of getting the virus, or any virus. Anything that lowers risk is good for me. On the other hand I do go out pretty much when and where I want, so its a mixed bag. I am willing to do all the little things, but not some of the bigger ones. I do my best to live life safely. And will get the vaccine as soon as available (if ever).
Cate, that sounds awful!
It was awful, Rob, but I learned a valuable lesson & that's important. Looking back I'm horrified that I may have infected so many people. When you're self-employed in a small struggling business I'm afraid you do soldier on when you shouldn't.
Hi, Em. I loved your post today about tennis & your insights.

This is turning into a covid 19 post & that is not what I want to focus on. My anxiety has been through the roof the last couple of weeks & I am getting myself back on an even keel again by not dwelling on what is happening around the world.
I am staying at home as much as I can as I do think a second wave might come our way soon as is happening in Melbourne. I'm not going to golf today, but that is as much about not listening to BS & spending the day with Archie instead. We'll go into town, go for a walk around the river & just potter about. I just don't want to risk getting as cranky as I did last week. I came home angry & upset & I need to avoid that & protect myself as best I can.
Archie has settled in so well & he's a constant joy. He would be off chasing wallabies if I let him off the lead on our walks. I have him on a 5 metre long lead around here mostly & a short lead in town. I'm tempted to get an even shorter lead for town walks, especially when I go with G as he lets him walk backwards & forwards across the path & he'll end up tripping someone over. He loves to follow all the scents.
I am going to have a look for a present to give Archie's last Mum to say how much I appreciate her giving him up to us. I want her & her kids to know how much we love & appreciate having him. I'm not sure what form the gift will take, but I'll have a look about. Actually I do know which store I will go to & that's a good start.
Anxiety- I have been feeling really anxious the last couple of weeks & have just spent an hour or so looking up ways to deal with it. I am going to concentrate on trying to breathe deeply, relaxing & not worrying. Deep breathing I think will really help. Not looking at social media in the evening, or looking up Covid stats. Not going over past mistakes over & over in my head. Saying stop & deep breathing when these thoughts come into my head. Any positive suggestions are welcome. Patting my dog while deep breathing is really good. I'll get moving now & take him into town as staying at home again won't help me. It is cold & overcast out there. We may have to do lots of small walks. I think I may just have got myself a therapy dog. He has really taken on this role well. I still have background stress happening & today is a big day. Everything will be fine in the almost always is.
Any positive suggestions are welcome.
If it helps think how important you are to all of us here. Without you this place would be much diminished, you keep it alive. And I honestly believe that without you my recent successes would not likely have happened. Not sure that relieves stress, but it is positive and something that is a whole lot more worthy of your thought than past mistakes.

And you are of course a lot more important to your family than anything, and I am sure you have been a very positive force there. Even a better thing to think about.

Hope you feel better by the time you read this.
I sympathize with you on the anxiety front Cate. As you know i have an anxiety disorder but it comes in waves of intensity--last couple of days have been especially challenging for me. Tonight i was thinking i might increase the meds I'm on. Just the other day I was so happy because i've been on a lowered dose the last couple of months...
Not going over past mistakes over & over in my head
Yes for sure if you can not dwell on past mistakes that's great--allow yourself to be imperfect--forgive yourself and move on. That's a huge challenge for me and often what my anxiety comes from.
You do a lot of the right things from what i know of you from this diary--you eat well, exercise, have loving relationships--and yes, now your therapy dog :)
Anxiety sucks. Hope you're feeling better soon.:grouphug:
Anxiety does suck. Drinking plenty of water, sleeping and eating at regular times (no chance for that now!) and regular exercise help for me. As does doing small, practical stuff (like decluttering) to keep feeling in control of my life.
Thank you, Rob for being so kind & thoughtful. My anxiety seems to be something that builds up when I worry about our sons mainly. Both of them have been under a lot of stress lately.
Thank you, Liza. I don’t think I ever understood anxiety until I had an attack. I have felt it building up recently & then had a full on attack last Friday. I literally just had to sit in my chair, patting my dog & breathing deeply until I felt able to move. It’s scary. I do have the knowledge to find my way out of it & do my best to use that.
Thanks, LaMa. I have similar strategies, but as you say we can’t always implement them.
I had a talk with a woman I am FB friends with & who I feel I am becoming friends with today about anxiety. She had a bad car accident a few months ago & said she is becoming anxious in certain situations & wonders if the accident is the cause. I said I think mine is because of all the negativity & fear due to C19 & she said she thinks hers may be too. It was nice talking to her & I felt genuine, mutual care.
I took Archie into town & took him for a walk & got a bit wet. I tried on some raincoats, but they weren’t right & were expensive. I have been despairing about not having any going out clothes & then found two pairs of dress pants in a spare room cupboard. Hopefully they fit me. I do need a new blouse/shirt though & will have a look on Friday. I wear the same top over & over.
I’m going out to lunch tomorrow with the “ladies”. I have had an earache today & won’t go if I wake up with it. I have an ap’t on Friday to hopefully get them cleared.
I downloaded a couple of apps today that may help with the anxiety. I’ll check them out in the morning.
My anxiety seems to be something that builds up when I worry about our sons mainly
You are a good mother, and of course you worry about your sons, all good mothers do. But the best thing for them is to see a healthy happy mother, so do what you can not to let it get you down!
Thank you, Rob. It’s not good for anyone if I don’t look after myself.