Cate's Diary

If people happen to want to believe the moon is made of green cheese I don't care.
I do care & that's why I have so much trouble with narrow-minded opinions, based mainly on talkback radio shock jocks. It perpetuates it & it grows.
New phones - very exciting! Glad to hear you are having such a good time with Archie.
It can be surprising when someone can have such different political views - where is it that you live, Cate? When did you move away from the city (assuming since you say you know people in Melbourne)?
Do you find it is harder to make friends as you get older? This is something I struggle with but I am also in a busy city.
Archie is adorable, Misty.
I shouldn't be surprised as it's a small town in rural Tasmania & most people have lived here all their lives. Our politicians play on people's fears to gain votes & it sickens & saddens me that so many people choose to believe. I was brought up in a small country town in Victoria, Misty, but moved to Melb when I was only 17. My eyes were opened to so many different cultures & what they brought to our country. Moving to a small country area at 32 with 2 small children I had to readjust again, but I certainly didn't change my much-broadened views. It is harder to make friends as you get older, but I still feel that my old friends are my friends forever. I have made many new friends, who I love, but I don't necessarily hold the same views.
Oh God, people and their views! I had a discussion about with this today with my boss actually. Some people have never ventured beyond their town and still claim to be an expert on all aspects of life. Some of the stuff people go on the radio to rant and rave about is so annoying. I try to just avoid it or if I happen to tune in, I eventually switch it off in disgust, haha.
It's harder when the comments are coming from people you know and admire in other ways! I think you just need to adapt an 'agree to disagree' mindset, but I can imagine it's easier said than done. Hope you got a good rest last night.
I know. People & their views :svengo: I usually can agree to disagree, but I feel it does me harm when I hear the same BS over & over. It never ceases to amaze me how people believe the rubbish that they hear. It's like they don't want to hear the truth- they just want to get worked up. I am sick of human beings being demonised, instead of getting compassion.
OK- that's enough. I'll either have to deal with them by not staying afterwards or speak up.
I do care & that's why I have so much trouble with narrow-minded opinions, based mainly on talkback radio shock jocks. It perpetuates it & it grows
I think this kind of thing is just human nature. We all want simple easy to understand things to believe, problem is most are wrong. Some folks are smart enough or think hard enough to avoid the traps, but many are not. One of my favorite quotes:

"For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." H L Mencken

I find trying to reason with most people who believe these simple, but wrong things is hard to do, near useless. So I do my best to ignore it and try to appreciate the things I like about the person.
trying to reason with most people who believe these simple, but wrong things is hard to do, near useless.
Thanks, Rob. I think you're right. I am not going to just not say anything though as to me it's a bit like watching someone commit a crime & not doing anything to stop them. I'm going to have some fact-check notes handy in my phone from now on. I told one of my SILs yesterday & she does the same. We discussed how we have had enough. I couldn't believe she had the same idea.
I have had a lot of stress in the last couple of days & had a panic attack yesterday morning. I don't want to go into it here. We have the GKs today & I am going to spend some nice time with them. I am really struggling physically with all of the antiseptic handwash everywhere. I don't know how my lungs will cope with the "new normal". Not well I would assume. I'm struggling for breath today. On top of the overload from yesterday I put on some "unscented" deodorant this morning & it stinks. I wrote to the company years ago & they didn't answer me. This time, I have written a bad review & won't buy it ever again.
Sorry to hear about the stress. Sometimes I wonder if all this antiseptic stuff will cause harm to people in the future as well. Breathing in all those chemicals can't be good. Just treasure your beautiful home and the wonderful nature just outside your door. I hope things resolve.
Sorry to hear you're going through a stressful time Cate. I hope the visit with the grandkids goes well.

I am not going to just not say anything though as to me it's a bit like watching someone commit a crime & not doing anything to stop them. I'm going to have some fact-check notes handy in my phone from now on.

I like that idea of the fact-check notes! Good one. I have a hard time keeping quiet and feel the same way about staying silent can be part of the problem. I do try to pick when and where i approach things. I try to do it in a way that may open the dialogue and discussion rather than just go to a heated argument...I've had good discussions with people who hold different views if both parties can stay open and respectful.

On top of the overload from yesterday I put on some "unscented" deodorant this morning & it stinks.

I remember going through a similar problem with apparently 'unscented' hand cream that really stunk. Sucks when they put 'unscented' on scented products! I don't know why they would do that--just puts me off buying from that company!
About the "new normal": if Tasmania is anything like Austria stores are going to stop refilling their antiseptic spray bottles soon enough and people will go back to holding their hands under the tap for 2 seconds and pretending that means they washed them.
Oh: the "unscented" tag here just means they didn´t add perfume. Doesn´t mean they didn´t take steps to influence the scent. And yes, many of those products stink and on top of that they´re more expensive because simply adding perfume would´ve been cheaper...
Thanks, Em. I'm sure a lot more people will develop fragrance allergies. I will stay at home as much as I can & just enjoy my lovely, fresh surrounds & my dog. I'm normally a sociable person.

Thanks, Liza. I try not to argue or get angry too. I often have to stay quiet though until I can temper what I say. We had a lovely day with the kids. The 'unscented' deodorant is so strong I could smell the closed product through the cupboard when I went into our bathroom last night. It is unbelievably stinky. They did this once before. It's Mitchum, owned by Revlon & they just don't seem to care. When you read product reviews everyone seems to be saying the same thing. I will never buy it again, but now have to find something new that works & has absolutely no added fragrance.

Hi, LaMa. If only people would wash their hands thoroughly :svengo: then we wouldn't need all this stuff. I know that they won't though. I wear a mask usually in public toilets & have my own fragrance-free handwash & use ionic silver to protect my hands, but I think my days of going out without a mask will be very limited from now on. It will take me a couple more days to recover from Friday's outing I think. If only people would realise that things don't need to be fragranced to work properly!

The stresses that I have had are still there & not resolved, but I'm coping better today. I have been tuning out. We had a nice day with the GK's. Archie got his 2 walks. I have 3 days in front of me where I don't feel pressured to go anywhere or do anything. I slept well last night.
I'm going to have some fact-check notes handy in my phone from now on. I told one of my SILs yesterday & she does the same. We discussed how we have had enough. I couldn't believe she had the same idea.

I know the feeling! It is very frustrating to hear people trot out lines that they pick up from sensational headlines. I

Glad to hear that you are a coping a bit better with the stresses. Sleeping well and exercise make such a difference to perspective.
Thanks, 101.
"Sleeping well and exercise make such a difference to perspective."
They sure do.
I usually can agree to disagree

Some people just won't do this, I had a disagreement with an old friend a week or so ago online and when I suggested we agree to disagree as there was no meeting in the middle he outright said "no, because I am right" and wanted to continue to argue lol, I now restrict what he can see of my stuff on Facebook etc. I also have to just ignore the political views of my extended family (uncles, cousins etc.) as it is the complete opposite of my beliefs as they are very right wing.
Gosh this all brought back to me something my sister said to me last autumn and I was totally horrified and sickened by her view . It took me a long time to warm to her again but tbh I never let on how it affected me to keep the family peace. Narrow mindness and totally uneducated views and like what Em said never had their minds opened up by other possibilities just stYed living in the same place all their lives.
Yes I see the hygiene thing slipping here too already it doesn't take long .we all need to keep our eyes on the USA and see that this virus is still rampant .
Cate enjoy the house and dog and grandkids . You are doing great .
Is there an app for this website ?
Hi Cate,

Glad you have three days coming up to de-stress. Agreed, it's very important to take all measures possible to prevent getting and spreading this terrible disease. On the hand-washing thing, I read someone that says they wash their face every time they wash their hands. I've been doing that because it feels nice and automatically extends the period your hands are in the water.
I wear a mask usually in public toilets
Sensible. Public toilets normally flush while open so unless you´re coming in after they haven´t been used for a good while you´re breathing in tiny aerosolized fecal particles and urine droplets.
Thanks, Liza, Tru, Petal, Em, Jack & LaMa.
I have felt better each day. If my husband & I had different political views & views, in general, we would not still be together. We agree on most things, but especially & more importantly the big things. If I didn’t have that base & soundboard I would find it even harder to cope.
I don’t have any issues with protecting myself from the virus or maintaining personal hygiene. It’s being able to breathe whilst being bombarded with anti-bacterial hand wash wherever I go. Life will be much more difficult for people with MCS.
Hot, soapy water is best for hand-cleaning, but people are lazy & also sucked in by advertising.
I forgot to plug in my laptop yesterday & my phone :svengo: so won’t get around all the diaries this morning.
Petal- no app :(
Edit: So I have recharged my laptop enough to use & have plugged my phone into it to recharge & G is driving me bonkers. He does crosswords every day & I usually look up the words he can't get. I bought us both identical phones so I can teach him to use it. He is so impatient. I just said "so, now you understand why I used to sigh when you asked me yet another one?" "No." "Well, you should." He doesn't understand how Google works. "Why are there so many choices?" *sigh* I have my work cut out :svengo:
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Glad you're feeling better Cate. I find home just feels like the best place to be lately...well that and good walks in nature. i still avoid the highly populated areas, and still limit my shopping to just once a week or much less stressful that way. I don't have allergies to scents but i still find it stressful out there in the more crowded areas.
Very good that you and G are on the same page with your if he could just learn how to use google ;)
Oh, LaMa. He says he does the crosswords to help keep his mind active. Learning to use his phone should do that, if he doesn’t drive us both crazy!
Liza- home is definitively my happy place or just walking around our local town with Archie.
Sometimes it just takes a while - or finding something you actually want to learn. My dad was extremely computer averse for decades. Then two years or so ago he learned he could look up and listen to old songs and he was hooked.