Cate's Diary

Yeah I guess we could have wildlife wander in where I am, but i do keep doors shut...(yes mostly to keep mice out) I am surprised by birds and bats coming in somewhat regularly where you are Cate. i used to not have a screen on my window but the only flying things that came in were bugs...
Once I got a hummingbird coming in, but that was extremely rare.
R & his GF are arriving this afternoon & G & I have some house-cleaning to do. We'll be looking after his dog for tonight & tomorrow & they will be back to stay with us tomorrow night.
Have a lovely visit and happy dog-sitting time!
We live on 50 acres of mostly bushland so there are critters galore & we have so many little birds near the house. Once we had 2 large Currawongs hop in after Archie's tucker.
Currently, G has Arch & A on his lap, with A almost on top of Arch, playing with a squeaky toy. He's just like a little kid. We had a pretty good night as he only whimpered a few times & I settled him down easily. He didn't wreck anything in our lounge room, which is a bonus! I wouldn't want to look after him for any more than a couple of nights. Poor Arch. He's so used to having the run of the place.
He'll be all the happier when he gets his peace and quiet back. A literal dog pile sounds so much nicer than a metaphorical one!
Thanks, Llama. I’m really enjoying a rest & like Archie am enjoying the peace & quiet have had a short nap & am currently sitting with my feet up. My knee is not great these days. It’s not throbbing or anything but gives way on me often now.
R’s GF is just lovely 💗
It’s not throbbing or anything but gives way on me often now.
That's no good at all, not just because it's painful but mostly because it puts you at risk of either immobility (due to being extra careful and moving less) or falls and injury. I'm sure you got plenty of movement dog-sitting so a rest is indeed due.
I’m really enjoying a rest & like Archie am enjoying the peace & quiet have had a short nap & am currently sitting with my feet up.
Glad you are getting some rest in Cate. Take care of that knee and enjoy the quiet :grouphug:
Thanks, Llama & Liza :grouphug:
It is blissfully quiet here this morning. I got a solid 8 hours sleep. My stomach has been a bit upset & I have been trying to work out why. It may have been from having baked beans on toast yesterday or it could be a pressed juice R brought with him that has turmeric in it, or maybe a combination of both. I'll spend today at home again & go into town tomorrow.
I haven't weighed for about 2 weeks. I had better do that tomorrow.
Sleep is the best thing ever. Hope your stomach clears up quickly.
Thanks, Llama. Sleep is definitely the best thing ever! My stomach is fine this afternoon.
I took Arch for our 2.17 km walk this morning & another shorter walk this afternoon(6,000 steps so far) & have eaten well.
G just asked me a question about our trip to the next golf nationals & I looked up our ship booking & I accidentally booked a month earlier! :svengo: I just amended it & got a refund of $50, but that could have been terrible. Phew! I can't believe I did that.
I usually triple-check everything.
That's the thing I'm always terrified of when I travel. It's never happened to me yet it stresses me out so much!
G just asked me a question about our trip to the next golf nationals & I looked up our ship booking & I accidentally booked a month earlier! :svengo: I just amended it & got a refund of $50, but that could have been terrible. Phew! I can't believe I did that.
I usually triple-check everything.
So good you caught that in time!
I took Arch for our 2.17 km walk this morning & another shorter walk this afternoon(6,000 steps so far) & have eaten well.
Sounds like a great day :)
That's the thing I'm always terrified of when I travel. It's never happened to me yet it stresses me out so much!
So good you caught that in time!
It hadn't happened to me before & gave me such a fright! Phew!
Yesterday was a good day. I was going to go into town today, while G plays golf, but I don't think I feel like it really. I may go tomorrow & do a quick tip run as well. It doesn't open on Tuesdays.
Listen to your body! ;) Have a nice day at home Cate.
I didn't, Em & went into town anyway. I decided to go yesterday while G was playing golf & then we could spend the day at home together today. I knew he would go with me & do a tip run if I left it to today & he needs a day at home.
I walked lots & ate well.

There has been a bit happening that I haven't mentioned. G has been under a lot of pressure once again to run the vets' golf group. The guy who has run it since he left has resigned due to ill health. The woman who said she would continue to do the secretarial jobs handballed it to G by email (via me). I don't blame her at all. Why would she want to do it? I'm sticking to my guns & not taking any of it on. G is resisting as best he can. After much talk, before their AGM, we decided that being co-captain would be ok, but nothing else. G has cancelled a tournament that is coming up next month as nothing has been organised for it & we certainly don't want to do it. This should shake them up enough to realise that unless people really pitch in their vets' comp may just fall apart. I am staying right out of it & don't think I'll go near the golf club.

Yesterday we got a message from our neighbour, asking if one of us was out near our wood heaps with a torch night before last at about 10.30 pm. We weren't. He then checked his cameras & saw that someone was definitely walking around on our land, just above our house & shining a torch toward his property. We checked our garden shed & there is nothing missing. We were still up & could have been seen easily watching tv. We don't have any curtains or blinds on that side of our living room. This spooked me quite a bit I must admit, even though logic tells me they would be more interested in his place than ours. He has an extensive vintage car collection apparently & is building a massive shed to house them. I was awake last night for hours & hours. It was windy & I checked through the curtains numerous times. *sigh* We will have to be a bit more aware I think.

So many cars come & go to his place that we no longer really notice any discrepancies. It's a bit like a logging camp up there & so many people would know that he has a lot of equipment & machinery there. Our bottom neighbour would have trouble keeping an ear open now too. He always knew when a strange car came up our hill. Now there are so many.

I wonder if we should get cameras. I don't want to feel paranoid. Security lights come on with native animals so we stopped using them.
I decided to go yesterday while G was playing golf & then we could spend the day at home together today. I knew he would go with me & do a tip run if
You guys are such #relationships goals ❤️
G has cancelled a tournament that is coming up next month as nothing has been organised for it & we certainly don't want to do it. This should shake them up enough to realise that unless people really pitch in their vets' comp may just fall apart. I am staying right out of it & don't think I'll go near the golf club.
The nerve of the people at that club, after all that happened! Well done G, and I hope it helps.
This spooked me quite a bit I must admit, even though logic tells me they would be more interested in his place than ours.
That does sound scary. I hope he (or the police) can figure out who it was.
A lot of strangers moving to rural areas during Covid, and not all of them are good citizens. Increased traffic and increased crime. Our driveway is a challenge to get into and out of but there has been a rise in rural theft lately and I would suspect it may be the same where you are.

As for the Golf club, good onya for sticking to your guns and not getting pulled back into it all.