Cate's Diary

So do I, LaMa. I might just let it grow a bit first.
I had a good doctor’s appointment, had some sunspots burned, new scripts & a good yak. I left Arch home with G so managed to have a wander around a lovely shop.
Glad the doctor's visit went well, and nice bonus you got some shopping in! I hope your bangs grow out fast so you can get them how you like them. I've been thinking about giving myself bangs.
Thanks, M & Em. I’ll have a go at fixing my fringe on Monday. It’s not too bad.
I read a book today. The weather was terrible so I just propped in front of the fire.
I have been thinking it would be nice to have a thread where we could all just chat in the same place. It would help those who don't have much time or don't feel like starting their own diary. Maybe it could go in the diary section with a heading like
Anyone's diary- feel free to just chat amongst yourselves!
What does everyone think? Will I do it?
I think anyone's thread is a great idea! I'd visit that. I love nice cozy days just reading and relaxing. Sounds perfect.
I'll start one up then. Who knows? I haven't much time this morning so might do it tomorrow. It's bucketing down with rain & I'm going with G as he's meant to be playing golf. MAD!
Thanks, LaMa. The rain stopped before we left & it was mostly sunny for the day. I really enjoyed the day. I get along really well with most of the players & it was nice to catch up. Quite a few are openly affectionate which is nice. One of the women gave me $50 towards my Dry July. She's a cancer survivor. She's just lovely. Arch & I did lots of walking. It was freezing! I was rugged up well & wore a beanie & gloves. It was a really good day.
So happy you met up with such nice people and that it stopped raining for you! Your Dry July thing is doing so well without you even needing to ask people much!
Even after all these years you guys having winter while we have summer is still incomprehensible to my brain. Sounds like a great day though! ❤️
So happy you met up with such nice people and that it stopped raining for you! Your Dry July thing is doing so well without you even needing to ask people much!
Thanks, M. It was a good day. I had sent an email to lots of people but had no replies so thought I had messed it up. I was so relieved if anything as I hate asking favours. I got a surprise when T gave me the $50.
Even after all these years you guys having winter while we have summer is still incomprehensible to my brain. Sounds like a great day though! ❤️
I must admit I feel relief when I hear about the heat everywhere else, LaMa. I appreciate the cold more I think these days. There's snow on the mountains today & it looks beautiful. It's a lovely sunny crisp day!
It's fun thinking about you with your feet up by the fire all cozy while we're sweating on our run. I kind of picture it like in a children's book where they would show one family on the sunny side of the earth and another on the outer space side. I always wanted to be a children's book illustrator, and sometimes I get children's book images that would be fun to draw stuck in my head. Snow on the mountains sounds lovely!!🤍
I am in front of the fire, M. I'm very tempted to get a nanna rug, curl up & go back to sleep. Archie has an upset stomach again. I think he may have eaten some dropped onion as I stopped him from eating some, but he must have already had a little. I just want to curl up with him on my lap 🐶🤗
Winter sounds lovely! So far I really shouldn't complain: we've only had a few too-hot days. The upcoming week looks bleak though. I hope Archie feels better soon!
Winter sounds lovely! So far I really shouldn't complain: we've only had a few too-hot days. The upcoming week looks bleak though. I hope Archie feels better soon!
I hope your summer is not too extreme, LaMa. Our winter is colder than usual this year, but we have been having frosts & then sunny days mostly, so it's not depressing. We're also halfway through it.
Archie was fine by lunchtime :grouphug: I'll have to keep a more careful eye out next time for dropped onion.

G is off to golf again today & I'll stay at home & do some housework I think. Only 12 days to go to the end of my Dry July. I have raised $550 so far :)
I have not weighed myself for 2 weeks. I really must!
There is a problem with the forum today. I wasn't able to type anything into a new post. I worked out I could by clicking on "reply" & then deleting the quote. I also can't edit.