Do you have a shared calendar, paper or on your phones? If he has the option of checking (without having to ask you, specifically) and just doesn´t that would feel so disrespectful of your time/schedule.
He does have that option, LaMa. I'm afraid he is so set in his ways/reliant on me to juggle appointments etc & at the moment it is a point of conflict as it's golf fever time. He has been annoying the living daylights out of me lately.
R went looking at dogs yesterday at the dogs home. H took the day off work as she has been feeling a bit off-colour (& hates her job). They spent 2 hours there & the photos she sent me were adorable. I think R wants a greyhound but H thinks they're "ugly". The dog I had picked out was too boisterous but was adorable. Maybe if he had been on his own he may have picked her or the greyhound. Who knows? I'll talk to him today. He bought a brushcutter yesterday & brush cut his yard so is obviously feeling a lot better physically.
We went into town early this morning as G had to have a fasting blood test before hopefully his last urologist ap't next week. It should be the 5-year all-clear after his prostate cancer. He'll get a letter so that he can re-start giving blood. They won't take mine again

We used to love going down the coast every 3 months to give blood. We always went out to lunch afterwards & did a little shopping.
I took Archie for his favourite river walk. I walked the longest I have for ages & was aching by the end. We came home & G cooked a delicious mushroom & cheese omelette. It was especially good after the walk. Arch is snoozing & G nodded off for a while. Going for a walk every morning before breakfast would be a wonderful thing. Sometimes I wish we lived in town. Then I come home to peace & quiet & look at the birds & the trees & our lovely house. I just need to drive in there more often.
Weight- same, same.
Mood- pretty good.
BF- was 376 cals, so will eat lighter at lunch. My body prefers that anyway.
My day- I'm not sure what I'll tackle today. Which cupboard? Hmmm.....
Second edit:
We're listening to music while G is cooking. This is one of my favourite songs by one of my favourite Australian singers, Paul Kelly. I haven't watched the video.