Cate's Diary

Hi, Liza. I must get some more cooking herbs in. We didn't have time yesterday before lunch to buy more. I want to have lots of basil, but it seems to struggle here, some flat-leaf parsley, coriander & whatever else I can find.
Archie was fine. He didn't make a mess inside & didn't seem too revved up when we got home. I was glad I didn't take him as we found out GC is not keen on dogs at all. He's fastidious about some things & apparently washes his hands constantly after touching a dog. He's a lovely guy though.
We had a nice afternoon yesterday- had crayfish for lunch (yum). I took a NA sparkling rose & will take 2 next time as M loved it too. I will buy some more of that because it is actually nice & will be a good summer drink.
Your herb garden sounds lovely. I planted some herbs from seed and some sage and thyme and chives did really well, so I am taking them with me. Glad you didn't take Archie to the non-dog-lover's house, and glad you had a nice time. Crayfish and sparkling rose sound very yummy together. And nice bonus the AF version tastes good!
Thanks, M. I bought some oregano & flat-leaf parsley seedlings & some fresh basil & coriander that have roots still attached & also some basil & coriander seeds. I'll plant some seeds out regularly. I'll get some flat-leaf parsley seeds when I see them next too. I wish the yard I have them in went out further, but I'll make do with what I have. It's too much work to extend it.

I think we'll leave Archie home again tomorrow. I would like G to go in with me when I see the ortho. I feel like I need moral support.
Taking someone in to see a doctor is generally a good idea. It's hard to keep our composure when talking about important things we're not experts in to actual experts. And it's hard to remember everything when you're tense. Always write down your most important questions and maybe bring a pen to write down the answers in a couple of words. Best of luck :grouphug:
Good advice, LaMa. I used to always take a list of questions but have got out of the habit. I thought G would be more outspoken & honest with how I have been. He has found me crying often after attempting a walk & he hears my cries of pain during the night. I really hope something can be done to fix this & that I won't have to wait long.
yes so good to bring someone along for the appointment for all the reasons you guys mention.
I really hope you get some good answers Cate--it's terrible to hear of your on-going pain with this.
Thanks, Liza. I spoke to my sister today & she agrees that it's best to take G in with me. I have typed up a list of likely questions & my answers which should help too.
I got quite a bit done today. I potted up some more herbs & planted some of mine out. I took a couple of baby Monstera Deliciosas out of some big pots & gave them pots of their own. I hope they'll grow. I love my pot plants :)
I have also done some housework.
I rang G's sister this morning & told her that we would call in before lunch as we may not get back afterwards & she messaged me an hour ago to say they are going to have lunch at 2.30 pm & to come when we could. I was really surprised but delighted. D & the kids aren't staying the night tomorrow as he's taking them away for a couple of nights so that will work well.
I iced my leg often yesterday & had it strapped up most of the day. I slept well last night. I'm quite nervous about my appointment. I really hope there will be a positive outcome. When I saw the ortho last my meniscus tear was slowly healing & I was coming right I thought. This is a total change. 🤞
It's called Vorführeffekt in German (demonstration effect?) and in medical situations it's likely because we tend to only call for a doctor's appointment when things are really bad so with normal symptom fluctuation you'd expect things to be a little better a couple of days/weeks later anyway plus when things are really bad we're generally more likely to do annoying but helpful things like icing, resting, or using protective equipment.
Hi, LaMa. Vorführeffekt indeed :svengo: It was so annoying. I was at the hospital for hours, saw three doctors all up & had an x-ray. My knee was not very painful at all, which was so weird. I have limited movement, but when poked & prodded it didn't hurt in the places it did for the last month or so. My leg was not swollen.
The last doctor to see me me was a bit embarrassed as he is predominantly a foot doctor. My referral initially was for my feet & that is what they had me down for. He could tell me though that I have degenerative osteoarthritis in my knee & it will only continue to get worse & the most likely outcome will be a knee replacement. The younger female doctor said they have me booked in for an appointment to see a specialist in February about my treatment. I was in shock that it was not to be until Feb & was instantly teary. They both said to keep up with wearing the knee brace, icing etc & to take paracetemol osteo (665 mg, slow release) until then.
I have decided that I won't rejoin the golf club. I wasted a year's membership this year. I will go out & pick up my golf clubs soon. If my knee improves enough for me to go have a hit some time I can join a social club just to get a handicap for 1/4 the price. I would rather walk Archie than play golf anyway. I am going to try taking him today if the weather clears. I must look up knee braces. I want to try some that pull up like a sleeve, rather than with velcro. I might go look now.
We had a late family lunch at L's(G's sister) & that was pleasant. G & I shared a bottle of NA sparkling rose & had one glass only of red wine. We didn't get home until about 6.30, Arch had been inside since we left at 11.30 & didn't have any accidents. I really hope we do get that doggy door.
That sucks that you won't get an appointment until February! Of course around here the way it works is that the second half of December and first half of January not much happens so specialist appointments are often pushed back. The advantage of having an appointment early in the year is that they have a fresh budget to work with so doctors are more likely to recommend effective-but-expensive treatments. Shouldn't happen that way but it does.
I must look up knee braces. I want to try some that pull up like a sleeve, rather than with velcro.
The sleevelike one are often more comfortable (if you have the hand strength to pull them up properly) but they'll slide down over time. Of course the velcro ones can do that, to.
Oh, so sorry to hear about your knee prognosis. If you do have to get a knee replacement, my mom had one, and at first it's very hard and hurts like crazy, but then it heals up and you feel good as new. If you can keep exercising at all before having the operation it helps a lot for your ability to heal from the operation - a physical therapist could give you exercises to practice - if that turns out to be what you need anyway. February apt. sounds just an atrocious long wait. So sorry!
If you can keep exercising at all before having the operation it helps a lot for your ability to heal from the operation
Agreed, of course, but I´m sure that´s no surprise :p Also... I hate to say it but recovery tends to be easier for people who are less heavy.
@LaMaria - I find the velcro ones uncomfortable & I think I have the hand strength to pull these up. I'll find out when I get them. It could take 2-3 weeks. I am going to try to lose some weight before my appointment. 3 months.....3 kg even would be good.
@Marsia - I had decided yesterday to start back with my walking (with a knee brace & a stick). I have a referral to a physio & am waiting to hear back from her. She works at the local hospital & will have access to any x-rays etc in the system.
@Skurgeon -thank you! I will take some inspiration from your story. I am so inflexible at the moment & this should be my wake up call.

I am going to refocus. I see so many people who are so immobile & I do not want to be one of these people. As of right now, I am on a path to better health. Tomorrow I will ring & make that new appointment to see my cardio. I will start taking my BP again regularly & weigh in on Mon, Wed & Fri. I am going to take Arch for a walk every morning & will try to stretch it out.
Just got back from a walk with Arch. Stretched it out a bit over another half a kilometre, so over 1 km with 82% fat burn.
Edit: If we used the premise that most things that we should or shouldn’t do is obvious then we wouldn’t have much to say to one another. I’m happy to receive reinforcement of things that I already know. Giving advice to one another means we care. :grouphug:
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