Cate's Diary

Thanks, Liza & LaMa :grouphug:
I had a nice day yesterday, but would have gone over my calories with wine :blush5: We had a lovely evening sitting outside chatting, then dinner & then the "boys" played snooker with me watching. I love it when we spend time together as a core family (us & our 2 adult sons).
Ate lots of veggies, some salmon, fruit....Need to shop today.
Back on track. Had greek yoghurt & fruit for breakfast with 1 slice of oat toast (1/2 vegemite, 1/2 PB).
It's definitely harder when you have guests. Sounds like a lovely day though!
I have had an up & down couple of days & haven't felt like passing on the down bits so skipped it altogether. I hate drama, but all I'll say is it's GD-related & is not good. I found out the details in a way that I shouldn't have. It has made me feel quite sick & I don't think there is anything I can do about it. Our son(OS) has a lot on his plate. All G & I can do is be who we are & stay the same & be here if & when needed. We can't change anything. I will have to tell G when he gets home & I'm glad R is with me to help. I'm glad he was here when I found out. It has shaken us both up.
There is other stuff going on too, which is upsetting & stressful. I got very churned up yesterday, once again connected to the golf club (not the women). I will have to make a decision(I think I have done that already) & then deal with it today. The club has let me down much more than I am going to let down this person. Just thinking about it all has me shaking.
G & I are driving R down to Hobart tomorrow & back (over 5 hours driving) & will need to take G's car unfortunately as it's much bigger, but also manual. I don't like driving it. I don't think all his stuff & 2 dogs would fit in my car.
I am meant to go out to the golf club this afternoon as it's my sponsor day. Actually, I just rang & cancelled that. I don't feel like facing them & I'll need to spend time with G as he processes what I need to tell him.
R & I did have a visit from a friend of ours yesterday which really was fun. He has got into bike riding with a passion & decided to ride from the top corner of Tassie back down to where he lives, which is a 500 km ride. He's carrying a tent & everything on his bike & has no set plans. It was great to catch up with him.
G will be home late morning & now I don't need to go anywhere.
:grouphug: I'm so sorry to hear there's so much trouble in your life right now. I hope everything will turn out ok with GD in the end and you'll be able to do what you need to do with the club. Here's another hug, as that's all I've got. :grouphug:
Hi Cate! Oh, I missed so much while I was gone. So glad to hear about your calorie counting going so well, and happy your son's situation is working out well! I didn't understand about what or who GD is, but that whole golf club thing has always seemed like an uneasy situation in the making, and I hope you and G can talk things out and that you feel really supported in whatever you decide. I love hearing about you spending time with R, and so happy your physiotherapist is a good fit and that she is helping your knee recover!
Hi, Marsia. GD is our grand-daughter & is the biggest problem by far. I am dealing with the golf club one, but there were tears. I think I'll pm you & explain a bit more about our GD. It's too raw & personal for public view. It may take me a few days though. Thanks for your support. I really do appreciate my forum friends xoxo
Big day today! Lots of driving & it's going to be warm. I think it's time we got a new car- bigger & auto. Everybody wants a van apparently as Tassie stays c-free *fingers crossed*
Hi Cate, please take care of yourself. Don't worry about me or the forum, while you are going through a family crisis! We are having the same thing here where everyone wants a van, and production has stopped, so the ones still on the market are the short ones you can't stand up in. Hopefully they'll get the immunizations out to everyone soon and the economies will open back up. I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best.
Glad to hear you're able to deal with the golfclub part of the equation head-on. Best of luck, and more hugs :grouphug:
Really sorry that you have even more upset and stress to deal with. I hope everything works out for the best for GD and all of you, in the long run x
Thank you, Marsia, LaMa, Gold & Em (by pm) :grouphug:
I really appreciate the love & support. I have to hope that things work out as I can't do much else, except be here & be me if I'm needed. Falling apart at the seams or trying to fix things isn't going to help anyone. I won't mention it again. There has been a lot going on, including with our other son & hopefully, everything will work out well. I really love my family, but being a parent can be a very tough gig. Actually being a human being who really cares about other human beings can be very tough.
Yesterday was exhausting. It was hot & we were in G's car for about 6 hours, without aircon, with 3 humans & 2 dogs. Unfortunately, we have the family lunch to go to today as I would much rather stay home. I do not want G talking about the grandkids to his family. It really is none of anyone else's business & it's too raw. I'll have a "little chat" in a minute.
My knee is aching today. His car is manual & I shared the driving on the way down & I think that's what did it. Also sitting for so long in the car.
I don't feel like leaving my little dog at home, but G's sister doesn't have a contained yard & there will be two other dogs. I'll make it up to him when we get home I think & take him for a good walk. I don't have the energy right now. We just had that little chat & we will leave the door open so that Arch can go in & out while we're gone.
We'll get away as soon as we can. It's so much quieter being just a unit of 3 again. R's dog is lovely, but he's a hound & very strong & very affectionate & giving Arch attention can sometimes be a challenge.
It's time we got on the move......
Home again & feet up at 6 pm, drinking herbal tea. Our BIL is in hospital again with yet another infection. I really feel for them. We had delicious curries & I had no chocolates after the meal. They only had extra good ones. I took 2 cans of diet soft drink. I still feel full, but not badly so. I don’t have to go anywhere for 3 days :D
I don’t have to go anywhere for 3 days :D
Sounds like you can do with the break! Well done eating in moderation at family lunch and I agree the driving is likely what irritated your knee. Keeping your leg in the same position for a long time, always slightly tensed, can really make things seize up.
I won't be driving G's car any time soon, again LaMa as my knee is still hurting this morning. It was hot overnight & I just couldn't sleep so am very tired this morning. I have a woman coming here this morning who I am helping do an online course so that she can do a job at the golf club. I will be glad when that's done. I shouldn't be asked again to do this job & I figured this is a way of solving an ongoing problem/stress.
There really is no end to your patience. I think it's very decent of you to help train a replacement for something they shouldn't have expected you to do for at least the past year or two.
Oh, LaMa, there is definitely an end to my patience. I think I reached it at about 3.30 this afternoon. I sent M & her Dad home(M is his carer) at 12.30 & I completed it on my own, but with great difficulty. Logic did not come into this test, but it is now completed. I was just about to quit. :svengo:
I did this for the two of them, not for the club. I won't even start on how I feel about the club & how they treat people, including me, but not just me. I did well not getting angry today.
G & I are about to take Arch for a well-earned walk & then we will share the bottle of wine that M & her Dad gave me for helping out. It was not necessary but it will go down well.
Regardless: kudos to you for not getting angry. I hope the wine is excellent and that you won't drink it if it isn't.
Hi Cate I am sorry to read about all the trouble upset and anguish you are having . I hope everything works out ok . The golf club just seems to the gift that keeps on giving each year but not in a nice way . Hope your GD is ok .

Look after yourself as there is only one Cate xx
Regardless: kudos to you for not getting angry. I hope the wine is excellent and that you won't drink it if it isn't.
Thanks, LaMa. The wine was good. The day was really hot & the wine was crisp & cold. Our new neighbour was working in the heat on our shared drive when we took Arch for a walk & I invited him up for a drink. We sat outside under the veranda for a couple of hours chatting & getting to know one another. It was lovely.
Hi Cate I am sorry to read about all the trouble upset and anguish you are having . I hope everything works out ok . The golf club just seems to the gift that keeps on giving each year but not in a nice way . Hope your GD is ok .
Look after yourself as there is only one Cate xx
Hi, Petal. Thank you. I have to hope that the kids come through this ok. There’s not much I can do I’m afraid. You’re right about the club.
I feel much better this morning. R moved into a house yesterday & starts a work trial today. It is going to be baptism by fire as 150 people are booked. He is understandably anxious & is currently out walking his dog. Fingers crossed it all works out. This time last week he had nowhere to live nearby. It has been a hard week.
Today I’m staying at home & doing some potting up of succulents, picking green tomatoes to make pickles, pulling up some mint that’s growing up in Arch’s yard, drying it in the dehydrator for tea & maybe starting a book. That’s the plan anyway.
Greek yoghurt & fruit for breakfast this morning.