Thanks, everyone

I had a wonderful week. I didn't want to risk putting the mozz on myself by going into too many details until it was all over. We got along really well with the couple we shared the house with & meals together were really good. G & he took turns with cooking when we had nights off planned dinners & we ate really well.
The meals we did eat out were wonderful. We had a delicious kebab lunch first day & then cooked mussels that night.
Sunday we went to the driving range & took turns to hit practise balls, had lunch & then played putt putt mini golf. It was hot but lots of fun.
Monday we played in a random draw 2-person game(4BBB), where the best score between you & your partner was taken. I drew another older Tasmanian & we blitzed the day with 51 points. I also got a nearest the pin in Div 2.
Tue- start of the championships. I was drawn to play with 2 younger women, both playing off
much lower handicaps. I felt quite daunted but not particularly nervous. They treated me really well & made me feel comfortable. They also really built up my confidence. I had a cracking day with a score of 41 points.
Wed- day off & visited G's 2nd cousin who is 98 & his wife. That was a lovely visit. He is still working & is still as sharp as a tack. Then we visited an old friend who is not at all well. He's drinking himself to death we think.
Thur- I didn't play as well, but was OK. I was in a cart with a Tas woman who seemed to be unhappy that I was doing well. She moaned a lot during the week & G & I got very sick & tired of hearing her criticism. Mostly we just ignored it, but it was hard sharing a cart with her. She was still bitching at the dinner & G & I heard her say the Friday comp must have been rigged when she heard I won that too. Talk about a bad sport.
Fri- I played quite well, but had enough by this stage & my body was getting very tired, especially my feet. I played with my friend, T & another woman who was quite nice. The day was an aggregate with a random draw & me & the other woman won that.
I was runner-up in the ladies' championship & the winner was one of the women I played with on Tuesday. I really liked her. I think I only lost by one shot.
I won the daily comp Tuesday. I won the veterans(67-70) comp (men & women combined). Apparently, some men complained that women shouldn't be included. I was chuffed at winning that as it was my 3 scores over the 3 single comp days that won it. I never thought I would complete 4 whole 18-hole comps, let alone win anything.
I could not have done any better really & was pinching myself. I really was able to relax & just enjoy myself & I think my golf reflected that. I had an absolute ball at the presentation dinner & danced & sang with a quite a few of the women & had lots & lots of laughs.
The course was pretty tough & the grass just off the fairways was really long. Balls were constantly being lost. The bunkers were deep & defeated me a few times. I must practise my bunker shots.
I am glad to be home now though. We were off the ship at 5.30 yesterday morning & went straight home & unpacked before we could go pick up Arch. He has settled straight back into his routine & is happy. I didn't miss him as much as I thought I would because I was so busy. He gets well looked after at the kennels.
I'm not sure when I'm playing golf next, but I do think I should consider buying a ride-on cart.
Edit: Oh & on our last day I also got to take G up in a helicopter for the first time in his life! It was just a quick flight but was fun.