Cate's Diary

I have to remember that I often feel down the day after a game of golf. I am very tired & everything feels like such an effort. Hopefully, as I get fitter & lose some weight ( :svengo: ) this will improve. It seems disproportionate to the exercise.
I know that feeling and it often makes me feel like an out of shape loser but then I remember it happened when I was fitter as well.
On a plus side, they keep the grass down.
aw the cutest lawn mowers ever!
I have to remember that I often feel down the day after a game of golf. I am very tired & everything feels like such an effort. Hopefully, as I get fitter & lose some weight ( :svengo: ) this will improve. It seems disproportionate to the exercise.
I remember I used to get this a lot. Like it really felt disproportionate...I do make the effort to eat a lot more protein after big run days now and I think that helps (it is interesting to see how much protein (and calories in general,) expectation cronometer adds to my run days,) do you log in your workouts to see how much you might want to add for calories and protein in general?..but yeah for sure some of it would be just getting used to more activity again...
Thanks, Llama & Liza. I’ll try to eat more protein after golf next time. Actually I think a banana during a game seems to give me more energy. I must remember that.
I still did quite a bit of house cleaning yesterday, including vacuuming & all of the ironing.
It’s lovely R & C are here again 💕
Arch isn’t so happy with O being here though. I think his upset stomach comes from anxiety. You should hear it rumble!
Actually I think a banana during a game seems to give me more energy. I must remember that.
All part of getting back into the game. You'll find the solution, I'm sure.
Arch isn’t so happy with O being here though. I think his upset stomach comes from anxiety. You should hear it rumble!
Poor Archie. Hope gets more comfortable with it.
Thanks, Llama. I hope I work it out. In a couple of weeks I plan on playing 18 holes of golf(Sat) & 18 again the next day, but both in a cart. I don't have to play on Sunday, but this would be good preparation for playing in Victoria.
Poor Arch's stomach settled down & I got him to eat a little after R & C left by locking O out on the decking & adding some vets liver treats to his food. O went crazy after they left & howled like a wolf & paced for ages. We bundled both dogs into the car, drove up the other end of our road & took them both for a good walk. They & I have been snoozing for quite some time & I saw the opportunity to fish my laptop out.
What kind of dog is O? He sounds like a bit of a handful but I guess that's normal when you aren't used to being left away from home
Actually I think a banana during a game seems to give me more energy. I must remember that.
bananas are nice for an energy boost for sure.
I know for me with running it seems to be both getting that energy during the run (was surprised when people told me that I needed some simple carbs during the longer runs) and then helping the body to recover afterwards...
And yes, totally ok to feel a little more tired after a big exercise day and allow the body a good rest.
It’s lovely R & C are here again 💕
Glad you are having a nice visit even if having the pup there is a bit more work!
We bundled both dogs into the car, drove up the other end of our road & took them both for a good walk. They & I have been snoozing for quite some time & I saw the opportunity to fish my laptop out.
:) that sounds like a nice day--good long walk, followed by cozy nap time :)
Thanks, Llama & Liza.
Our evening was really settled & O was no trouble. Archie's stomach is good again & he's eating well again. They are both sprawled out on G's lap, quite content. I have no idea what time R & C will be back. We have been invited to a 60th at 4.30 this afternoon. I would much rather stay home with R & C, but I know G wants to go. We were only invited on Wednesday night. R & C are invited too, but I doubt they will go. R is avoiding people who might ask what he's doing these days, even though the people who will be there really like & care for him.
We have been invited to a 60th at 4.30 this afternoon. I would much rather stay home with R & C, but I know G wants to go.
That's too bad the party coincided with the visit...I hope it was fun though...
R is avoiding people who might ask what he's doing these days, even though the people who will be there really like & care for him.
Sometimes good to have some easy answers prepared for those "in transition" or something...and quickly shift the conversation...i know I have struggled coming up with answers for myself many times in life!
That's never a sign of well-being; I'm sorry to hear it.
He's doing OK at the moment, Llama, but it's a fact of life that most people ask "What are you doing these days?" So many people asked how he was & most asked where he was working.
That's too bad the party coincided with the visit...I hope it was fun though...
It probably would have been, but I was feeling quite unwell & uncomfortable really. I just wanted to get back home. They're lovely people & there were lots of generations of very special people, but I didn't realise that I may be coming down with something until this morning. It's so hard to work out if I am suffering from my allergies or it's something else. I'll do a covid test soon just to make sure it's not that.
Sometimes good to have some easy answers prepared for those "in transition" or something...and quickly shift the conversation...i know I have struggled coming up with answers for myself many times in life!
We talked about that on Saturday & came up with a couple of good answers, but I know he still struggles with it. The fact of the matter is that if he takes on a stressful job he almost always crashes. Simple jobs become complex jobs, few hours almost always become too many hours & juggling travel, his dog, relationships etc with a job clashes with his mental health. I would be happy if he got on a pension & could do volunteer work.

I started my day with a very light healthy breakfast of a little cereal & fruit & my stomach was grateful. I am going to have a super light day & listen to what my body wants.
G is playing golf, R, C & O 🐶 are gone & A 🐶 & I will have a very quiet day.
Edited at about 4 pm:
I felt unwell all morning and did a covid test which was a definite negative. I had a very healthy salad with some avocado & a hard-boiled egg, followed by some berries, rhubarb, mango & a dollop of kefir. I read for quite a while & then took A for a walk & am sitting in my chair with a refreshing sugar-free Kombucha. I feel so much better!
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I hope your body killed off whatever germs were dancing around quickly and completely. I often have the same issue of not knowing whether my sore throat, runny nose, burning eyes, and lack of energy are caused by a virus or "just" allergies. Of course that ought to mean that "just" allergies merit time off (be it time off work or time off social functions) as much as a virus does but somehow it doesn't.
I would be happy if he got on a pension & could do volunteer work.
People who care can burn themselves out in volunteer positions just as much as in paid jobs, sadly, especially if the work environment is such that some of the more established volunteers don't pull their weight and push the extra work on the people who won't say no because they care about the cause.
We talked about that on Saturday & came up with a couple of good answers, but I know he still struggles with it.
Yes it's too bad that so much talk in life seems to revolve around jobs. I suppose it feels like an easy topic for most since most people are working and so it seems to be a non-threatening/easy topic, but when one can't work and it feels like it's a reflection on one's worth and capabilities it can be such a hard topic to be faced with again and again.
Simple jobs become complex jobs, few hours almost always become too many hours & juggling travel, his dog, relationships etc with a job clashes with his mental health. I would be happy if he got on a pension & could do volunteer work.
Yes I hope he can get onto that pension and take that pressure off. It doesn't need to mean forever either. Maybe as he finds he goes years being stable holding down the volunteer work and balancing the rest of his life he could look at paid work again...but it's good if one has that added pressure taken off.
I felt unwell all morning and did a covid test which was a definite negative. I had a very healthy salad with some avocado & a hard-boiled egg, followed by some berries, rhubarb, mango & a dollop of kefir. I read for quite a while & then took A for a walk & am sitting in my chair with a refreshing sugar-free Kombucha. I feel so much better!
I'm glad the test was negative and that after some good healthy food and a bit of rest, you are already feeling so much better.
I hope your body killed off whatever germs were dancing around quickly and completely. I often have the same issue of not knowing whether my sore throat, runny nose, burning eyes, and lack of energy are caused by a virus or "just" allergies. Of course that ought to mean that "just" allergies merit time off (be it time off work or time off social functions) as much as a virus does but somehow it doesn't.
My allergies can knock me about so much that I don't refer to them as "just" allergies, although I probably used to & I think yours are the same. This morning I feel very short of breath, but it's humid which exacerbates things for me.
People who care can burn themselves out in volunteer positions just as much as in paid jobs, sadly, especially if the work environment is such that some of the more established volunteers don't pull their weight and push the extra work on the people who won't say no because they care about the cause.
I think that can easily happen in large volunteer organisations especially. He would have to be careful of course. Just having the pressure taken off would be good & still feel that he was contributing.
Yes it's too bad that so much talk in life seems to revolve around jobs. I suppose it feels like an easy topic for most since most people are working and so it seems to be a non-threatening/easy topic, but when one can't work and it feels like it's a reflection on one's worth and capabilities it can be such a hard topic to be faced with again and again.
So true, Liza. So true.
Yes I hope he can get onto that pension and take that pressure off. It doesn't need to mean forever either. Maybe as he finds he goes years being stable holding down the volunteer work and balancing the rest of his life he could look at paid work again...but it's good if one has that added pressure taken off.
I really hope so.
I'm glad the test was negative and that after some good healthy food and a bit of rest, you are already feeling so much better.
Thank you xo

I have decided to stay at home again today to give my lungs a chance to recover. I don't want to breathe in any perfume. We're going to town tomorrow for G to have his eyes tested & me to pick new glasses to replace the ones I lost. We'll take Archie & we'll do a little shopping (not much) & visit A & M. A is home again after his 3rd back op. He's been told never to play golf again.
Hope you feel better again tomorrow with another day's rest. I completely understand the avoiding people thing when you're not living up to the 'norm' of job, relationship, house, etc. I don't blame him really.
Thanks, Em, Liza & Llama.
I'm in a bit of a hurry this morning & thought I had better type in my diary now. I feel a bit out of sorts & have been struggling for breath & very low in energy. I think it's allergies. Hopefully, I can steer clear of perfume etc today. I have taken extra anti-histamines.
Oh no, sorry to hear that Cate. Hope you feel better as the day goes on.